import functools
import urllib

from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..compat import compat_parse_qs
from ..utils import (

class RedGifsBaseInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
    _FORMATS = {
        'gif': 250,
        'sd': 480,
        'hd': None,

    _API_HEADERS = {
        'referer': '',
        'origin': '',
        'content-type': 'application/json',

    def _parse_gif_data(self, gif_data):
        video_id = gif_data.get('id')
        quality = qualities(tuple(self._FORMATS.keys()))

        orig_height = int_or_none(gif_data.get('height'))
        aspect_ratio = try_get(gif_data, lambda x: orig_height / x['width'])

        formats = []
        for format_id, height in self._FORMATS.items():
            video_url = gif_data['urls'].get(format_id)
            if not video_url:
            height = min(orig_height, height or orig_height)
                'url': video_url,
                'format_id': format_id,
                'width': height * aspect_ratio if aspect_ratio else None,
                'height': height,
                'quality': quality(format_id),

        return {
            'id': video_id,
            'webpage_url': f'{video_id}',
            'extractor_key': RedGifsIE.ie_key(),
            'extractor': 'RedGifs',
            'title': ' '.join(gif_data.get('tags') or []) or 'RedGifs',
            'timestamp': int_or_none(gif_data.get('createDate')),
            'uploader': gif_data.get('userName'),
            'duration': int_or_none(gif_data.get('duration')),
            'view_count': int_or_none(gif_data.get('views')),
            'like_count': int_or_none(gif_data.get('likes')),
            'categories': gif_data.get('tags') or [],
            'tags': gif_data.get('tags'),
            'age_limit': 18,
            'formats': formats,

    def _fetch_oauth_token(self, video_id):
        auth = self._download_json('',
                                   video_id, note='Fetching temporary token')
        if not auth.get('token'):
            raise ExtractorError('Unable to get temporary token')
        self._API_HEADERS['authorization'] = f'Bearer {auth["token"]}'

    def _call_api(self, ep, video_id, *args, **kwargs):
        for first_attempt in True, False:
            if 'authorization' not in self._API_HEADERS:
                headers = dict(self._API_HEADERS)
                headers['x-customheader'] = f'{video_id}'
                data = self._download_json(
                    f'{ep}', video_id, headers=headers, *args, **kwargs)
            except ExtractorError as e:
                if first_attempt and isinstance(e.cause, urllib.error.HTTPError) and e.cause.code == 401:
                    del self._API_HEADERS['authorization']  # refresh the token

        if 'error' in data:
            raise ExtractorError(f'RedGifs said: {data["error"]}', expected=True, video_id=video_id)
        return data

    def _fetch_page(self, ep, video_id, query, page):
        query['page'] = page + 1
        data = self._call_api(
            ep, video_id, query=query, note=f'Downloading JSON metadata page {page + 1}')

        for entry in data['gifs']:
            yield self._parse_gif_data(entry)

    def _prepare_api_query(self, query, fields):
        api_query = [
            (field_name, query.get(field_name, (default,))[0])
            for field_name, default in fields.items()]

        return {key: val for key, val in api_query if val is not None}

    def _paged_entries(self, ep, item_id, query, fields):
        page = int_or_none(query.get('page', (None,))[0])
        page_fetcher = functools.partial(
            self._fetch_page, ep, item_id, self._prepare_api_query(query, fields))
        return page_fetcher(page) if page else OnDemandPagedList(page_fetcher, self._PAGE_SIZE)

class RedGifsIE(RedGifsBaseInfoExtractor):
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www\.)?redgifs\.com/watch/|thumbs2\.redgifs\.com/)(?P<id>[^-/?#\.]+)'
    _TESTS = [{
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'squeakyhelplesswisent',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': 'Hotwife Legs Thick',
            'timestamp': 1636287915,
            'upload_date': '20211107',
            'uploader': 'ignored52',
            'duration': 16,
            'view_count': int,
            'like_count': int,
            'categories': list,
            'age_limit': 18,
            'tags': list,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'squeakyhelplesswisent',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': 'Hotwife Legs Thick',
            'timestamp': 1636287915,
            'upload_date': '20211107',
            'uploader': 'ignored52',
            'duration': 16,
            'view_count': int,
            'like_count': int,
            'categories': list,
            'age_limit': 18,
            'tags': list,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        video_id = self._match_id(url).lower()
        video_info = self._call_api(
            f'gifs/{video_id}?views=yes', video_id, note='Downloading video info')
        return self._parse_gif_data(video_info['gif'])

class RedGifsSearchIE(RedGifsBaseInfoExtractor):
    IE_DESC = 'Redgifs search'
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?redgifs\.com/browse\?(?P<query>[^#]+)'
    _PAGE_SIZE = 80
    _TESTS = [
            'url': '',
            'info_dict': {
                'id': 'tags=Lesbian',
                'title': 'Lesbian',
                'description': 'RedGifs search for Lesbian, ordered by trending'
            'playlist_mincount': 100,
            'url': '',
            'info_dict': {
                'id': 'type=g&order=latest&tags=Lesbian',
                'title': 'Lesbian',
                'description': 'RedGifs search for Lesbian, ordered by latest'
            'playlist_mincount': 100,
            'url': '',
            'info_dict': {
                'id': 'type=g&order=latest&tags=Lesbian&page=2',
                'title': 'Lesbian',
                'description': 'RedGifs search for Lesbian, ordered by latest'
            'playlist_count': 80,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        query_str = self._match_valid_url(url).group('query')
        query = compat_parse_qs(query_str)
        if not query.get('tags'):
            raise ExtractorError('Invalid query tags', expected=True)

        tags = query.get('tags')[0]
        order = query.get('order', ('trending',))[0]

        query['search_text'] = [tags]
        entries = self._paged_entries('gifs/search', query_str, query, {
            'search_text': None,
            'order': 'trending',
            'type': None,

        return self.playlist_result(
            entries, query_str, tags, f'RedGifs search for {tags}, ordered by {order}')

class RedGifsUserIE(RedGifsBaseInfoExtractor):
    IE_DESC = 'Redgifs user'
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?redgifs\.com/users/(?P<username>[^/?#]+)(?:\?(?P<query>[^#]+))?'
    _PAGE_SIZE = 30
    _TESTS = [
            'url': '',
            'info_dict': {
                'id': 'lamsinka89',
                'title': 'lamsinka89',
                'description': 'RedGifs user lamsinka89, ordered by recent'
            'playlist_mincount': 100,
            'url': '',
            'info_dict': {
                'id': 'lamsinka89?page=3',
                'title': 'lamsinka89',
                'description': 'RedGifs user lamsinka89, ordered by recent'
            'playlist_count': 30,
            'url': '',
            'info_dict': {
                'id': 'lamsinka89?order=best&type=g',
                'title': 'lamsinka89',
                'description': 'RedGifs user lamsinka89, ordered by best'
            'playlist_mincount': 100,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        username, query_str = self._match_valid_url(url).group('username', 'query')
        playlist_id = f'{username}?{query_str}' if query_str else username

        query = compat_parse_qs(query_str)
        order = query.get('order', ('recent',))[0]

        entries = self._paged_entries(f'users/{username}/search', playlist_id, query, {
            'order': 'recent',
            'type': None,

        return self.playlist_result(
            entries, playlist_id, username, f'RedGifs user {username}, ordered by {order}')