/* Stockfish, a UCI chess playing engine derived from Glaurung 2.1 Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tord Romstad (Glaurung author) Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Marco Costalba, Joona Kiiski, Tord Romstad Stockfish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Stockfish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #if !defined(MOVE_H_INCLUDED) #define MOVE_H_INCLUDED #include #include "misc.h" #include "types.h" // Maximum number of allowed moves per position const int MAX_MOVES = 256; /// A move needs 16 bits to be stored /// /// bit 0- 5: destination square (from 0 to 63) /// bit 6-11: origin square (from 0 to 63) /// bit 12-13: promotion piece type - 2 (from KNIGHT-2 to QUEEN-2) /// bit 14-15: special move flag: promotion (1), en passant (2), castle (3) /// /// Special cases are MOVE_NONE and MOVE_NULL. We can sneak these in /// because in any normal move destination square is always different /// from origin square while MOVE_NONE and MOVE_NULL have the same /// origin and destination square, 0 and 1 respectively. enum Move { MOVE_NONE = 0, MOVE_NULL = 65 }; struct MoveStack { Move move; int score; }; inline bool operator<(const MoveStack& f, const MoveStack& s) { return f.score < s.score; } // An helper insertion sort implementation, works with pointers and iterators template inline void insertion_sort(K firstMove, K lastMove) { T value; K cur, p, d; if (firstMove != lastMove) for (cur = firstMove + 1; cur != lastMove; cur++) { p = d = cur; value = *p--; if (*p < value) { do *d = *p; while (--d != firstMove && *--p < value); *d = value; } } } // Our dedicated sort in range [firstMove, lastMove), first splits // positive scores from ramining then order seaprately the two sets. template inline void sort_moves(T* firstMove, T* lastMove, T** lastPositive) { T tmp; T *p, *d; d = lastMove; p = firstMove - 1; d->score = -1; // right guard // Split positives vs non-positives do { while ((++p)->score > 0) {} if (p != d) { while (--d != p && d->score <= 0) {} tmp = *p; *p = *d; *d = tmp; } } while (p != d); // Sort just positive scored moves, remaining only when we get there insertion_sort(firstMove, p); *lastPositive = p; } // Picks up the best move in range [curMove, lastMove), one per cycle. // It is faster then sorting all the moves in advance when moves are few, // as normally are the possible captures. Note that is not a stable alghoritm. template inline T pick_best(T* curMove, T* lastMove) { T bestMove, tmp; bestMove = *curMove; while (++curMove != lastMove) { if (bestMove < *curMove) { tmp = *curMove; *curMove = bestMove; bestMove = tmp; } } return bestMove; } inline Square move_from(Move m) { return Square((int(m) >> 6) & 0x3F); } inline Square move_to(Move m) { return Square(m & 0x3F); } inline bool move_is_special(Move m) { return m & (3 << 14); } inline bool move_is_promotion(Move m) { return (m & (3 << 14)) == (1 << 14); } inline int move_is_ep(Move m) { return (m & (3 << 14)) == (2 << 14); } inline int move_is_castle(Move m) { return (m & (3 << 14)) == (3 << 14); } inline bool move_is_short_castle(Move m) { return move_is_castle(m) && (move_to(m) > move_from(m)); } inline bool move_is_long_castle(Move m) { return move_is_castle(m) && (move_to(m) < move_from(m)); } inline PieceType move_promotion_piece(Move m) { return move_is_promotion(m) ? PieceType(((int(m) >> 12) & 3) + 2) : PIECE_TYPE_NONE; } inline Move make_move(Square from, Square to) { return Move(int(to) | (int(from) << 6)); } inline Move make_promotion_move(Square from, Square to, PieceType promotion) { return Move(int(to) | (int(from) << 6) | ((int(promotion) - 2) << 12) | (1 << 14)); } inline Move make_ep_move(Square from, Square to) { return Move(int(to) | (int(from) << 6) | (2 << 14)); } inline Move make_castle_move(Square from, Square to) { return Move(int(to) | (int(from) << 6) | (3 << 14)); } inline bool move_is_ok(Move m) { return move_from(m) != move_to(m); // Catches also MOVE_NONE } class Position; extern const std::string move_to_uci(Move m, bool chess960); extern Move move_from_uci(const Position& pos, const std::string& str); extern const std::string move_to_san(Position& pos, Move m); extern const std::string pretty_pv(Position& pos, int depth, Value score, int time, Move pv[]); #endif // !defined(MOVE_H_INCLUDED)