import random import re import time from .common import InfoExtractor from ..compat import compat_str from ..utils import ( KNOWN_EXTENSIONS, ExtractorError, float_or_none, int_or_none, parse_filesize, str_or_none, try_get, unified_strdate, unified_timestamp, update_url_query, url_or_none, urljoin, ) class BandcampIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?P<uploader>[^/]+)\.bandcamp\.com/track/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)' _EMBED_REGEX = [r'<meta property="og:url"[^>]*?content="(?P<url>.*?bandcamp\.com.*?)"'] _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'md5': 'c557841d5e50261777a6585648adf439', 'info_dict': { 'id': '1812978515', 'ext': 'mp3', 'title': "youtube-dl \"'/\\ä↭ - youtube-dl \"'/\\ä↭ - youtube-dl test song \"'/\\ä↭", 'duration': 9.8485, 'uploader': 'youtube-dl "\'/\\ä↭', 'upload_date': '20121129', 'timestamp': 1354224127, }, '_skip': 'There is a limit of 200 free downloads / month for the test song' }, { # free download 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '2650410135', 'ext': 'aiff', 'title': 'Ben Prunty - Lanius (Battle)', 'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$', 'uploader': 'Ben Prunty', 'timestamp': 1396508491, 'upload_date': '20140403', 'release_timestamp': 1396483200, 'release_date': '20140403', 'duration': 260.877, 'track': 'Lanius (Battle)', 'track_number': 1, 'track_id': '2650410135', 'artist': 'Ben Prunty', 'album': 'FTL: Advanced Edition Soundtrack', }, }, { # no free download, mp3 128 'url': '', 'md5': 'fec12ff55e804bb7f7ebeb77a800c8b7', 'info_dict': { 'id': '2584466013', 'ext': 'mp3', 'title': 'Mastodon - Hail to Fire', 'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$', 'uploader': 'Mastodon', 'timestamp': 1322005399, 'upload_date': '20111122', 'release_timestamp': 1076112000, 'release_date': '20040207', 'duration': 120.79, 'track': 'Hail to Fire', 'track_number': 5, 'track_id': '2584466013', 'artist': 'Mastodon', 'album': 'Call of the Mastodon', }, }] def _extract_data_attr(self, webpage, video_id, attr='tralbum', fatal=True): return self._parse_json(self._html_search_regex( r'data-%s=(["\'])({.+?})\1' % attr, webpage, attr + ' data', group=2), video_id, fatal=fatal) def _real_extract(self, url): title, uploader = self._match_valid_url(url).group('id', 'uploader') webpage = self._download_webpage(url, title) tralbum = self._extract_data_attr(webpage, title) thumbnail = self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage) track_id = None track = None track_number = None duration = None formats = [] track_info = try_get(tralbum, lambda x: x['trackinfo'][0], dict) if track_info: file_ = track_info.get('file') if isinstance(file_, dict): for format_id, format_url in file_.items(): if not url_or_none(format_url): continue ext, abr_str = format_id.split('-', 1) formats.append({ 'format_id': format_id, 'url': self._proto_relative_url(format_url, 'http:'), 'ext': ext, 'vcodec': 'none', 'acodec': ext, 'abr': int_or_none(abr_str), }) track = track_info.get('title') track_id = str_or_none( track_info.get('track_id') or track_info.get('id')) track_number = int_or_none(track_info.get('track_num')) duration = float_or_none(track_info.get('duration')) embed = self._extract_data_attr(webpage, title, 'embed', False) current = tralbum.get('current') or {} artist = embed.get('artist') or current.get('artist') or tralbum.get('artist') timestamp = unified_timestamp( current.get('publish_date') or tralbum.get('album_publish_date')) download_link = tralbum.get('freeDownloadPage') if download_link: track_id = compat_str(tralbum['id']) download_webpage = self._download_webpage( download_link, track_id, 'Downloading free downloads page') blob = self._extract_data_attr(download_webpage, track_id, 'blob') info = try_get( blob, (lambda x: x['digital_items'][0], lambda x: