import datetime
import functools
import itertools
import json
import re
import time

from .common import InfoExtractor, SearchInfoExtractor
from ..compat import (
from ..utils import (

class NiconicoIE(InfoExtractor):
    IE_NAME = 'niconico'
    IE_DESC = 'ニコニコ動画'

    _TESTS = [{
        'url': '',
        'md5': 'd1a75c0823e2f629128c43e1212760f9',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'sm22312215',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': 'Big Buck Bunny',
            'thumbnail': r're:https?://.*',
            'uploader': 'takuya0301',
            'uploader_id': '2698420',
            'upload_date': '20131123',
            'timestamp': int,  # timestamp is unstable
            'description': '(c) copyright 2008, Blender Foundation /',
            'duration': 33,
            'view_count': int,
            'comment_count': int,
        'skip': 'Requires an account',
    }, {
        # File downloaded with and without credentials are different, so omit
        # the md5 field
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'nm14296458',
            'ext': 'swf',
            'title': '【鏡音リン】Dance on media【オリジナル】take2!',
            'description': 'md5:689f066d74610b3b22e0f1739add0f58',
            'thumbnail': r're:https?://.*',
            'uploader': 'りょうた',
            'uploader_id': '18822557',
            'upload_date': '20110429',
            'timestamp': 1304065916,
            'duration': 209,
        'skip': 'Requires an account',
    }, {
        # 'video exists but is marked as "deleted"
        # md5 is unstable
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'sm10000',
            'ext': 'unknown_video',
            'description': 'deleted',
            'title': 'ドラえもんエターナル第3話「決戦第3新東京市」<前編>',
            'thumbnail': r're:https?://.*',
            'upload_date': '20071224',
            'timestamp': int,  # timestamp field has different value if logged in
            'duration': 304,
            'view_count': int,
        'skip': 'Requires an account',
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': '1388129933',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': '【第1回】RADIOアニメロミックス ラブライブ!~のぞえりRadio Garden~',
            'description': 'md5:b27d224bb0ff53d3c8269e9f8b561cf1',
            'thumbnail': r're:https?://.*',
            'timestamp': 1388851200,
            'upload_date': '20140104',
            'uploader': 'アニメロチャンネル',
            'uploader_id': '312',
        'skip': 'The viewing period of the video you were searching for has expired.',
    }, {
        # video not available via `getflv`; "old" HTML5 video
        'url': '',
        'md5': '8fa81c364eb619d4085354eab075598a',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'sm1151009',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': 'マスターシステム本体内蔵のスペハリのメインテーマ(PSG版)',
            'description': 'md5:6ee077e0581ff5019773e2e714cdd0b7',
            'thumbnail': r're:https?://.*',
            'duration': 184,
            'timestamp': 1190868283,
            'upload_date': '20070927',
            'uploader': 'denden2',
            'uploader_id': '1392194',
            'view_count': int,
            'comment_count': int,
        'skip': 'Requires an account',
    }, {
        # "New" HTML5 video
        # md5 is unstable
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'sm31464864',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': '新作TVアニメ「戦姫絶唱シンフォギアAXZ」PV 最高画質',
            'description': 'md5:e52974af9a96e739196b2c1ca72b5feb',
            'timestamp': 1498514060,
            'upload_date': '20170626',
            'uploader': 'ゲスト',
            'uploader_id': '40826363',
            'thumbnail': r're:https?://.*',
            'duration': 198,
            'view_count': int,
            'comment_count': int,
        'skip': 'Requires an account',
    }, {
        # Video without owner
        'url': '',
        'md5': 'd265680a1f92bdcbbd2a507fc9e78a9e',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'sm18238488',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': '【実写版】ミュータントタートルズ',
            'description': 'md5:15df8988e47a86f9e978af2064bf6d8e',
            'timestamp': 1341160408,
            'upload_date': '20120701',
            'uploader': None,
            'uploader_id': None,
            'thumbnail': r're:https?://.*',
            'duration': 5271,
            'view_count': int,
            'comment_count': int,
        'skip': 'Requires an account',
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
    }, {
        'note': 'a video that is only served as an ENCRYPTED HLS.',
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,

