mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 22:33:53 +01:00
DroidFish: Updated stockfish engine to version 4.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,12 +4,9 @@ include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := stockfish
evaluate.cpp notation.cpp search.cpp \
benchmark.cpp movegen.cpp tt.cpp \
bitbase.cpp main.cpp movepick.cpp uci.cpp \
bitboard.cpp pawns.cpp ucioption.cpp \
book.cpp material.cpp position.cpp \
endgame.cpp misc.cpp timeman.cpp thread.cpp
benchmark.cpp book.cpp main.cpp movegen.cpp pawns.cpp thread.cpp uci.cpp \
bitbase.cpp endgame.cpp material.cpp movepick.cpp position.cpp timeman.cpp ucioption.cpp \
bitboard.cpp evaluate.cpp misc.cpp notation.cpp search.cpp tt.cpp
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ void benchmark(const Position& current, istream& is) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < fens.size(); i++)
Position pos(fens[i], Options["UCI_Chess960"], Threads.main_thread());
Position pos(fens[i], Options["UCI_Chess960"], Threads.main());
cerr << "\nPosition: " << i + 1 << '/' << fens.size() << endl;
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ namespace {
// bit 6-11: black king square (from SQ_A1 to SQ_H8)
// bit 12: side to move (WHITE or BLACK)
// bit 13-14: white pawn file (from FILE_A to FILE_D)
// bit 15-17: white pawn 6 - rank (from 6 - RANK_7 to 6 - RANK_2)
// bit 15-17: white pawn RANK_7 - rank (from RANK_7 - RANK_7 to RANK_7 - RANK_2)
unsigned index(Color us, Square bksq, Square wksq, Square psq) {
return wksq + (bksq << 6) + (us << 12) + (file_of(psq) << 13) + ((6 - rank_of(psq)) << 15);
return wksq + (bksq << 6) + (us << 12) + (file_of(psq) << 13) + ((RANK_7 - rank_of(psq)) << 15);
enum Result {
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ namespace {
Result KPKPosition::classify_leaf(unsigned idx) {
wksq = Square((idx >> 0) & 0x3F);
bksq = Square((idx >> 6) & 0x3F);
us = Color((idx >> 12) & 0x01);
psq = File((idx >> 13) & 3) | Rank(6 - (idx >> 15));
wksq = Square((idx >> 0) & 0x3F);
bksq = Square((idx >> 6) & 0x3F);
us = Color ((idx >> 12) & 0x01);
psq = File ((idx >> 13) & 0x03) | Rank(RANK_7 - (idx >> 15));
// Check if two pieces are on the same square or if a king can be captured
if ( wksq == psq || wksq == bksq || bksq == psq
@ -148,12 +148,14 @@ namespace {
// as WIN, the position is classified WIN otherwise the current position is
// classified UNKNOWN.
const Color Them = (Us == WHITE ? BLACK : WHITE);
Result r = INVALID;
Bitboard b = StepAttacksBB[KING][Us == WHITE ? wksq : bksq];
while (b)
r |= Us == WHITE ? db[index(~Us, bksq, pop_lsb(&b), psq)]
: db[index(~Us, pop_lsb(&b), wksq, psq)];
r |= Us == WHITE ? db[index(Them, bksq, pop_lsb(&b), psq)]
: db[index(Them, pop_lsb(&b), wksq, psq)];
if (Us == WHITE && rank_of(psq) < RANK_7)
@ -42,14 +42,13 @@ Bitboard SquareBB[SQUARE_NB];
Bitboard FileBB[FILE_NB];
Bitboard RankBB[RANK_NB];
Bitboard AdjacentFilesBB[FILE_NB];
Bitboard ThisAndAdjacentFilesBB[FILE_NB];
Bitboard InFrontBB[COLOR_NB][RANK_NB];
Bitboard StepAttacksBB[PIECE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
Bitboard BetweenBB[SQUARE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
Bitboard DistanceRingsBB[SQUARE_NB][8];
Bitboard ForwardBB[COLOR_NB][SQUARE_NB];
Bitboard PassedPawnMask[COLOR_NB][SQUARE_NB];
Bitboard AttackSpanMask[COLOR_NB][SQUARE_NB];
Bitboard PawnAttackSpan[COLOR_NB][SQUARE_NB];
Bitboard PseudoAttacks[PIECE_TYPE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
int SquareDistance[SQUARE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ namespace {
/// lsb()/msb() finds the least/most significant bit in a nonzero bitboard.
/// pop_lsb() finds and clears the least significant bit in a nonzero bitboard.