x['download_items'][0]), dict) if info: downloads = info.get('downloads') if isinstance(downloads, dict): if not track: track = info.get('title') if not artist: artist = info.get('artist') if not thumbnail: thumbnail = info.get('thumb_url') download_formats = {} download_formats_list = blob.get('download_formats') if isinstance(download_formats_list, list): for f in blob['download_formats']: name, ext = f.get('name'), f.get('file_extension') if all(isinstance(x, compat_str) for x in (name, ext)): download_formats[name] = ext.strip('.') for format_id, f in downloads.items(): format_url = f.get('url') if not format_url: continue # Stat URL generation algorithm is reverse engineered from # download_*_bundle_*.js stat_url = update_url_query( format_url.replace('/download/', '/statdownload/'), { '.rand': int(time.time() * 1000 * random.random()), }) format_id = f.get('encoding_name') or format_id stat = self._download_json( stat_url, track_id, 'Downloading %s JSON' % format_id, transform_source=lambda s: s[s.index('{'):s.rindex('}') + 1], fatal=False) if not stat: continue retry_url = url_or_none(stat.get('retry_url')) if not retry_url: continue formats.append({ 'url': self._proto_relative_url(retry_url, 'http:'), 'ext': download_formats.get(format_id), 'format_id': format_id, 'format_note': f.get('description'), 'filesize': parse_filesize(f.get('size_mb')), 'vcodec': 'none', 'acodec': format_id.split('-')[0], }) self._sort_formats(formats) title = '%s - %s' % (artist, track) if artist else track if not duration: duration = float_or_none(self._html_search_meta( 'duration', webpage, default=None)) return { 'id': track_id, 'title': title, 'thumbnail': thumbnail, 'uploader': artist, 'uploader_id': uploader, 'uploader_url': f'https://{uploader}', 'timestamp': timestamp, 'release_timestamp': unified_timestamp(tralbum.get('album_release_date')), 'duration': duration, 'track': track, 'track_number': track_number, 'track_id': track_id, 'artist': artist, 'album': embed.get('album_title'), 'formats': formats, } class BandcampAlbumIE(BandcampIE): IE_NAME = 'Bandcamp:album' _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?P<subdomain>[^.]+)\.)?bandcamp\.com/album/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'playlist': [ { 'md5': '39bc1eded3476e927c724321ddf116cf', 'info_dict': { 'id': '1353101989', 'ext': 'mp3', 'title': 'Blazo - Intro', 'timestamp': 1311756226, 'upload_date': '20110727', 'uploader': 'Blazo', } }, { 'md5': '1a2c32e2691474643e912cc6cd4bffaa', 'info_dict': { 'id': '38097443', 'ext': 'mp3', 'title': 'Blazo - Kero One - Keep It Alive (Blazo remix)', 'timestamp': 1311757238, 'upload_date': '20110727', 'uploader': 'Blazo', } }, ], 'info_dict': { 'title': 'Jazz Format Mixtape vol.1', 'id': 'jazz-format-mixtape-vol-1', 'uploader_id': 'blazo', }, 'params': { 'playlistend': 2 }, 'skip': 'Bandcamp imposes download limits.' }, { 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'title': 'Hierophany of the Open Grave', 'uploader_id': 'nightbringer', 'id': 'hierophany-of-the-open-grave', }, 'playlist_mincount': 9, }, { # with escaped quote in title 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'title': '"Entropy" EP', 'uploader_id': 'jstrecords', 'id': 'entropy-ep', 'description': 'md5:0ff22959c943622972596062f2f366a5', }, 'playlist_mincount': 3, }, { # not all tracks have songs 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'we-are-the-plague', 'title': 'WE ARE THE PLAGUE', 'uploader_id': 'insulters', 'description': 'md5:b3cf845ee41b2b1141dc7bde9237255f', }, 'playlist_count': 2, }] @classmethod def suitable(cls, url): return (False if BandcampWeeklyIE.suitable(url) or BandcampIE.suitable(url) else super(BandcampAlbumIE, cls).suitable(url)) def _real_extract(self, url): uploader_id, album_id = self._match_valid_url(url).groups() playlist_id = album_id