    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www\.|secure\.|sp\.)?nicovideo\.jp/watch|nico\.ms)/(?P<id>(?:[a-z]{2})?[0-9]+)'
    _NETRC_MACHINE = 'niconico'
    _API_HEADERS = {
        'X-Frontend-ID': '6',
        'X-Frontend-Version': '0',
        'X-Niconico-Language': 'en-us',
        'Referer': '',
        'Origin': '',

    def _perform_login(self, username, password):
        login_ok = True
        login_form_strs = {
            'mail_tel': username,
            'password': password,
            '', None,
            note='Acquiring Login session')
        page = self._download_webpage(
            '', None,
            note='Logging in', errnote='Unable to log in',
                'Referer': '',
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        if 'oneTimePw' in page:
            post_url = self._search_regex(
                r'<form[^>]+action=(["\'])(?P<url>.+?)\1', page, 'post url', group='url')
            page = self._download_webpage(
                urljoin('', post_url), None,
                note='Performing MFA', errnote='Unable to complete MFA',
                    'otp': self._get_tfa_info('6 digits code')
                }), headers={
                    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
            if 'oneTimePw' in page or 'formError' in page:
                err_msg = self._html_search_regex(
                    r'formError["\']+>(.*?)</div>', page, 'form_error',
                    default='There\'s an error but the message can\'t be parsed.',
                self.report_warning(f'Unable to log in: MFA challenge failed, "{err_msg}"')
                return False
        login_ok = 'class="notice error"' not in page
        if not login_ok:
            self.report_warning('Unable to log in: bad username or password')
        return login_ok

    def _get_heartbeat_info(self, info_dict):
        video_id, video_src_id, audio_src_id = info_dict['url'].split(':')[1].split('/')
        dmc_protocol = info_dict['expected_protocol']

        api_data = (
            or self._parse_json(
                    self._download_webpage('' + video_id, video_id),
                    'API data', default='{}'),

        session_api_data = try_get(api_data, lambda x: x['media']['delivery']['movie']['session'])
        session_api_endpoint = try_get(session_api_data, lambda x: x['urls'][0])

        def ping():
            tracking_id = traverse_obj(api_data, ('media', 'delivery', 'trackingId'))
            if tracking_id:
                tracking_url = update_url_query('', {'t': tracking_id})
                watch_request_response = self._download_json(
                    tracking_url, video_id,
                    note='Acquiring permission for downloading video', fatal=False,
                if traverse_obj(watch_request_response, ('meta', 'status')) != 200:
                    self.report_warning('Failed to acquire permission for playing video. Video download may fail.')

        yesno = lambda x: 'yes' if x else 'no'

        if dmc_protocol == 'http':
            protocol = 'http'
            protocol_parameters = {
                'http_output_download_parameters': {
                    'use_ssl': yesno(session_api_data['urls'][0]['isSsl']),
                    'use_well_known_port': yesno(session_api_data['urls'][0]['isWellKnownPort']),
        elif dmc_protocol == 'hls':
            protocol = 'm3u8'
            segment_duration = try_get(self._configuration_arg('segment_duration'), lambda x: int(x[0])) or 6000
            parsed_token = self._parse_json(session_api_data['token'], video_id)
            encryption = traverse_obj(api_data, ('media', 'delivery', 'encryption'))
            protocol_parameters = {
                'hls_parameters': {
                    'segment_duration': segment_duration,
                    'transfer_preset': '',
                    'use_ssl': yesno(session_api_data['urls'][0]['isSsl']),
                    'use_well_known_port': yesno(session_api_data['urls'][0]['isWellKnownPort']),
            if 'hls_encryption' in parsed_token and encryption:
                protocol_parameters['hls_parameters']['encryption'] = {
                    parsed_token['hls_encryption']: {
                        'encrypted_key': encryption['encryptedKey'],
                        'key_uri': encryption['keyUri'],
                protocol = 'm3u8_native'
            raise ExtractorError(f'Unsupported DMC protocol: {dmc_protocol}')