#if !defined(USE_BSFQ)
#ifndef USE_BSFQ
Square lsb(Bitboard b) { return BSFTable[bsf_index(b)]; }
@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ Square msb(Bitboard b) {
return (Square)(result + MS1BTable[b32]);
#endif // !defined(USE_BSFQ)
#endif // ifndef USE_BSFQ
/// Bitboards::print() prints a bitboard in an easily readable format to the
@ -171,10 +170,7 @@ void Bitboards::init() {
for (File f = FILE_A; f <= FILE_H; f++)
AdjacentFilesBB[f] = (f > FILE_A ? FileBB[f - 1] : 0) | (f < FILE_H ? FileBB[f + 1] : 0);
ThisAndAdjacentFilesBB[f] = FileBB[f] | AdjacentFilesBB[f];
for (Rank r = RANK_1; r < RANK_8; r++)
InFrontBB[WHITE][r] = ~(InFrontBB[BLACK][r + 1] = InFrontBB[BLACK][r] | RankBB[r]);
@ -183,19 +179,17 @@ void Bitboards::init() {
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
ForwardBB[c][s] = InFrontBB[c][rank_of(s)] & FileBB[file_of(s)];
PassedPawnMask[c][s] = InFrontBB[c][rank_of(s)] & ThisAndAdjacentFilesBB[file_of(s)];
AttackSpanMask[c][s] = InFrontBB[c][rank_of(s)] & AdjacentFilesBB[file_of(s)];
PawnAttackSpan[c][s] = InFrontBB[c][rank_of(s)] & AdjacentFilesBB[file_of(s)];
PassedPawnMask[c][s] = ForwardBB[c][s] | PawnAttackSpan[c][s];
for (Square s1 = SQ_A1; s1 <= SQ_H8; s1++)
for (Square s2 = SQ_A1; s2 <= SQ_H8; s2++)
SquareDistance[s1][s2] = std::max(file_distance(s1, s2), rank_distance(s1, s2));
for (Square s1 = SQ_A1; s1 <= SQ_H8; s1++)
for (int d = 1; d < 8; d++)
for (Square s2 = SQ_A1; s2 <= SQ_H8; s2++)
if (SquareDistance[s1][s2] == d)
DistanceRingsBB[s1][d - 1] |= s2;
if (s1 != s2)
DistanceRingsBB[s1][SquareDistance[s1][s2] - 1] |= s2;
int steps[][9] = { {}, { 7, 9 }, { 17, 15, 10, 6, -6, -10, -15, -17 },
{}, {}, {}, { 9, 7, -7, -9, 8, 1, -1, -8 } };
@ -322,7 +316,7 @@ namespace {
do magics[s] = pick_random(rk, booster);
while (popcount<Max15>((magics[s] * masks[s]) >> 56) < 6);
memset(attacks[s], 0, size * sizeof(Bitboard));
std::memset(attacks[s], 0, size * sizeof(Bitboard));
// A good magic must map every possible occupancy to an index that
// looks up the correct sliding attack in the attacks[s] database.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "types.h"
@ -37,6 +37,24 @@ bool probe_kpk(Square wksq, Square wpsq, Square bksq, Color us);
const Bitboard FileABB = 0x0101010101010101ULL;
const Bitboard FileBBB = FileABB << 1;
const Bitboard FileCBB = FileABB << 2;
const Bitboard FileDBB = FileABB << 3;
const Bitboard FileEBB = FileABB << 4;
const Bitboard FileFBB = FileABB << 5;
const Bitboard FileGBB = FileABB << 6;
const Bitboard FileHBB = FileABB << 7;
const Bitboard Rank1BB = 0xFF;
const Bitboard Rank2BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 1);
const Bitboard Rank3BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 2);
const Bitboard Rank4BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 3);
const Bitboard Rank5BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 4);
const Bitboard Rank6BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 5);
const Bitboard Rank7BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 6);
const Bitboard Rank8BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 7);
extern Bitboard RMasks[SQUARE_NB];
@ -53,17 +71,18 @@ extern Bitboard SquareBB[SQUARE_NB];
extern Bitboard FileBB[FILE_NB];
extern Bitboard RankBB[RANK_NB];
extern Bitboard AdjacentFilesBB[FILE_NB];
extern Bitboard ThisAndAdjacentFilesBB[FILE_NB];
extern Bitboard InFrontBB[COLOR_NB][RANK_NB];
extern Bitboard StepAttacksBB[PIECE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
extern Bitboard BetweenBB[SQUARE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
extern Bitboard DistanceRingsBB[SQUARE_NB][8];
extern Bitboard ForwardBB[COLOR_NB][SQUARE_NB];
extern Bitboard PassedPawnMask[COLOR_NB][SQUARE_NB];
extern Bitboard AttackSpanMask[COLOR_NB][SQUARE_NB];
extern Bitboard PawnAttackSpan[COLOR_NB][SQUARE_NB];
extern Bitboard PseudoAttacks[PIECE_TYPE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
const Bitboard BlackSquares = 0xAA55AA55AA55AA55ULL;
extern int SquareDistance[SQUARE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
const Bitboard DarkSquares = 0xAA55AA55AA55AA55ULL;
/// Overloads of bitwise operators between a Bitboard and a Square for testing
/// whether a given bit is set in a bitboard, and for setting and clearing bits.
