
275 lines
7.0 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "sysport.h"
/**** CLOCK *************************************************************************/
#if defined(USECLOCK)
#include <time.h>
extern myclock_t myclock(void) {return (myclock_t)clock();}
extern myclock_t ticks_per_sec (void) {return CLOCKS_PER_SEC;}
#elif defined(USEWINCLOCK)
#include <windows.h>
extern myclock_t myclock(void) {return (myclock_t)GetTickCount();}
extern myclock_t ticks_per_sec (void) {return 1000;}
#elif defined(USELINCLOCK)
#include <sys/time.h>
extern myclock_t myclock(void)
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return (myclock_t)tv.tv_sec * 1000 + (myclock_t)tv.tv_usec/1000;
extern myclock_t ticks_per_sec (void) {return 1000;}
#error No Clock specified in compilation
/**** PATH NAMES *************************************************************************/
#if defined(GCCLINUX)
extern int isfoldersep (int x) { return x == '/';}
#elif defined(MVSC)
extern int isfoldersep (int x) { return x == '\\' || x == ':';}
extern int isfoldersep (int x) { return x == '/' || x == '\\' || x == ':';}
/**** Maximum Files Open *****************************************************************/
#if defined(GCCLINUX)
#include <sys/resource.h>
#if 0
struct rlimit {
rlim_t rlim_cur; /* Soft limit */
rlim_t rlim_max; /* Hard limit (ceiling for rlim_cur) */
extern int mysys_fopen_max (void)
int ok;
struct rlimit rl;
ok = 0 == getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl);
if (ok)
return (int)rl.rlim_cur;
return FOPEN_MAX;
#elif defined(MVSC)
extern int mysys_fopen_max (void) { return FOPEN_MAX;}
extern int mysys_fopen_max (void) { return FOPEN_MAX;}
/**** THREADS ****************************************************************************/
#if defined (POSIX_THREADS)
#include <pthread.h>
extern int /* boolean */
mythread_create (/*@out@*/ mythread_t *thread, routine_t start_routine, void *arg, /*@out@*/ int *ret_error)
const pthread_attr_t *attr = NULL; /* default attributes */
int ret;
ret = pthread_create (thread, attr, start_routine, arg);
*ret_error = ret;
return 0 == ret;
extern int /* boolean */
mythread_join (mythread_t thread)
void *p; /* value return from pthread_exit, not used */
int ret = pthread_join (thread, &p);
return 0 == ret;
extern void
mythread_exit (void)
pthread_exit (NULL);
extern const char *
mythread_create_error (int err)
const char *s;
switch (err) {
case 0 : s = "Success"; break;
case EAGAIN: s = "EAGAIN" ; break;
case EINVAL: s = "EINVAL" ; break;
case EPERM : s = "EPERM" ; break;
default : s = "Unknown error"; break;
return s;
extern void mythread_mutex_init (mythread_mutex_t *m) { pthread_mutex_init (m,NULL);}
extern void mythread_mutex_destroy (mythread_mutex_t *m) { pthread_mutex_destroy(m) ;}
extern void mythread_mutex_lock (mythread_mutex_t *m) { pthread_mutex_lock (m) ;}
extern void mythread_mutex_unlock (mythread_mutex_t *m) { pthread_mutex_unlock (m) ;}
extern void mythread_spinx_init (mythread_spinx_t *m) { pthread_spin_init (m,0);} /**/
extern void mythread_spinx_destroy (mythread_spinx_t *m) { pthread_spin_destroy(m) ;} /**/
extern void mythread_spinx_lock (mythread_spinx_t *m) { pthread_spin_lock (m) ;} /**/
extern void mythread_spinx_unlock (mythread_spinx_t *m) { pthread_spin_unlock (m) ;} /**/
extern void mythread_spinx_init (mythread_spinx_t *m) { pthread_mutex_init (m,NULL);} /**/
extern void mythread_spinx_destroy (mythread_spinx_t *m) { pthread_mutex_destroy(m) ;} /**/
extern void mythread_spinx_lock (mythread_spinx_t *m) { pthread_mutex_lock (m) ;} /**/
extern void mythread_spinx_unlock (mythread_spinx_t *m) { pthread_mutex_unlock (m) ;} /**/
/* semaphores */
extern int /* boolean */
mysem_init (mysem_t *sem, unsigned int value)
{ return -1 != sem_init (sem, 0 /*not shared with processes*/, value);}
extern int /* boolean */
mysem_wait (mysem_t *sem)
{ return 0 == sem_wait (sem);}
extern int /* boolean */
mysem_post (mysem_t *sem)
{ return 0 == sem_post (sem);}
extern int /* boolean */
mysem_destroy (mysem_t *sem)
{ return 0 == sem_destroy (sem);}
#elif defined(NT_THREADS)
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>
extern int /* boolean */
mythread_create (/*@out@*/ mythread_t *thread, routine_t start_routine, void *arg, /*@out@*/ int *ret_error)
static unsigned int thread_id;
mythread_t t;
int /* boolean */ is_ok;
t = (mythread_t) _beginthreadex (NULL, 0, start_routine, arg, 0, &thread_id );
is_ok = (t != 0);
*thread = t;
*ret_error = is_ok? 0: errno;
return is_ok;
extern int /* boolean */
mythread_join (mythread_t thread)
unsigned long int ret;
ret = WaitForSingleObject (thread, INFINITE);
return ret != WAIT_FAILED;
extern void
mythread_exit (void)
extern const char *
mythread_create_error (int err)
const char *s;
switch (err) {
case 0 : s = "Success"; break;
case EAGAIN: s = "EAGAIN" ; break;
case EINVAL: s = "EINVAL" ; break;
case EPERM : s = "EPERM" ; break;
default : s = "Unknown error"; break;
return s;
extern void mythread_mutex_init (mythread_mutex_t *m) { *m = CreateMutex(0, FALSE, 0) ;}
extern void mythread_mutex_destroy (mythread_mutex_t *m) { CloseHandle(*m) ;}
extern void mythread_mutex_lock (mythread_mutex_t *m) { WaitForSingleObject(*m, INFINITE) ;}
extern void mythread_mutex_unlock (mythread_mutex_t *m) { ReleaseMutex(*m) ;}
extern void mythread_spinx_init (mythread_spinx_t *m) { InitializeCriticalSection(m) ;} /**/
extern void mythread_spinx_destroy (mythread_spinx_t *m) { DeleteCriticalSection(m) ;} /**/
extern void mythread_spinx_lock (mythread_spinx_t *m) { EnterCriticalSection (m) ;} /**/
extern void mythread_spinx_unlock (mythread_spinx_t *m) { LeaveCriticalSection (m) ;} /**/
/* semaphores */
extern int /* boolean */
mysem_init (mysem_t *sem, unsigned int value)
mysem_t h =
NULL, /* cannot be inherited */
(LONG)value,/* Initial Count */
256, /* Maximum Count */
NULL /* Name --> NULL, not shared among threads */
if (h != NULL) *sem = h;
return h != NULL;
extern int /* boolean */
mysem_wait (mysem_t *sem)
HANDLE h = *sem;
return WAIT_FAILED != WaitForSingleObject (h, INFINITE);
extern int /* boolean */
mysem_post (mysem_t *sem)
HANDLE h = *sem;
return 0 != ReleaseSemaphore(h, 1, NULL);
extern int /* boolean */
mysem_destroy (mysem_t *sem)
return 0 != CloseHandle( *sem);
/**** THREADS ****************************************************************************/
#error Definition of threads not present