/* Stockfish, a UCI chess playing engine derived from Glaurung 2.1 Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tord Romstad (Glaurung author) Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Marco Costalba, Joona Kiiski, Tord Romstad Stockfish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Stockfish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "bitboard.h" #include "types.h" namespace { // There are 24 possible pawn squares: the first 4 files and ranks from 2 to 7 const unsigned MAX_INDEX = 2*24*64*64; // stm * psq * wksq * bksq = 196608 // Each uint32_t stores results of 32 positions, one per bit uint32_t KPKBitbase[MAX_INDEX / 32]; // A KPK bitbase index is an integer in [0, IndexMax] range // // Information is mapped in a way that minimizes the number of iterations: // // bit 0- 5: white king square (from SQ_A1 to SQ_H8) // bit 6-11: black king square (from SQ_A1 to SQ_H8) // bit 12: side to move (WHITE or BLACK) // bit 13-14: white pawn file (from FILE_A to FILE_D) // bit 15-17: white pawn RANK_7 - rank (from RANK_7 - RANK_7 to RANK_7 - RANK_2) unsigned index(Color us, Square bksq, Square wksq, Square psq) { return wksq | (bksq << 6) | (us << 12) | (file_of(psq) << 13) | ((RANK_7 - rank_of(psq)) << 15); } enum Result { INVALID = 0, UNKNOWN = 1, DRAW = 2, WIN = 4 }; inline Result& operator|=(Result& r, Result v) { return r = Result(r | v); } struct KPKPosition { KPKPosition(unsigned idx); operator Result() const { return result; } Result classify(const std::vector& db) { return us == WHITE ? classify(db) : classify(db); } private: template Result classify(const std::vector& db); Color us; Square bksq, wksq, psq; Result result; }; } // namespace bool Bitbases::probe(Square wksq, Square wpsq, Square bksq, Color us) { assert(file_of(wpsq) <= FILE_D); unsigned idx = index(us, bksq, wksq, wpsq); return KPKBitbase[idx / 32] & (1 << (idx & 0x1F)); } void Bitbases::init() { unsigned idx, repeat = 1; std::vector db; db.reserve(MAX_INDEX); // Initialize db with known win / draw positions for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_INDEX; ++idx) db.push_back(KPKPosition(idx)); // Iterate through the positions until none of the unknown positions can be // changed to either wins or draws (15 cycles needed). while (repeat) for (repeat = idx = 0; idx < MAX_INDEX; ++idx) repeat |= (db[idx] == UNKNOWN && db[idx].classify(db) != UNKNOWN); // Map 32 results into one KPKBitbase[] entry for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_INDEX; ++idx) if (db[idx] == WIN) KPKBitbase[idx / 32] |= 1 << (idx & 0x1F); } namespace { KPKPosition::KPKPosition(unsigned idx) { wksq = Square((idx >> 0) & 0x3F); bksq = Square((idx >> 6) & 0x3F); us = Color ((idx >> 12) & 0x01); psq = make_square(File((idx >> 13) & 0x3), RANK_7 - Rank((idx >> 15) & 0x7)); result = UNKNOWN; // Check if two pieces are on the same square or if a king can be captured if ( distance(wksq, bksq) <= 1 || wksq == psq || bksq == psq || (us == WHITE && (StepAttacksBB[PAWN][psq] & bksq))) result = INVALID; else if (us == WHITE) { // Immediate win if a pawn can be promoted without getting captured if ( rank_of(psq) == RANK_7 && wksq != psq + DELTA_N && ( distance(bksq, psq + DELTA_N) > 1 ||(StepAttacksBB[KING][wksq] & (psq + DELTA_N)))) result = WIN; } // Immediate draw if it is a stalemate or a king captures undefended pawn else if ( !(StepAttacksBB[KING][bksq] & ~(StepAttacksBB[KING][wksq] | StepAttacksBB[PAWN][psq])) || (StepAttacksBB[KING][bksq] & psq & ~StepAttacksBB[KING][wksq])) result = DRAW; } template Result KPKPosition::classify(const std::vector& db) { // White to Move: If one move leads to a position classified as WIN, the result // of the current position is WIN. If all moves lead to positions classified // as DRAW, the current position is classified as DRAW, otherwise the current // position is classified as UNKNOWN. // // Black to Move: If one move leads to a position classified as DRAW, the result // of the current position is DRAW. If all moves lead to positions classified // as WIN, the position is classified as WIN, otherwise the current position is // classified as UNKNOWN. const Color Them = (Us == WHITE ? BLACK : WHITE); Result r = INVALID; Bitboard b = StepAttacksBB[KING][Us == WHITE ? wksq : bksq]; while (b) r |= Us == WHITE ? db[index(Them, bksq, pop_lsb(&b), psq)] : db[index(Them, pop_lsb(&b), wksq, psq)]; if (Us == WHITE && rank_of(psq) < RANK_7) { Square s = psq + DELTA_N; r |= db[index(BLACK, bksq, wksq, s)]; // Single push if (rank_of(psq) == RANK_2 && s != wksq && s != bksq) r |= db[index(BLACK, bksq, wksq, s + DELTA_N)]; // Double push } if (Us == WHITE) return result = r & WIN ? WIN : r & UNKNOWN ? UNKNOWN : DRAW; else return result = r & DRAW ? DRAW : r & UNKNOWN ? UNKNOWN : WIN; } } // namespace