or uploader_id webpage = self._download_webpage(url, playlist_id) tralbum = self._extract_data_attr(webpage, playlist_id) track_info = tralbum.get('trackinfo') if not track_info: raise ExtractorError('The page doesn\'t contain any tracks') # Only tracks with duration info have songs entries = [ self.url_result( urljoin(url, t['title_link']), BandcampIE.ie_key(), str_or_none(t.get('track_id') or t.get('id')), t.get('title')) for t in track_info if t.get('duration')] current = tralbum.get('current') or {} return { '_type': 'playlist', 'uploader_id': uploader_id, 'id': playlist_id, 'title': current.get('title'), 'description': current.get('about'), 'entries': entries, } class BandcampWeeklyIE(BandcampIE): IE_NAME = 'Bandcamp:weekly' _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?bandcamp\.com/?\?(?:.*?&)?show=(?P<id>\d+)' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'md5': 'b00df799c733cf7e0c567ed187dea0fd', 'info_dict': { 'id': '224', 'ext': 'opus', 'title': 'BC Weekly April 4th 2017 - Magic Moments', 'description': 'md5:5d48150916e8e02d030623a48512c874', 'duration': 5829.77, 'release_date': '20170404', 'series': 'Bandcamp Weekly', 'episode': 'Magic Moments', 'episode_id': '224', }, 'params': { 'format': 'opus-lo', }, }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True }] def _real_extract(self, url): show_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, show_id) blob = self._extract_data_attr(webpage, show_id, 'blob') show = blob['bcw_data'][show_id] formats = [] for format_id, format_url in show['audio_stream'].items(): if not url_or_none(format_url): continue for known_ext in KNOWN_EXTENSIONS: if known_ext in format_id: ext = known_ext break else: ext = None formats.append({ 'format_id': format_id, 'url': format_url, 'ext': ext, 'vcodec': 'none', }) self._sort_formats(formats) title = show.get('audio_title') or 'Bandcamp Weekly' subtitle = show.get('subtitle') if subtitle: title += ' - %s' % subtitle return { 'id': show_id, 'title': title, 'description': show.get('desc') or show.get('short_desc'), 'duration': float_or_none(show.get('audio_duration')), 'is_live': False, 'release_date': unified_strdate(show.get('published_date')), 'series': 'Bandcamp Weekly', 'episode': show.get('subtitle'), 'episode_id': show_id, 'formats': formats } class BandcampUserIE(InfoExtractor): IE_NAME = 'Bandcamp:user' _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?!www\.)(?P<id>[^.]+)\.bandcamp\.com(?:/music)?/?(?:[#?]|$)' _TESTS = [{ # Type 1 Bandcamp user page. 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'adrianvonziegler', 'title': 'Discography of adrianvonziegler', }, 'playlist_mincount': 23, }, { # Bandcamp user page with only one album 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'dotscale', 'title': 'Discography of dotscale' }, 'playlist_count': 1, }, { # Type 2 Bandcamp user page. 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'nightcallofficial', 'title': 'Discography of nightcallofficial', }, 'playlist_count': 4, }, { 'url': '', 'playlist_mincount': 47, 'info_dict': { 'id': 'steviasphere', 'title': 'Discography of steviasphere', }, }, { 'url': '', 'playlist_mincount': 10, 'info_dict': { 'id': 'coldworldofficial', 'title': 'Discography of coldworldofficial', }, }, { 'url': '', 'playlist_mincount': 399, 'info_dict': { 'id': 'nuclearwarnowproductions', 'title': 'Discography of nuclearwarnowproductions', }, }] def _real_extract(self, url): uploader = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, uploader) discography_data = (re.findall(r'<li data-item-id=["\'][^>]+>\s*<a href=["\'](?![^"\'/]*?/merch)([^"\']+)', webpage) or re.findall(r'<div[^>]+trackTitle["\'][^"\']+["\']([^"\']+)', webpage)) return self.playlist_from_matches( discography_data, uploader, f'Discography of {uploader}', getter=lambda x: urljoin(url, x))