from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( ExtractorError, float_or_none, format_field, int_or_none, parse_iso8601, parse_qs, truncate_string, url_or_none, ) from ..utils.traversal import traverse_obj, value class BandlabBaseIE(InfoExtractor): def _call_api(self, endpoint, asset_id, **kwargs): headers = kwargs.pop('headers', None) or {} return self._download_json( f'{endpoint}/{asset_id}', asset_id, headers={ 'accept': 'application/json', 'referer': '', 'x-client-id': 'BandLab-Web', 'x-client-version': '10.1.124', **headers, }, **kwargs) def _parse_revision(self, revision_data, url=None): return { 'vcodec': 'none', 'media_type': 'revision', 'extractor_key': BandlabIE.ie_key(), 'extractor': BandlabIE.IE_NAME, **traverse_obj(revision_data, { 'webpage_url': ( 'id', ({value(url)}, {format_field(template='')}), filter, any), 'id': (('revisionId', 'id'), {str}, any), 'title': ('song', 'name', {str}), 'track': ('song', 'name', {str}), 'url': ('mixdown', 'file', {url_or_none}), 'thumbnail': ('song', 'picture', 'url', {url_or_none}), 'description': ('description', {str}), 'uploader': ('creator', 'name', {str}), 'uploader_id': ('creator', 'username', {str}), 'timestamp': ('createdOn', {parse_iso8601}), 'duration': ('mixdown', 'duration', {float_or_none}), 'view_count': ('counters', 'plays', {int_or_none}), 'like_count': ('counters', 'likes', {int_or_none}), 'comment_count': ('counters', 'comments', {int_or_none}), 'genres': ('genres', ..., 'name', {str}), }), } def _parse_track(self, track_data, url=None): return { 'vcodec': 'none', 'media_type': 'track', 'extractor_key': BandlabIE.ie_key(), 'extractor': BandlabIE.IE_NAME, **traverse_obj(track_data, { 'webpage_url': ( 'id', ({value(url)}, {format_field(template='')}), filter, any), 'id': (('revisionId', 'id'), {str}, any), 'url': ('track', 'sample', 'audioUrl', {url_or_none}), 'title': ('track', 'name', {str}), 'track': ('track', 'name', {str}), 'description': ('caption', {str}), 'thumbnail': ('track', 'picture', ('original', 'url'), {url_or_none}, any), 'view_count': ('counters', 'plays', {int_or_none}), 'like_count': ('counters', 'likes', {int_or_none}), 'comment_count': ('counters', 'comments', {int_or_none}), 'duration': ('track', 'sample', 'duration', {float_or_none}), 'uploader': ('creator', 'name', {str}), 'uploader_id': ('creator', 'username', {str}), 'timestamp': ('createdOn', {parse_iso8601}), }), } def _parse_video(self, video_data, url=None): return { 'media_type': 'video', 'extractor_key': BandlabIE.ie_key(), 'extractor': BandlabIE.IE_NAME, **traverse_obj(video_data, { 'id': ('id', {str}), 'webpage_url': ( 'id', ({value(url)}, {format_field(template='')}), filter, any), 'url': ('video', 'url', {url_or_none}), 'title': ('caption', {lambda x: x.replace('\n', ' ')}, {truncate_string(left=72)}), 'description': ('caption', {str}), 'thumbnail': ('video', 'picture', 'url', {url_or_none}), 'view_count': ('video', 'counters', 'plays', {int_or_none}), 'like_count': ('video', 'counters', 'likes', {int_or_none}), 'comment_count': ('counters', 'comments', {int_or_none}), 'duration': ('video', 'duration', {float_or_none}), 'uploader': ('creator', 'name', {str}), 'uploader_id': ('creator', 'username', {str}), }), } class BandlabIE(BandlabBaseIE): _VALID_URL = [ r'https?://(?:www\.)?|post|revision)/(?P[\da-f_-]+)', r'https?://(?:www\.)?\?(?:[^#]*&)?id=(?P[\da-f-]+)', ] _EMBED_REGEX = [rf']+src=[\'"](?P{_VALID_URL[1]})[\'"]'] _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'md5': '46f7b43367dd268bbcf0bbe466753b2c', 'info_dict': { 'id': '02d7f906-fc96-ee11-b75e-000d3a428fff', 'ext': 'm4a', 'uploader_id': 'ender_milze', 'track': 'sweet black', 'description': 'composed by juanjn3737', 'timestamp': 1702171963, 'view_count': int, 'like_count': int, 'duration': 54.629999999999995, 'title': 'sweet black', 'upload_date': '20231210', 'thumbnail': '', 'genres': ['Lofi'], 'uploader': 'ender milze', 'comment_count': int, 'media_type': 'revision', }, }, { # Same track as above but post URL 'url': '', 'md5': '46f7b43367dd268bbcf0bbe466753b2c', 'info_dict': { 