        session_response = self._download_json(
            session_api_endpoint['url'], video_id,
            query={'_format': 'json'},
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
            note='Downloading JSON metadata for %s' % info_dict['format_id'],
                'session': {
                    'client_info': {
                        'player_id': session_api_data.get('playerId'),
                    'content_auth': {
                        'auth_type': try_get(session_api_data, lambda x: x['authTypes'][session_api_data['protocols'][0]]),
                        'content_key_timeout': session_api_data.get('contentKeyTimeout'),
                        'service_id': 'nicovideo',
                        'service_user_id': session_api_data.get('serviceUserId')
                    'content_id': session_api_data.get('contentId'),
                    'content_src_id_sets': [{
                        'content_src_ids': [{
                            'src_id_to_mux': {
                                'audio_src_ids': [audio_src_id],
                                'video_src_ids': [video_src_id],
                    'content_type': 'movie',
                    'content_uri': '',
                    'keep_method': {
                        'heartbeat': {
                            'lifetime': session_api_data.get('heartbeatLifetime')
                    'priority': session_api_data['priority'],
                    'protocol': {
                        'name': 'http',
                        'parameters': {
                            'http_parameters': {
                                'parameters': protocol_parameters
                    'recipe_id': session_api_data.get('recipeId'),
                    'session_operation_auth': {
                        'session_operation_auth_by_signature': {
                            'signature': session_api_data.get('signature'),
                            'token': session_api_data.get('token'),
                    'timing_constraint': 'unlimited'

        info_dict['url'] = session_response['data']['session']['content_uri']
        info_dict['protocol'] = protocol

        # get heartbeat info
        heartbeat_info_dict = {
            'url': session_api_endpoint['url'] + '/' + session_response['data']['session']['id'] + '?_format=json&_method=PUT',
            'data': json.dumps(session_response['data']),
            # interval, convert milliseconds to seconds, then halve to make a buffer.
            'interval': float_or_none(session_api_data.get('heartbeatLifetime'), scale=3000),
            'ping': ping

        return info_dict, heartbeat_info_dict

    def _extract_format_for_quality(self, video_id, audio_quality, video_quality, dmc_protocol):

        if not audio_quality.get('isAvailable') or not video_quality.get('isAvailable'):
            return None

        def extract_video_quality(video_quality):
            return parse_filesize('%sB' % self._search_regex(
                r'\| ([0-9]*\.?[0-9]*[MK])', video_quality, 'vbr', default=''))

        format_id = '-'.join(
            [remove_start(s['id'], 'archive_') for s in (video_quality, audio_quality)] + [dmc_protocol])

        vid_qual_label = traverse_obj(video_quality, ('metadata', 'label'))
        vid_quality = traverse_obj(video_quality, ('metadata', 'bitrate'))

        return {
            'url': 'niconico_dmc:%s/%s/%s' % (video_id, video_quality['id'], audio_quality['id']),
            'format_id': format_id,
            'format_note': join_nonempty('DMC', vid_qual_label, dmc_protocol.upper(), delim=' '),
            'ext': 'mp4',  # Session API are used in HTML5, which always serves mp4
            'acodec': 'aac',
            'vcodec': 'h264',
            'abr': float_or_none(traverse_obj(audio_quality, ('metadata', 'bitrate')), 1000),
            'vbr': float_or_none(vid_quality if vid_quality > 0 else extract_video_quality(vid_qual_label), 1000),
            'height': traverse_obj(video_quality, ('metadata', 'resolution', 'height')),
            'width': traverse_obj(video_quality, ('metadata', 'resolution', 'width')),
            'quality': -2 if 'low' in video_quality['id'] else None,
            'protocol': 'niconico_dmc',
            'expected_protocol': dmc_protocol,  # XXX: This is not a documented field
            'http_headers': {
                'Origin': '',
                'Referer': '' + video_id,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        video_id = self._match_id(url)