@ -88,13 +107,34 @@ inline Bitboard operator^(Bitboard b, Square s) {
return b ^ SquareBB[s];
/// more_than_one() returns true if in 'b' there is more than one bit set
inline bool more_than_one(Bitboard b) {
return b & (b - 1);
inline int square_distance(Square s1, Square s2) {
return SquareDistance[s1][s2];
inline int file_distance(Square s1, Square s2) {
return abs(file_of(s1) - file_of(s2));
inline int rank_distance(Square s1, Square s2) {
return abs(rank_of(s1) - rank_of(s2));
/// shift_bb() moves bitboard one step along direction Delta. Mainly for pawns.
template<Square Delta>
inline Bitboard shift_bb(Bitboard b) {
return Delta == DELTA_N ? b << 8 : Delta == DELTA_S ? b >> 8
: Delta == DELTA_NE ? (b & ~FileHBB) << 9 : Delta == DELTA_SE ? (b & ~FileHBB) >> 7
: Delta == DELTA_NW ? (b & ~FileABB) << 7 : Delta == DELTA_SW ? (b & ~FileABB) >> 9
: 0;
/// rank_bb() and file_bb() take a file or a square as input and return
/// a bitboard representing all squares on the given file or rank.
@ -116,7 +156,7 @@ inline Bitboard file_bb(Square s) {
/// adjacent_files_bb takes a file as input and returns a bitboard representing
/// adjacent_files_bb() takes a file as input and returns a bitboard representing
/// all squares on the adjacent files.
inline Bitboard adjacent_files_bb(File f) {
@ -124,30 +164,17 @@ inline Bitboard adjacent_files_bb(File f) {
/// this_and_adjacent_files_bb takes a file as input and returns a bitboard
/// representing all squares on the given and adjacent files.
inline Bitboard this_and_adjacent_files_bb(File f) {
return ThisAndAdjacentFilesBB[f];
/// in_front_bb() takes a color and a rank or square as input, and returns a
/// bitboard representing all the squares on all ranks in front of the rank
/// (or square), from the given color's point of view. For instance,
/// in_front_bb(WHITE, RANK_5) will give all squares on ranks 6, 7 and 8, while
/// in_front_bb(BLACK, SQ_D3) will give all squares on ranks 1 and 2.
/// in_front_bb() takes a color and a rank as input, and returns a bitboard
/// representing all the squares on all ranks in front of the rank, from the
/// given color's point of view. For instance, in_front_bb(BLACK, RANK_3) will
/// give all squares on ranks 1 and 2.
inline Bitboard in_front_bb(Color c, Rank r) {
return InFrontBB[c][r];
inline Bitboard in_front_bb(Color c, Square s) {
return InFrontBB[c][rank_of(s)];
/// between_bb returns a bitboard representing all squares between two squares.
/// between_bb() returns a bitboard representing all squares between two squares.
/// For instance, between_bb(SQ_C4, SQ_F7) returns a bitboard with the bits for
/// square d5 and e6 set. If s1 and s2 are not on the same line, file or diagonal,
/// 0 is returned.
@ -157,7 +184,7 @@ inline Bitboard between_bb(Square s1, Square s2) {
/// forward_bb takes a color and a square as input, and returns a bitboard
/// forward_bb() takes a color and a square as input, and returns a bitboard
/// representing all squares along the line in front of the square, from the
/// point of view of the given color. Definition of the table is:
/// ForwardBB[c][s] = in_front_bb(c, s) & file_bb(s)
@ -167,27 +194,35 @@ inline Bitboard forward_bb(Color c, Square s) {
/// passed_pawn_mask takes a color and a square as input, and returns a
/// pawn_attack_span() takes a color and a square as input, and returns a bitboard
/// representing all squares that can be attacked by a pawn of the given color
/// when it moves along its file starting from the given square. Definition is:
/// PawnAttackSpan[c][s] = in_front_bb(c, s) & adjacent_files_bb(s);
inline Bitboard pawn_attack_span(Color c, Square s) {
return PawnAttackSpan[c][s];
/// passed_pawn_mask() takes a color and a square as input, and returns a
/// bitboard mask which can be used to test if a pawn of the given color on
/// the given square is a passed pawn. Definition of the table is:
/// PassedPawnMask[c][s] = in_front_bb(c, s) & this_and_adjacent_files_bb(s)
/// PassedPawnMask[c][s] = pawn_attack_span(c, s) | forward_bb(c, s)
inline Bitboard passed_pawn_mask(Color c, Square s) {
return PassedPawnMask[c][s];
/// attack_span_mask takes a color and a square as input, and returns a bitboard
/// representing all squares that can be attacked by a pawn of the given color
/// when it moves along its file starting from the given square. Definition is:
/// AttackSpanMask[c][s] = in_front_bb(c, s) & adjacent_files_bb(s);
/// squares_of_color() returns a bitboard representing all squares with the same
/// color of the given square.