'id': '02d7f906-fc96-ee11-b75e-000d3a428fff', 'ext': 'm4a', 'uploader_id': 'ender_milze', 'track': 'sweet black', 'description': 'composed by juanjn3737', 'timestamp': 1702171973, 'view_count': int, 'like_count': int, 'duration': 54.629999999999995, 'title': 'sweet black', 'upload_date': '20231210', 'thumbnail': '', 'genres': ['Lofi'], 'uploader': 'ender milze', 'comment_count': int, 'media_type': 'revision', }, }, { # SharedKey Example 'url': '', 'md5': '15174b57c44440e2a2008be9cae00250', 'info_dict': { 'id': '038916c2-c6da-ee11-85f9-6045bd2e11f9', 'ext': 'm4a', 'comment_count': int, 'genres': ['Other'], 'uploader_id': 'user8353034818103753', 'thumbnail': '', 'timestamp': 1709625771, 'track': 'PodcastMaerchen4b', 'duration': 468.14, 'view_count': int, 'description': 'Podcast: Neues aus der Märchenwelt', 'like_count': int, 'upload_date': '20240305', 'uploader': 'Erna Wageneder', 'title': 'PodcastMaerchen4b', 'media_type': 'revision', }, }, { # Different Revision selected 'url': '', 'md5': '74e055ef9325d63f37088772fbfe4454', 'info_dict': { 'id': '110343fc-148b-ea11-96d2-0003ffd1fc09', 'ext': 'm4a', 'timestamp': 1588273294, 'thumbnail': '', 'description': 'Final Revision.', 'title': 'Replay ( Instrumental)', 'uploader': 'David R Sparks', 'uploader_id': 'davesnothome69', 'view_count': int, 'comment_count': int, 'track': 'Replay ( Instrumental)', 'genres': ['Rock'], 'upload_date': '20200430', 'like_count': int, 'duration': 279.43, 'media_type': 'revision', }, }, { # Video 'url': '', 'md5': '8caa2ef28e86c1dacf167293cfdbeba9', 'info_dict': { 'id': '5cdf9036-3857-ef11-991a-6045bd36e0d9', 'ext': 'mp4', 'duration': 44.705, 'thumbnail': '', 'comment_count': int, 'title': 'backing vocals', 'uploader_id': 'marliashya', 'uploader': 'auraa', 'like_count': int, 'description': 'backing vocals', 'media_type': 'video', }, }, { # Embed Example 'url': '', 'md5': 'a4ad05cb68c54faaed9b0a8453a8cf4a', 'info_dict': { 'id': '014de0a4-7d82-ea11-a94c-0003ffd19c0f', 'ext': 'm4a', 'comment_count': int, 'genres': ['Electronic'], 'uploader': 'Charlie Henson', 'timestamp': 1587328674, 'upload_date': '20200419', 'view_count': int, 'track': 'Positronic Meltdown', 'duration': 318.55, 'thumbnail': '', 'description': 'Checkout my tracks at AOMX', 'uploader_id': 'microfreaks', 'title': 'Positronic Meltdown', 'like_count': int, 'media_type': 'revision', }, }, { # Track without revisions available 'url': '', 'md5': 'f05d68a3769952c2d9257c473e14c15f', 'info_dict': { 'id': '55767ac51789ea11a94c0003ffd1fc09_2f007b0a37b94ec7a69bc25ae15108a5', 'ext': 'm4a', 'track': 'insame', 'like_count': int, 'duration': 84.03, 'title': 'insame', 'view_count': int, 'comment_count': int, 'uploader': 'Sorakime', 'uploader_id': 'sorakime', 'thumbnail': '', 'timestamp': 1691162128, 'upload_date': '20230804', 'media_type': 'track', }, }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }] _WEBPAGE_TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'e14223c3-7871-ef11-bdfd-000d3a980db3', 'ext': 'm4a', 'view_count': int, 'upload_date': '20240913', 'uploader_id': 'phantommusicofficial', 'timestamp': 1726194897, 'uploader': 'Phantom', 'comment_count': int, 'genres': ['Progresive Rock'], 'description': 'md5:a38cd668f7a2843295ef284114f18429', 'duration': 225.23, 'like_count': int, 'title': 'Vermilion Pt. 2 (Cover)', 'track': 'Vermilion Pt. 2 (Cover)', 'thumbnail': '', 'media_type': 'revision', }, }] def _real_extract(self, url): display_id, url_type = self._match_valid_url(url).group('id', 'url_type') qs = parse_qs(url) revision_id = traverse_obj(qs, (('revId', 'id'), 0, any)) if url_type == 'revision': revision_id = display_id revision_data = None if not revision_id: post_data = self._call_api( 'posts', display_id, note='Downloading post data', query=traverse_obj(qs, {'sharedKey': ('sharedKey', 0)})) revision_id = traverse_obj(post_data, (('revisionId', ('revision', 'id')), {str}, any)) revision_data = traverse_obj(post_data, ('revision', {dict})) if not revision_data and not revision_id: post_type = post_data.get('type') if post_type == 'Video': return self._parse_video(post_data, url=url) if post_type == 'Track': return self._parse_track(post_data, url=url) raise ExtractorError(f'Could not extract data for post type {post_type!r}') if not revision_data: revision_data = self._call_api( 'revisions', revision_id, note='Downloading revision data', query={'edit': 'false'}) return self._parse_revision(revision_data, url=url) class BandlabPlaylistIE(BandlabBaseIE): _VALID_URL = [ r'https?://(?:www\.)