            webpage, handle = self._download_webpage_handle(
                '' + video_id, video_id)
            if video_id.startswith('so'):
                video_id = self._match_id(handle.geturl())

            api_data = self._parse_json(self._html_search_regex(
                'data-api-data="([^"]+)"', webpage,
                'API data', default='{}'), video_id)
        except ExtractorError as e:
                api_data = self._download_json(
                    '' % (video_id, round(time.time() * 1000)), video_id,
                    note='Downloading API JSON', errnote='Unable to fetch data')['data']
            except ExtractorError:
                if not isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError):
                webpage ='utf-8', 'replace')
                error_msg = self._html_search_regex(
                    webpage, 'error reason', default=None)
                if not error_msg:
                raise ExtractorError(re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', error_msg), expected=True)

        formats = []

        def get_video_info(*items, get_first=True, **kwargs):
            return traverse_obj(api_data, ('video', *items), get_all=not get_first, **kwargs)

        quality_info = api_data['media']['delivery']['movie']
        session_api_data = quality_info['session']
        for (audio_quality, video_quality, protocol) in itertools.product(quality_info['audios'], quality_info['videos'], session_api_data['protocols']):
            fmt = self._extract_format_for_quality(video_id, audio_quality, video_quality, protocol)
            if fmt:


        # Start extracting information
        tags = None
        if webpage:
            # use og:video:tag (not logged in)
            og_video_tags = re.finditer(r'<meta\s+property="og:video:tag"\s*content="(.*?)">', webpage)
            tags = list(filter(None, (clean_html( for x in og_video_tags)))
            if not tags:
                # use keywords and split with comma (not logged in)
                kwds = self._html_search_meta('keywords', webpage, default=None)
                if kwds:
                    tags = [x for x in kwds.split(',') if x]
        if not tags:
            # find in json (logged in)
            tags = traverse_obj(api_data, ('tag', 'items', ..., 'name'))

        thumb_prefs = qualities(['url', 'middleUrl', 'largeUrl', 'player', 'ogp'])

        return {
            'id': video_id,
            '_api_data': api_data,
            'title': get_video_info(('originalTitle', 'title')) or self._og_search_title(webpage, default=None),
            'formats': formats,
            'thumbnails': [{
                'id': key,
                'url': url,
                'ext': 'jpg',
                'preference': thumb_prefs(key),
                **parse_resolution(url, lenient=True),
            } for key, url in (get_video_info('thumbnail') or {}).items() if url],
            'description': clean_html(get_video_info('description')),
            'uploader': traverse_obj(api_data, ('owner', 'nickname'), ('channel', 'name'), ('community', 'name')),
            'uploader_id': str_or_none(traverse_obj(api_data, ('owner', 'id'), ('channel', 'id'), ('community', 'id'))),
            'timestamp': parse_iso8601(get_video_info('registeredAt')) or parse_iso8601(
                self._html_search_meta('video:release_date', webpage, 'date published', default=None)),
            'channel': traverse_obj(api_data, ('channel', 'name'), ('community', 'name')),
            'channel_id': traverse_obj(api_data, ('channel', 'id'), ('community', 'id')),
            'view_count': int_or_none(get_video_info('count', 'view')),
            'tags': tags,
            'genre': traverse_obj(api_data, ('genre', 'label'), ('genre', 'key')),
            'comment_count': get_video_info('count', 'comment', expected_type=int),
            'duration': (
                parse_duration(self._html_search_meta('video:duration', webpage, 'video duration', default=None))
                or get_video_info('duration')),
            'webpage_url': url_or_none(url) or f'{video_id}',
            'subtitles': self.extract_subtitles(video_id, api_data, session_api_data),

    def _get_subtitles(self, video_id, api_data, session_api_data):
        comment_user_key = traverse_obj(api_data, ('comment', 'keys', 'userKey'))
        user_id_str = session_api_data.get('serviceUserId')