inline Bitboard attack_span_mask(Color c, Square s) {
return AttackSpanMask[c][s];
inline Bitboard squares_of_color(Square s) {
return DarkSquares & s ? DarkSquares : ~DarkSquares;
/// squares_aligned returns true if the squares s1, s2 and s3 are aligned
/// squares_aligned() returns true if the squares s1, s2 and s3 are aligned
/// either on a straight or on a diagonal line.
inline bool squares_aligned(Square s1, Square s2, Square s3) {
@ -196,14 +231,6 @@ inline bool squares_aligned(Square s1, Square s2, Square s3) {
/// same_color_squares() returns a bitboard representing all squares with
/// the same color of the given square.
inline Bitboard same_color_squares(Square s) {
return BlackSquares & s ? BlackSquares : ~BlackSquares;
/// Functions for computing sliding attack bitboards. Function attacks_bb() takes
/// a square and a bitboard of occupied squares as input, and returns a bitboard
/// representing all squares attacked by Pt (bishop or rook) on the given square.
@ -231,7 +258,7 @@ inline Bitboard attacks_bb(Square s, Bitboard occ) {
/// lsb()/msb() finds the least/most significant bit in a nonzero bitboard.
/// pop_lsb() finds and clears the least significant bit in a nonzero bitboard.
#if defined(USE_BSFQ)
#ifdef USE_BSFQ
# if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
@ -284,7 +311,7 @@ FORCE_INLINE Square pop_lsb(Bitboard* b) {
return s;
#else // if !defined(USE_BSFQ)
#else // if defined(USE_BSFQ)
extern Square msb(Bitboard b);
extern Square lsb(Bitboard b);
@ -292,4 +319,4 @@ extern Square pop_lsb(Bitboard* b);
#endif // !defined(BITBOARD_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef BITBOARD_H_INCLUDED
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <cassert>
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ inline int popcount<CNT_32_MAX15>(Bitboard b) {
inline int popcount<CNT_HW_POPCNT>(Bitboard b) {
#if !defined(USE_POPCNT)
#ifndef USE_POPCNT
return b != 0; // Avoid 'b not used' warning
@ -102,4 +102,4 @@ inline int popcount<CNT_HW_POPCNT>(Bitboard b) {
#endif // !defined(BITCOUNT_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef BITCOUNT_H_INCLUDED
@ -436,9 +436,9 @@ Move PolyglotBook::probe(const Position& pos, const string& fName, bool pickBest
move = make<PROMOTION>(from_sq(move), to_sq(move), PieceType(pt + 1));
// Add 'special move' flags and verify it is legal
for (MoveList<LEGAL> ml(pos); !ml.end(); ++ml)
if (move == (ml.move() ^ type_of(ml.move())))
return ml.move();
for (MoveList<LEGAL> it(pos); *it; ++it)
if (move == (*it ^ type_of(*it)))
return *it;
return MOVE_NONE;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(BOOK_H_INCLUDED)
#include <fstream>
@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ private:
std::string fileName;
#endif // !defined(BOOK_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef BOOK_H_INCLUDED
@ -89,7 +89,10 @@ namespace {
Endgames::Endgames() {
@ -130,28 +133,25 @@ template<>
Value Endgame<KXK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(!pos.checkers()); // Eval is never called when in check
// Stalemate detection with lone king
if ( pos.side_to_move() == weakerSide
&& !pos.checkers()
&& !MoveList<LEGAL>(pos).size()) {
return VALUE_DRAW;
if (pos.side_to_move() == weakerSide && !MoveList<LEGAL>(pos).size())
return VALUE_DRAW;
Square winnerKSq = pos.king_square(strongerSide);
Square loserKSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
Value result = pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide)
+ pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) * PawnValueEg
+ pos.count<PAWN>(strongerSide) * PawnValueEg
+ MateTable[loserKSq]
+ DistanceBonus[square_distance(winnerKSq, loserKSq)];
if ( pos.piece_count(strongerSide, QUEEN)
|| pos.piece_count(strongerSide, ROOK)
|| pos.bishop_pair(strongerSide)) {
result += VALUE_KNOWN_WIN;
if ( pos.count<QUEEN>(strongerSide)
|| pos.count<ROOK>(strongerSide)
|| pos.bishop_pair(strongerSide))
result += VALUE_KNOWN_WIN;
return strongerSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result;
@ -162,16 +162,16 @@ Value Endgame<KXK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
Value Endgame<KBNK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == KnightValueMg + BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, BISHOP) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, KNIGHT) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.count<BISHOP>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count<KNIGHT>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(strongerSide) == 0);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 0);
Square winnerKSq = pos.king_square(strongerSide);
Square loserKSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
Square bishopSq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, BISHOP)[0];
Square bishopSq = pos.list<BISHOP>(strongerSide)[0];
// kbnk_mate_table() tries to drive toward corners A1 or H8,
// if we have a bishop that cannot reach the above squares we
@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ Value Endgame<KPK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 0);
