from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( ExtractorError, float_or_none, int_or_none, smuggle_url, str_or_none, try_get, unified_strdate, unified_timestamp, ) class NineNowIE(InfoExtractor): IE_NAME = '' _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?9now\.com\.au/(?:[^/]+/){2}(?P<id>[^/?#]+)' _GEO_COUNTRIES = ['AU'] _TESTS = [{ # clip 'url': '', 'md5': '17cf47d63ec9323e562c9957a968b565', 'info_dict': { 'id': '16801', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'St. Kilda\'s Joey Montagna on the potential for a player\'s strike', 'description': 'Is a boycott of the NAB Cup "on the table"?', 'uploader_id': '4460760524001', 'upload_date': '20160713', 'timestamp': 1468421266, }, 'skip': 'Only available in Australia', }, { # episode 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, { # DRM protected 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, { # episode of series 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '6249614030001', 'title': 'Episode 3', 'ext': 'mp4', 'season_number': 3, 'episode_number': 3, 'description': 'In the first elimination of the competition, teams will have 10 hours to build a world inside a snow globe.', 'uploader_id': '4460760524001', 'timestamp': 1619002200, 'upload_date': '20210421', }, 'expected_warnings': ['Ignoring subtitle tracks'], 'params': { 'skip_download': True, }, }] BRIGHTCOVE_URL_TEMPLATE = '' def _real_extract(self, url): display_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id) page_data = self._parse_json(self._search_regex( r'window\.__data\s*=\s*({.*?});', webpage, 'page data', default='{}'), display_id, fatal=False) if not page_data: page_data = self._parse_json(self._parse_json(self._search_regex( r'window\.__data\s*=\s*JSON\.parse\s*\(\s*(".+?")\s*\)\s*;', webpage, 'page data'), display_id), display_id) for kind in ('episode', 'clip'): current_key = page_data.get(kind, {}).get( f'current{kind.capitalize()}Key') if not current_key: continue cache = page_data.get(kind, {}).get(f'{kind}Cache', {}) if not cache: continue common_data = { 'episode': (cache.get(current_key) or next(iter(cache.values())))[kind], 'season': (cache.get(current_key) or next(iter(cache.values()))).get('season', None), } break else: raise ExtractorError('Unable to find video data') if not self.get_param('allow_unplayable_formats') and try_get(common_data, lambda x: x['episode']['video']['drm'], bool): self.report_drm(display_id) brightcove_id = try_get( common_data, lambda x: x['episode']['video']['brightcoveId'], str) or 'ref:{}'.format(common_data['episode']['video']['referenceId']) video_id = str_or_none(try_get(common_data, lambda x: x['episode']['video']['id'])) or brightcove_id title = try_get(common_data, lambda x: x['episode']['name'], str) season_number = try_get(common_data, lambda x: x['season']['seasonNumber'], int) episode_number = try_get(common_data, lambda x: x['episode']['episodeNumber'], int) timestamp = unified_timestamp(try_get(common_data, lambda x: x['episode']['airDate'], str)) release_date = unified_strdate(try_get(common_data, lambda x: x['episode']['availability'], str)) thumbnails_data = try_get(common_data, lambda x: x['episode']['image']['sizes'], dict) or {} thumbnails = [{ 'id': thumbnail_id, 'url': thumbnail_url, 'width': int_or_none(thumbnail_id[1:]), } for thumbnail_id, thumbnail_url in thumbnails_data.items()] return { '_type': 'url_transparent', 'url': smuggle_url( self.BRIGHTCOVE_URL_TEMPLATE % brightcove_id, {'geo_countries': self._GEO_COUNTRIES}), 'id': video_id, 'title': title, 'description': try_get(common_data, lambda x: x['episode']['description'], str), 'duration': float_or_none(try_get(common_data, lambda x: x['episode']['video']['duration'], float), 1000), 'thumbnails': thumbnails, 'ie_key': 'BrightcoveNew', 'season_number': season_number, 'episode_number': episode_number, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'release_date': release_date, }