        thread_ids = traverse_obj(api_data, ('comment', 'threads', lambda _, v: v['isActive']))
        raw_danmaku = self._extract_all_comments(video_id, thread_ids, user_id_str, comment_user_key)
        if not raw_danmaku:
            self.report_warning(f'Failed to get comments. {bug_reports_message()}')
        return {
            'comments': [{
                'ext': 'json',
                'data': json.dumps(raw_danmaku),

    def _extract_all_comments(self, video_id, threads, user_id, user_key):
        auth_data = {
            'user_id': user_id,
            'userkey': user_key,
        } if user_id and user_key else {'user_id': ''}

        # Request Start
        post_data = [{'ping': {'content': 'rs:0'}}]
        for i, thread in enumerate(threads):
            thread_id = thread['id']
            thread_fork = thread['fork']
            # Post Start (2N)
            post_data.append({'ping': {'content': f'ps:{i * 2}'}})
            post_data.append({'thread': {
                'fork': thread_fork,
                'language': 0,
                'nicoru': 3,
                'scores': 1,
                'thread': thread_id,
                'version': '20090904',
                'with_global': 1,
            # Post Final (2N)
            post_data.append({'ping': {'content': f'pf:{i * 2}'}})

            # Post Start (2N+1)
            post_data.append({'ping': {'content': f'ps:{i * 2 + 1}'}})
            post_data.append({'thread_leaves': {
                # format is '<bottom of minute range>-<top of minute range>:<comments per minute>,<total last comments'
                # unfortunately NND limits (deletes?) comment returns this way, so you're only able to grab the last 1000 per language
                'content': '0-999999:999999,999999,nicoru:999999',
                'fork': thread_fork,
                'language': 0,
                'nicoru': 3,
                'scores': 1,
                'thread': thread_id,
            # Post Final (2N+1)
            post_data.append({'ping': {'content': f'pf:{i * 2 + 1}'}})
        # Request Final
        post_data.append({'ping': {'content': 'rf:0'}})

        for api_url in self._COMMENT_API_ENDPOINTS:
            comments = self._download_json(
                api_url, video_id, data=json.dumps(post_data).encode(), fatal=False,
                    'Referer': '' % video_id,
                    'Origin': '',
                    'Content-Type': 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8',
                note='Downloading comments', errnote=f'Failed to access endpoint {api_url}')
            if comments:
                return comments

class NiconicoPlaylistBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
    _PAGE_SIZE = 100

    _API_HEADERS = {
        'X-Frontend-ID': '6',
        'X-Frontend-Version': '0',
        'X-Niconico-Language': 'en-us'

    def _call_api(self, list_id, resource, query):
        "Implement this in child class"

    def _parse_owner(item):
        return {
            'uploader': traverse_obj(item, ('owner', 'name')),
            'uploader_id': traverse_obj(item, ('owner', 'id')),

    def _fetch_page(self, list_id, page):
        page += 1
        resp = self._call_api(list_id, 'page %d' % page, {
            'page': page,
            'pageSize': self._PAGE_SIZE,
        # this is needed to support both mylist and user
        for video in traverse_obj(resp, ('items', ..., ('video', None))) or []:
            video_id = video.get('id')
            if not video_id:
                # skip {"video": {"id": "blablabla", ...}}
            count = video.get('count') or {}
            get_count = lambda x: int_or_none(count.get(x))
            yield {
                '_type': 'url',
                'id': video_id,
                'title': video.get('title'),
                'url': f'{video_id}',
                'description': video.get('shortDescription'),
                'duration': int_or_none(video.get('duration')),
                'view_count': get_count('view'),
                'comment_count': get_count('comment'),
                'thumbnail': traverse_obj(video, ('thumbnail', ('nHdUrl', 'largeUrl', 'listingUrl', 'url'))),
                'ie_key': NiconicoIE.ie_key(),

    def _entries(self, list_id):
        return OnDemandPagedList(functools.partial(self._fetch_page, list_id), self._PAGE_SIZE)

class NiconicoPlaylistIE(NiconicoPlaylistBaseIE):
    IE_NAME = 'niconico:playlist'
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www\.|sp\.)?nicovideo\.jp|nico\.ms)/(?:user/\d+/)?(?:my/)?mylist/(?:#/)?(?P<id>\d+)'