Square wksq, bksq, wpsq;
Color us;
@ -206,14 +206,14 @@ Value Endgame<KPK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
wksq = pos.king_square(WHITE);
bksq = pos.king_square(BLACK);
wpsq = pos.piece_list(WHITE, PAWN)[0];
wpsq = pos.list<PAWN>(WHITE)[0];
us = pos.side_to_move();
wksq = ~pos.king_square(BLACK);
bksq = ~pos.king_square(WHITE);
wpsq = ~pos.piece_list(BLACK, PAWN)[0];
wpsq = ~pos.list<PAWN>(BLACK)[0];
us = ~pos.side_to_move();
@ -241,17 +241,17 @@ template<>
Value Endgame<KRKP>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == RookValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == 0);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 1);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(strongerSide) == 0);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 1);
Square wksq, wrsq, bksq, bpsq;
int tempo = (pos.side_to_move() == strongerSide);
wksq = pos.king_square(strongerSide);
wrsq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, ROOK)[0];
bksq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
bpsq = pos.piece_list(weakerSide, PAWN)[0];
wrsq = pos.list<ROOK>(strongerSide)[0];
bpsq = pos.list<PAWN>(weakerSide)[0];
if (strongerSide == BLACK)
@ -298,10 +298,10 @@ template<>
Value Endgame<KRKB>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == RookValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, BISHOP) == 1);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide ) == BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.count<BISHOP>(weakerSide ) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 0);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(strongerSide) == 0);
Value result = Value(MateTable[pos.king_square(weakerSide)]);
return strongerSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result;
@ -314,15 +314,15 @@ template<>
Value Endgame<KRKN>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == RookValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == KnightValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, KNIGHT) == 1);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide ) == KnightValueMg);
assert(pos.count<KNIGHT>(weakerSide ) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 0);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(strongerSide) == 0);
const int penalty[8] = { 0, 10, 14, 20, 30, 42, 58, 80 };
Square bksq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
Square bnsq = pos.piece_list(weakerSide, KNIGHT)[0];
Square bnsq = pos.list<KNIGHT>(weakerSide)[0];
Value result = Value(MateTable[bksq] + penalty[square_distance(bksq, bnsq)]);
return strongerSide == pos.side_to_move() ? result : -result;
@ -335,13 +335,13 @@ template<>
Value Endgame<KQKP>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == QueenValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == 0);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 1);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide ) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(strongerSide) == 0);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 1);
Square winnerKSq = pos.king_square(strongerSide);
Square loserKSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
Square pawnSq = pos.piece_list(weakerSide, PAWN)[0];
Square pawnSq = pos.list<PAWN>(weakerSide)[0];
Value result = QueenValueEg
- PawnValueEg
@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ template<>
Value Endgame<KQKR>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == QueenValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == RookValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide ) == RookValueMg);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(strongerSide) == 0);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 0);
Square winnerKSq = pos.king_square(strongerSide);
Square loserKSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
@ -386,16 +386,16 @@ Value Endgame<KQKR>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
Value Endgame<KBBKN>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, BISHOP) == 2);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == 2*BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, KNIGHT) == 1);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == KnightValueMg);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == 2 * BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide ) == KnightValueMg);
assert(pos.count<BISHOP>(strongerSide) == 2);
assert(pos.count<KNIGHT>(weakerSide ) == 1);
Value result = BishopValueEg;
Square wksq = pos.king_square(strongerSide);
Square bksq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
Square nsq = pos.piece_list(weakerSide, KNIGHT)[0];
Square nsq = pos.list<KNIGHT>(weakerSide)[0];
// Bonus for attacking king close to defending king
result += Value(DistanceBonus[square_distance(wksq, bksq)]);
@ -410,17 +410,13 @@ Value Endgame<KBBKN>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
/// K and two minors vs K and one or two minors or K and two knights against
/// king alone are always draw.