?[\w]+/)?(?Palbums|collections)/(?P[\da-f-]+)', r'https?://(?:www\.)?\?(?:[^#]*&)?id=(?P[\da-f-]+)', ] _EMBED_REGEX = [rf']+src=[\'"](?P{_VALID_URL[1]})[\'"]'] _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'thumbnail': '', 'release_date': '20221003', 'title': 'Remnants', 'album': 'Remnants', 'like_count': int, 'album_type': 'LP', 'description': 'A collection of some feel good, rock hits.', 'comment_count': int, 'view_count': int, 'id': '89b79ea6-de42-ed11-b495-00224845aac7', 'uploader': 'David R Sparks', 'uploader_id': 'davesnothome69', }, 'playlist_count': 10, }, { 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '955102d4-1040-ef11-86c3-000d3a42581b', 'timestamp': 1720762659, 'view_count': int, 'title': 'My Shit 🖤', 'uploader_id': 'slytheband', 'uploader': '𝓢𝓛𝓨', 'upload_date': '20240712', 'like_count': int, 'thumbnail': '', }, 'playlist_count': 15, }, { # Embeds can contain both albums and collections with the same URL pattern. This is an album 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '12cc6f7f-951b-ee11-907c-00224844f303', 'release_date': '20230706', 'description': 'This is a collection of songs I created when I had an Amiga computer.', 'view_count': int, 'title': 'Mark Salud The Amiga Collection', 'uploader_id': 'mssirmooth1962', 'comment_count': int, 'thumbnail': '', 'like_count': int, 'uploader': 'Mark Salud', 'album': 'Mark Salud The Amiga Collection', 'album_type': 'LP', }, 'playlist_count': 24, }, { # Tracks without revision id 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'like_count': int, 'uploader_id': 'sorakime', 'comment_count': int, 'uploader': 'Sorakime', 'view_count': int, 'description': 'md5:4ec31c568a5f5a5a2b17572ea64c3825', 'release_date': '20230812', 'title': 'Art', 'album': 'Art', 'album_type': 'Album', 'id': 'e98aafb5-d932-ee11-b8f0-00224844c719', 'thumbnail': '', }, 'playlist_count': 13, }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }] def _entries(self, album_data): for post in traverse_obj(album_data, ('posts', lambda _, v: v['type'])): post_type = post['type'] if post_type == 'Revision': yield self._parse_revision(post.get('revision')) elif post_type == 'Track': yield self._parse_track(post) elif post_type == 'Video': yield self._parse_video(post) else: self.report_warning(f'Skipping unknown post type: "{post_type}"') def _real_extract(self, url): playlist_id, playlist_type = self._match_valid_url(url).group('id', 'type') endpoints = { 'albums': ['albums'], 'collections': ['collections'], 'embed': ['collections', 'albums'], }.get(playlist_type) for endpoint in endpoints: playlist_data = self._call_api( endpoint, playlist_id, note=f'Downloading {endpoint[:-1]} data', fatal=False, expected_status=404) if not playlist_data.get('errorCode'): playlist_type = endpoint break if error_code := playlist_data.get('errorCode'): raise ExtractorError(f'Could not find playlist data. Error code: "{error_code}"') return self.playlist_result( self._entries(playlist_data), playlist_id, **traverse_obj(playlist_data, { 'title': ('name', {str}), 'description': ('description', {str}), 'uploader': ('creator', 'name', {str}), 'uploader_id': ('creator', 'username', {str}), 'timestamp': ('createdOn', {parse_iso8601}), 'release_date': ('releaseDate', {lambda x: x.replace('-', '')}, filter), 'thumbnail': ('picture', ('original', 'url'), {url_or_none}, any), 'like_count': ('counters', 'likes', {int_or_none}), 'comment_count': ('counters', 'comments', {int_or_none}), 'view_count': ('counters', 'plays', {int_or_none}), }), **(traverse_obj(playlist_data, { 'album': ('name', {str}), 'album_type': ('type', {str}), }) if playlist_type == 'albums' else {}))