CPU Usage\n\
If you leave DroidFish running in the background and GameMode is set to \
Analysis or Computer vs Computer, or if Thinking Time \
is set to a large value, or if Pondering is enabled, DroidFish can use \
a lot of CPU power.\n\
If you are running on battery power, it is recommended that you change settings to \
conserve battery power, or that you exit DroidFish using the back button when \
you are not actively using the program.\
Offer Draw
Promote pawn to?
Copy Game to Clipboard
Copy Position to Clipboard
Paste from Clipboard
Share Game
Share as Text
Share as Image
Load from last file
Load game from PGN file
Load position from file
Load game from Scid file
Save game to PGN file
Retrieve Position
Repeat last move
Truncate Game Tree
Move Variation Up
Move Variation Down
Add Null Move
Load/Save Game
Goto move
Edit Strength
Edit Randomization
Invalid number format
Side to Move
Clear Board
Initial Position
Castling Flags
En Passant File
Move Counters
Paste Position
Edit Board
Select side to move first
White king castle
White queen castle
Black king castle
Black queen castle
Select En Passant File
Edit Move Counters
<Internal Book>
<ECO Book>
<No Book>
Select opening book file
Select Chess Engine
Open PGN file
Save to PGN file
Open FEN/EPD file
Reading PGN file…
Reading FEN/EPD file…
Reading Scid file…
<New File>
<New Engine>
No files found in directory DroidFish/pgn on the SD card
No files found in directory DroidFish/epd on the SD card
Select Color Theme
Scid Default
Scid Brown
Scid Green
Select Game Mode
Edit/re-play Game
Analysis Mode
Play White
Play Black
Two Players
Computer vs Computer
Edit Game
Edit Headers
Edit Comments
Add opening name
Go Back
Go Forward
Goto Start of Game
Goto Start of Variation
Goto Previous Variation
Load Previous Game
Goto End of Variation
Goto Next Variation
Load Next Game
Auto Forward
Auto Backward
No previous game
No next game
No previous position
No next position
Select Action
Flip Board
Blindfold mode
Toggle Show Thinking
Toggle Book Hints
Toggle Variations
Toggle Comments
Toggle Headers
Toggle Engine Analysis
Toggle Large Buttons
Toggle Blindfold Mode
Toggle Arrows
Move number:
Halfmove clock:
Fullmove counter:
Value (%):
White\'s move
Black\'s move
Game over, white mates!
Game over, black mates!
Game over, draw by stalemate!
Game over, draw by repetition!
Game over, draw by 50 move rule!
Game over, draw by impossibility of mate!
Game over, draw by agreement!
Game over, white resigns!
Game over, black resigns!
Invalid move
Piece can not be moved
Edit File / Load Game
Edit File / Save Game
Select an existing game to control where to save the game. Long press an existing game to delete it.
Load Scid Game
Load Position
CPU Warning
UCI Options
Failed to read PGN data
Add Analysis
Number of Variations
Hide statistics
Show statistics
Show whole variations
Truncate variations
Heavy CPU usage
Background processing
DroidFish is using a lot of CPU power
Delete game?
Delete file
Delete file?
Delete file %s?
Game saved
Failed to save game
Failed to delete game
File too large
Not a PGN file
Save game?
Before Selected
After Selected
Replace Selected
Engine name
Engine name in use
Character / not allowed
Engine error
Select Engine
Engine Options
Set options
Configure Network Engine
Create Network Engine
Delete Network Engine?
Host name
Network Engine
Failed to start engine
Failed to initialize text to speech
Text to speech data missing
Text to speech not supported for this language
Engine terminated
UCI protocol error
Network engine configuration error
Invalid network port
Start New Game?
Use the CuckooChess engine for even lower strength.