Value Endgame<KmmKm>::operator()(const Position&) const {
return VALUE_DRAW;
/// Some cases of trivial draws
template<> Value Endgame<KK>::operator()(const Position&) const { return VALUE_DRAW; }
template<> Value Endgame<KBK>::operator()(const Position&) const { return VALUE_DRAW; }
template<> Value Endgame<KNK>::operator()(const Position&) const { return VALUE_DRAW; }
template<> Value Endgame<KNNK>::operator()(const Position&) const { return VALUE_DRAW; }
template<> Value Endgame<KmmKm>::operator()(const Position&) const { return VALUE_DRAW; }
Value Endgame<KNNK>::operator()(const Position&) const {
return VALUE_DRAW;
/// K, bishop and one or more pawns vs K. It checks for draws with rook pawns and
/// a bishop of the wrong color. If such a draw is detected, SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW
@ -430,20 +426,20 @@ template<>
ScaleFactor Endgame<KBPsK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, BISHOP) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) >= 1);
assert(pos.count<BISHOP>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(strongerSide) >= 1);
// No assertions about the material of weakerSide, because we want draws to
// be detected even when the weaker side has some pawns.
Bitboard pawns = pos.pieces(strongerSide, PAWN);
File pawnFile = file_of(pos.piece_list(strongerSide, PAWN)[0]);
File pawnFile = file_of(pos.list<PAWN>(strongerSide)[0]);
// All pawns are on a single rook file ?
if ( (pawnFile == FILE_A || pawnFile == FILE_H)
&& !(pawns & ~file_bb(pawnFile)))
Square bishopSq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, BISHOP)[0];
Square bishopSq = pos.list<BISHOP>(strongerSide)[0];
Square queeningSq = relative_square(strongerSide, pawnFile | RANK_8);
Square kingSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
@ -477,7 +473,7 @@ ScaleFactor Endgame<KBPsK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
if ( (pawnFile == FILE_B || pawnFile == FILE_G)
&& !(pos.pieces(PAWN) & ~file_bb(pawnFile))
&& pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == 0
&& pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) >= 1)
&& pos.count<PAWN>(weakerSide) >= 1)
// Get weaker pawn closest to opponent's queening square
Bitboard wkPawns = pos.pieces(weakerSide, PAWN);
@ -485,7 +481,7 @@ ScaleFactor Endgame<KBPsK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
Square strongerKingSq = pos.king_square(strongerSide);
Square weakerKingSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
Square bishopSq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, BISHOP)[0];
Square bishopSq = pos.list<BISHOP>(strongerSide)[0];
// Draw if weaker pawn is on rank 7, bishop can't attack the pawn, and
// weaker king can stop opposing opponent's king from penetrating.
@ -505,19 +501,19 @@ template<>
ScaleFactor Endgame<KQKRPs>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == QueenValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, QUEEN) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, ROOK) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) >= 1);
assert(pos.count<QUEEN>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(strongerSide) == 0);
assert(pos.count< ROOK>(weakerSide ) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(weakerSide ) >= 1);
Square kingSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
if ( relative_rank(weakerSide, kingSq) <= RANK_2
&& relative_rank(weakerSide, pos.king_square(strongerSide)) >= RANK_4
if ( relative_rank(weakerSide, kingSq) <= RANK_2
&& relative_rank(weakerSide, pos.king_square(strongerSide)) >= RANK_4
&& (pos.pieces(weakerSide, ROOK) & rank_bb(relative_rank(weakerSide, RANK_3)))
&& (pos.pieces(weakerSide, PAWN) & rank_bb(relative_rank(weakerSide, RANK_2)))
&& (pos.attacks_from<KING>(kingSq) & pos.pieces(weakerSide, PAWN)))
Square rsq = pos.piece_list(weakerSide, ROOK)[0];
Square rsq = pos.list<ROOK>(weakerSide)[0];
if (pos.attacks_from<PAWN>(rsq, strongerSide) & pos.pieces(weakerSide, PAWN))
@ -535,15 +531,15 @@ template<>
ScaleFactor Endgame<KRPKR>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == RookValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 1);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == RookValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == RookValueMg);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 0);
Square wksq = pos.king_square(strongerSide);
Square wrsq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, ROOK)[0];
Square wpsq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, PAWN)[0];
Square bksq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
Square brsq = pos.piece_list(weakerSide, ROOK)[0];
Square wrsq = pos.list<ROOK>(strongerSide)[0];
Square wpsq = pos.list<PAWN>(strongerSide)[0];
Square brsq = pos.list<ROOK>(weakerSide)[0];
// Orient the board in such a way that the stronger side is white, and the
// pawn is on the left half of the board.
@ -653,12 +649,12 @@ template<>
ScaleFactor Endgame<KRPPKRP>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == RookValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 2);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == RookValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 1);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == RookValueMg);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(strongerSide) == 2);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 1);
Square wpsq1 = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, PAWN)[0];
Square wpsq2 = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, PAWN)[1];
Square wpsq1 = pos.list<PAWN>(strongerSide)[0];
Square wpsq2 = pos.list<PAWN>(strongerSide)[1];
Square bksq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
// Does the stronger side have a passed pawn?