    _TESTS = [{
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': '27411728',
            'title': 'AKB48のオールナイトニッポン',
            'description': 'md5:d89694c5ded4b6c693dea2db6e41aa08',
            'uploader': 'のっく',
            'uploader_id': '805442',
        'playlist_mincount': 291,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,

    def _call_api(self, list_id, resource, query):
        return self._download_json(
            f'{list_id}', list_id,
            f'Downloading {resource}', query=query,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        list_id = self._match_id(url)
        mylist = self._call_api(list_id, 'list', {
            'pageSize': 1,
        return self.playlist_result(
            self._entries(list_id), list_id,
            mylist.get('name'), mylist.get('description'), **self._parse_owner(mylist))

class NiconicoSeriesIE(InfoExtractor):
    IE_NAME = 'niconico:series'
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www\.|sp\.)?nicovideo\.jp|nico\.ms)/series/(?P<id>\d+)'

    _TESTS = [{
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': '110226',
            'title': 'ご立派ァ!のシリーズ',
        'playlist_mincount': 10,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': '12312',
            'title': 'バトルスピリッツ お勧めカード紹介(調整中)',
        'playlist_mincount': 103,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        list_id = self._match_id(url)
        webpage = self._download_webpage(f'{list_id}', list_id)

        title = self._search_regex(
             r'<div class="TwitterShareButton"\s+data-text="(.+)\s+https:'),
            webpage, 'title', fatal=False)
        if title:
            title = unescapeHTML(title)
        playlist = [
            self.url_result(f'{v_id}', video_id=v_id)
            for v_id in re.findall(r'data-href=[\'"](?:https://www\.nicovideo\.jp)?/watch/([a-z0-9]+)', webpage)]
        return self.playlist_result(playlist, list_id, title)

class NiconicoHistoryIE(NiconicoPlaylistBaseIE):
    IE_NAME = 'niconico:history'
    IE_DESC = 'NicoNico user history. Requires cookies.'
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.|sp\.)?nicovideo\.jp/my/history'

    _TESTS = [{
        'note': 'PC page, with /video',
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
    }, {
        'note': 'PC page, without /video',
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
    }, {
        'note': 'mobile page, with /video',
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
    }, {
        'note': 'mobile page, without /video',
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,

    def _call_api(self, list_id, resource, query):
        return self._download_json(
            '', 'history',
            f'Downloading {resource}', query=query,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        list_id = 'history'
            mylist = self._call_api(list_id, 'list', {
                'pageSize': 1,
        except ExtractorError as e:
            if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and e.cause.code == 401:
                self.raise_login_required('You have to be logged in to get your watch history')
        return self.playlist_result(self._entries(list_id), list_id, **self._parse_owner(mylist))

class NicovideoSearchBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
    _SEARCH_TYPE = 'search'

    def _entries(self, url, item_id, query=None, note='Downloading page %(page)s'):
        query = query or {}
        pages = [query['page']] if 'page' in query else itertools.count(1)
        for page_num in pages:
            query['page'] = str(page_num)
            webpage = self._download_webpage(url, item_id, query=query, note=note % {'page': page_num})
            results = re.findall(r'(?<=data-video-id=)["\']?(?P<videoid>.*?)(?=["\'])', webpage)
            for item in results:
                yield self.url_result(f'{item}', 'Niconico', item)
            if not results:

    def _search_results(self, query):
        return self._entries(
            self._proto_relative_url(f'//{self._SEARCH_TYPE}/{query}'), query)

class NicovideoSearchIE(NicovideoSearchBaseIE, SearchInfoExtractor):
    IE_DESC = 'Nico video search'
    IE_NAME = 'nicovideo:search'
    _SEARCH_KEY = 'nicosearch'