Highlight last move
Draw rectangle around last moved piece
Show Material Difference
Displays an additional subtitle for captured pieces
Too few spaces
Invalid piece
Invalid side
Invalid castling flags
Invalid en passant square
White must have exactly one king
Black must have exactly one king
King capture possible
Too many rows
Too many columns
Pawn on first/last rank
Too many white pieces
Too many black pieces
New Game
Resign game
Edit Board
Force Computer Move
Claim/Offer/Accept Draw
Select Opening Book
Manage Chess Engines
Set Color Theme
About / Help
Playing Options
Player Name
Default player name in new games
Flip Board: Auto
Use side to move to flip board automatically
Flip Board: Player
Use Player Name to flip board automatically
Engine Settings
Playing Strength
Only supported by internal engines. Analysis mode always uses full strength.
Let engine think while waiting for opponent\'s move. Supported by most engines.
Hash Table
Hash table size in megabytes
Time Control
Number of moves between time controls
Maximum thinking time between time controls
Extra thinking time for each completed move
Auto Move Delay
Delay between moves in automatic forward/backward mode
Show Computer Thinking
Display computer algorithm information during search
White-based scores
Positive analysis scores are good for white
Show Book Hints
Display opening book move hints for human player
Use Arrows
Use arrows to display moves on chess board
Show ECO codes
Show \'Encyclopedia of Chess Openings\' classification of openings
Animate Moves
Animate piece movements
Titlebar Scrolling
Auto scroll titlebar if player names are too long
Quick Move Input
From and To squares can be touched in any order. Move is played as soon as uniquely defined.
Move Announcement
Announcement sound when computer makes a move
Enable Vibration
Vibrate when computer makes a move
Fullscreen Mode
Fullscreen mode hides the status bar
Disable Screen Timeout
Square Labels
Display square labels: a–h and 1–8
Scrolling Speed
Scrolling speed for game navigation
Invert Scroll Direction
Enable this if you think scrolling moves in the wrong direction
Sweep horizontally loads game
If enabled, sweeping horizontally on the chess board moves to the next/previous game
Auto scroll move list
Automatically scroll the move list to the current board position
Discard variations
Discard non-mainline moves from move list
Left-handed mode
Controls on left side in landscape mode
Square selection
Control how selecting squares on the chess board behaves
User interface language
Text Size
Font size for move list and game information
Large Buttons
Use large buttons for game navigation and mode setting
Configure Buttons
Configure button size and button actions.
Main Action
Menu Action 1
Menu Action 2
Menu Action 3
Menu Action 4
Menu Action 5
Menu Action 6
Custom Button 1
Custom Button 2
Custom Button 3
Color Settings
Press on Color to apply
Change individual colors
Chess Board
Bright Squares
Dark Squares
Selected Square
Trackball Cursor
White Pieces
Black Pieces
Arrow 1
Arrow 2
Arrow 3
Arrow 4
Arrow 5
Arrow 6
Arrow 7
Arrow 8
Square Labels
Tablebase hints
Move List
Current Move
Opening Book Settings
Settings for opening book usage
Book Length
Maximum book line length
Prefer main lines
Prefer book moves marked as main moves
Tournament mode
Ignore moves marked as not for tournament play
Book Randomization
Book Filename
Polyglot or CTG book file in DroidFish directory on SD Card
PGN Settings
Settings for import and export of portable game notation (PGN) data
PGN viewer
Include non-mainline moves
Include user written comments
Include numeric annotation glyphs (NAGs), such as ! and ?
Show PGN header lines
Show Current Variations
Show current variations in status area
Piece Names
Control how chess piece names are displayed
Blindfold mode
Show blank board instead of pieces
PGN import
Include non-mainline moves
Include user written comments
Include numeric annotation glyphs (NAGs), such as ! and ?
PGN export
Include non-mainline moves
Include user written comments
Include numeric annotation glyphs (NAGs), such as ! and ?
Player Actions
Include information about draw and resign actions
Include time information for each move
Endgame Tablebases
Show Hints
When touching a piece, show tablebase value for all possible moves by that piece
Edit Board Hints
When touching a piece in edit board mode, show tablebase value for all possible alternate positions of that piece
Probe at Root
Filter out non-optimal moves before starting search
Engine Probing
Enable tablebase probing in engine, when supported
GTB Directory
Directory where Gaviota tablebases are installed. Leave blank to use default directory
GTB Network Directory
Directory for network engines where Gaviota tablebases are installed.