@ -691,9 +687,9 @@ template<>
ScaleFactor Endgame<KPsK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) >= 2);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(strongerSide) >= 2);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 0);
Square ksq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
Bitboard pawns = pos.pieces(strongerSide, PAWN);
@ -704,7 +700,7 @@ ScaleFactor Endgame<KPsK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
// Does the defending king block the pawns?
if ( square_distance(ksq, relative_square(strongerSide, SQ_A8)) <= 1
|| ( file_of(ksq) == FILE_A
&& !(in_front_bb(strongerSide, ksq) & pawns)))
&& !(in_front_bb(strongerSide, rank_of(ksq)) & pawns)))
// Are all pawns on the 'h' file?
@ -713,7 +709,7 @@ ScaleFactor Endgame<KPsK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
// Does the defending king block the pawns?
if ( square_distance(ksq, relative_square(strongerSide, SQ_H8)) <= 1
|| ( file_of(ksq) == FILE_H
&& !(in_front_bb(strongerSide, ksq) & pawns)))
&& !(in_front_bb(strongerSide, rank_of(ksq)) & pawns)))
@ -728,15 +724,15 @@ template<>
ScaleFactor Endgame<KBPKB>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, BISHOP) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 1);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, BISHOP) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide ) == BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.count<BISHOP>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count<BISHOP>(weakerSide ) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 0);
Square pawnSq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, PAWN)[0];
Square strongerBishopSq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, BISHOP)[0];
Square weakerBishopSq = pos.piece_list(weakerSide, BISHOP)[0];
Square pawnSq = pos.list<PAWN>(strongerSide)[0];
Square strongerBishopSq = pos.list<BISHOP>(strongerSide)[0];
Square weakerBishopSq = pos.list<BISHOP>(weakerSide)[0];
Square weakerKingSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
// Case 1: Defending king blocks the pawn, and cannot be driven away
@ -783,21 +779,21 @@ template<>
ScaleFactor Endgame<KBPPKB>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, BISHOP) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 2);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, BISHOP) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide ) == BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.count<BISHOP>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count<BISHOP>(weakerSide ) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(strongerSide) == 2);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 0);
Square wbsq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, BISHOP)[0];
Square bbsq = pos.piece_list(weakerSide, BISHOP)[0];
Square wbsq = pos.list<BISHOP>(strongerSide)[0];
Square bbsq = pos.list<BISHOP>(weakerSide)[0];
if (!opposite_colors(wbsq, bbsq))
Square ksq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
Square psq1 = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, PAWN)[0];
Square psq2 = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, PAWN)[1];
Square psq1 = pos.list<PAWN>(strongerSide)[0];
Square psq2 = pos.list<PAWN>(strongerSide)[1];
Rank r1 = rank_of(psq1);
Rank r2 = rank_of(psq2);
Square blockSq1, blockSq2;
@ -858,14 +854,14 @@ template<>
ScaleFactor Endgame<KBPKN>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == BishopValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, BISHOP) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 1);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == KnightValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, KNIGHT) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide ) == KnightValueMg);
assert(pos.count<BISHOP>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count<KNIGHT>(weakerSide ) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 0);
Square pawnSq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, PAWN)[0];
Square strongerBishopSq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, BISHOP)[0];
Square pawnSq = pos.list<PAWN>(strongerSide)[0];
Square strongerBishopSq = pos.list<BISHOP>(strongerSide)[0];
Square weakerKingSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
if ( file_of(weakerKingSq) == file_of(pawnSq)
@ -885,12 +881,12 @@ template<>
ScaleFactor Endgame<KNPK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == KnightValueMg);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, KNIGHT) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(strongerSide, PAWN) == 1);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.piece_count(weakerSide, PAWN) == 0);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide ) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.count<KNIGHT>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(strongerSide) == 1);
assert(pos.count< PAWN>(weakerSide ) == 0);
Square pawnSq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, PAWN)[0];
Square pawnSq = pos.list<PAWN>(strongerSide)[0];
Square weakerKingSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
if ( pawnSq == relative_square(strongerSide, SQ_A7)
@ -910,8 +906,8 @@ ScaleFactor Endgame<KNPK>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
ScaleFactor Endgame<KNPKB>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
Square pawnSq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, PAWN)[0];
Square bishopSq = pos.piece_list(weakerSide, BISHOP)[0];
Square pawnSq = pos.list<PAWN>(strongerSide)[0];
Square bishopSq = pos.list<BISHOP>(weakerSide)[0];
Square weakerKingSq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
// King needs to get close to promoting pawn to prevent knight from blocking.