class NicovideoSearchURLIE(NicovideoSearchBaseIE):
    IE_NAME = f'{NicovideoSearchIE.IE_NAME}_url'
    IE_DESC = 'Nico video search URLs'
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?nicovideo\.jp/search/(?P<id>[^?#&]+)?'
    _TESTS = [{
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'sm9',
            'title': 'sm9'
        'playlist_mincount': 40,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'sm9',
            'title': 'sm9'
        'playlist_count': 31,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        query = self._match_id(url)
        return self.playlist_result(self._entries(url, query), query, query)

class NicovideoSearchDateIE(NicovideoSearchBaseIE, SearchInfoExtractor):
    IE_DESC = 'Nico video search, newest first'
    IE_NAME = f'{NicovideoSearchIE.IE_NAME}:date'
    _SEARCH_KEY = 'nicosearchdate'
    _TESTS = [{
        'url': 'nicosearchdateall:a',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'a',
            'title': 'a'
        'playlist_mincount': 1610,

    _START_DATE =, 1, 1)
    _MAX_PAGES = 50

    def _entries(self, url, item_id, start_date=None, end_date=None):
        start_date, end_date = start_date or self._START_DATE, end_date or

        # If the last page has a full page of videos, we need to break down the query interval further
        last_page_len = len(list(self._get_entries_for_date(
            url, item_id, start_date, end_date, self._MAX_PAGES,
            note=f'Checking number of videos from {start_date} to {end_date}')))
        if (last_page_len == self._RESULTS_PER_PAGE and start_date != end_date):
            midpoint = start_date + ((end_date - start_date) // 2)
            yield from self._entries(url, item_id, midpoint, end_date)
            yield from self._entries(url, item_id, start_date, midpoint)
            self.to_screen(f'{item_id}: Downloading results from {start_date} to {end_date}')
            yield from self._get_entries_for_date(
                url, item_id, start_date, end_date, note='    Downloading page %(page)s')

    def _get_entries_for_date(self, url, item_id, start_date, end_date=None, page_num=None, note=None):
        query = {
            'start': str(start_date),
            'end': str(end_date or start_date),
            'sort': 'f',
            'order': 'd',
        if page_num:
            query['page'] = str(page_num)

        yield from super()._entries(url, item_id, query=query, note=note)

class NicovideoTagURLIE(NicovideoSearchBaseIE):
    IE_NAME = 'niconico:tag'
    IE_DESC = 'NicoNico video tag URLs'
    _SEARCH_TYPE = 'tag'
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?nicovideo\.jp/tag/(?P<id>[^?#&]+)?'
    _TESTS = [{
        'url': 'ドキュメンタリー淫夢',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'ドキュメンタリー淫夢',
            'title': 'ドキュメンタリー淫夢'
        'playlist_mincount': 400,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        query = self._match_id(url)
        return self.playlist_result(self._entries(url, query), query, query)

class NiconicoUserIE(InfoExtractor):
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?nicovideo\.jp/user/(?P<id>\d+)/?(?:$|[#?])'
    _TEST = {
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': '419948',
        'playlist_mincount': 101,
    _API_URL = ""
    _PAGE_SIZE = 100

    _API_HEADERS = {
        'X-Frontend-ID': '6',
        'X-Frontend-Version': '0'

    def _entries(self, list_id):
        total_count = 1
        count = page_num = 0
        while count < total_count:
            json_parsed = self._download_json(
                self._API_URL % (list_id, self._PAGE_SIZE, page_num + 1), list_id,
                note='Downloading JSON metadata%s' % (' page %d' % page_num if page_num else ''))
            if not page_num:
                total_count = int_or_none(json_parsed['data'].get('totalCount'))
            for entry in json_parsed["data"]["items"]:
                count += 1
                yield self.url_result('' % entry['id'])
            page_num += 1

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        list_id = self._match_id(url)
        return self.playlist_result(self._entries(list_id), list_id, ie=NiconicoIE.ie_key())