Syzygy Directory
Directory where Syzygy tablebases are installed. Leave blank to use default directory
Syzygy Network Directory
Directory for network engines where Syzygy tablebases are installed.
Startup Guide
Show the startup guide the next time the program is started.
Left Menu
To open the left menu, tap on the left side of the title bar or swipe from the left side of the screen towards the right side.
Right Menu
To open the right menu, tap on the right side of the title bar or swipe from the right side of the screen towards the left side.
Chess Board
Touch and hold the chess board to open the tools menu.
Tap a button to invoke its action. Touch and hold a button to open a menu containing secondary actions. To configure button actions go to Left Menu > Settings > Behavior > Configure Buttons.
Move List
Tap a move in the move list to set the chess board to the corresponding position. Touch and hold the move list to open the Edit Game menu.
Analysis information
When the engine is thinking, touch and hold the analysis information to open the Analysis menu.
Mode button
Backward button
Forward button
- English letters
- Local language letters
- Figurine notation
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 16 MB
- 32 MB
- 64 MB
- 128 MB
- 256 MB
- 512 MB
- 1024 MB
- 2048 MB
- 4096 MB
- 8192 MB
- 16384 MB
- 16
- 32
- 64
- 128
- 256
- 512
- 1024
- 2048
- 4096
- 8192
- 16384
- Whole Game
- 1 move
- 10 moves
- 20 moves
- 30 moves
- 40 moves
- 50 moves
- 60 moves
- 0
- 1
- 10
- 20
- 30
- 40
- 50
- 60
- 15 seconds
- 30 seconds
- 1 minute
- 2 minutes
- 3 minutes
- 5 minutes
- 10 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 45 minutes
- 60 minutes
- 90 minutes
- 120 minutes
- 15000
- 30000
- 60000
- 120000
- 180000
- 300000
- 600000
- 900000
- 1800000
- 2700000
- 3600000
- 5400000
- 7200000
- 0s
- 1s
- 2s
- 3s
- 4s
- 5s
- 10s
- 12s
- 15s
- 30s
- 60s
- 0
- 1000
- 2000
- 3000
- 4000
- 5000
- 10000
- 12000
- 15000
- 30000
- 60000
- 0.5s
- 1s
- 2s
- 3s
- 5s
- 10s
- 15s
- 30s
- 60s
- 500
- 1000
- 2000
- 3000
- 5000
- 10000
- 15000
- 30000
- 60000
- Sticky
- Toggle
- 0
- 1
- System default
- English
- Belarusian
- Chinese Simplified
- German
- Spanish
- French
- Italian
- Korean
- Dutch
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
- default
- en
- be
- zh_CN
- de
- es
- fr
- it
- ko
- nl
- pl
- pt
- ru
- tr
- uk
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- Larger
- 10
- 12
- 16
- 21
- Off
- Auto
- Always
- 0
- 1
- 2
- No arrows
- Max 1 Arrow
- Max 2 Arrows
- Max 3 Arrows
- Max 4 Arrows
- Max 5 Arrows
- Max 6 Arrows
- Max 7 Arrows
- Max 8 Arrows
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- Off
- Slowest
- Slow
- Normal
- Fast
- Fastest
- 0
- 6
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 0.5
- 5 moves
- 10 moves
- 15 moves
- 20 moves
- 30 moves
- 50 moves
- Unlimited
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 30
- 50
- 1000000
- Disabled
- @string/flip_board
- @string/toggle_analysis
- @string/toggle_show_thinking
- @string/toggle_book_hints
- @string/toggle_pgn_variations
- @string/toggle_pgn_comments
- @string/toggle_pgn_headers
- @string/toggle_large_buttons
- @string/toggle_blind_mode
- @string/toggle_arrows
- @string/load_last_file
- @string/select_engine
- @string/engine_options
- flipboard
- toggleAnalysis
- showThinking
- bookHints
- viewVariations
- viewComments
- viewHeaders
- largeButtons
- blindMode
- toggleArrows
- loadLastFile
- selectEngine
- engineOptions
- off
- sound
- speech_en
- speech_de
- speech_es
- Off
- Play sound
- English Speech
- German Speech
- Spanish Speech