@ -932,13 +928,13 @@ template<>
ScaleFactor Endgame<KPKP>::operator()(const Position& pos) const {
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongerSide) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.piece_count(WHITE, PAWN) == 1);
assert(pos.piece_count(BLACK, PAWN) == 1);
assert(pos.non_pawn_material(weakerSide ) == VALUE_ZERO);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(WHITE) == 1);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(BLACK) == 1);
Square wksq = pos.king_square(strongerSide);
Square bksq = pos.king_square(weakerSide);
Square wpsq = pos.piece_list(strongerSide, PAWN)[0];
Square wpsq = pos.list<PAWN>(strongerSide)[0];
Color us = pos.side_to_move();
if (strongerSide == BLACK)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(ENDGAME_H_INCLUDED)
#include <map>
@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ enum EndgameType {
// Evaluation functions
KK, // K vs K
KBK, // KB vs K
KNK, // KN vs K
KNNK, // KNN vs K
KXK, // Generic "mate lone king" eval
KBNK, // KBN vs K
KPK, // KP vs K
@ -42,7 +46,6 @@ enum EndgameType {
KQKP, // KQ vs KP
KQKR, // KQ vs KR
KNNK, // KNN vs K
KmmKm, // K and two minors vs K and one or two minors
@ -119,4 +122,4 @@ public:
{ return eg = map(eg).count(key) ? map(eg)[key] : NULL; }
#endif // !defined(ENDGAME_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef ENDGAME_H_INCLUDED
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "types.h"
@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ extern std::string trace(const Position& pos);
#endif // !defined(EVALUATE_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef EVALUATE_H_INCLUDED
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ namespace {
const int NoPawnsSF[4] = { 6, 12, 32 };
// Polynomial material balance parameters
const Value RedundantQueenPenalty = Value(320);
const Value RedundantRookPenalty = Value(554);
const Value RedundantQueen = Value(320);
const Value RedundantRook = Value(554);
// pair pawn knight bishop rook queen
const int LinearCoefficients[6] = { 1617, -162, -1172, -190, 105, 26 };
@ -75,24 +75,24 @@ namespace {
// Helper templates used to detect a given material distribution
template<Color Us> bool is_KXK(const Position& pos) {
const Color Them = (Us == WHITE ? BLACK : WHITE);
return pos.non_pawn_material(Them) == VALUE_ZERO
&& pos.piece_count(Them, PAWN) == 0
&& pos.non_pawn_material(Us) >= RookValueMg;
return !pos.count<PAWN>(Them)
&& pos.non_pawn_material(Them) == VALUE_ZERO
&& pos.non_pawn_material(Us) >= RookValueMg;
template<Color Us> bool is_KBPsKs(const Position& pos) {
return pos.non_pawn_material(Us) == BishopValueMg
&& pos.piece_count(Us, BISHOP) == 1
&& pos.piece_count(Us, PAWN) >= 1;
return pos.non_pawn_material(Us) == BishopValueMg
&& pos.count<BISHOP>(Us) == 1
&& pos.count<PAWN >(Us) >= 1;
template<Color Us> bool is_KQKRPs(const Position& pos) {
const Color Them = (Us == WHITE ? BLACK : WHITE);
return pos.piece_count(Us, PAWN) == 0
&& pos.non_pawn_material(Us) == QueenValueMg
&& pos.piece_count(Us, QUEEN) == 1
&& pos.piece_count(Them, ROOK) == 1
&& pos.piece_count(Them, PAWN) >= 1;
return !pos.count<PAWN>(Us)
&& pos.non_pawn_material(Us) == QueenValueMg
&& pos.count<QUEEN>(Us) == 1
&& pos.count<ROOK>(Them) == 1
&& pos.count<PAWN>(Them) >= 1;
/// imbalance() calculates imbalance comparing piece count of each
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ namespace {
// Redundancy of major pieces, formula based on Kaufman's paper
// "The Evaluation of Material Imbalances in Chess"
if (pieceCount[Us][ROOK] > 0)
value -= RedundantRookPenalty * (pieceCount[Us][ROOK] - 1)
+ RedundantQueenPenalty * pieceCount[Us][QUEEN];
value -= RedundantRook * (pieceCount[Us][ROOK] - 1)
+ RedundantQueen * pieceCount[Us][QUEEN];
// Second-degree polynomial material imbalance by Tord Romstad
for (pt1 = NO_PIECE_TYPE; pt1 <= QUEEN; pt1++)
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Entry* probe(const Position& pos, Table& entries, Endgames& endgames) {
if (e->key == key)
return e;
memset(e, 0, sizeof(Entry));
std::memset(e, 0, sizeof(Entry));
e->key = key;
e->factor[WHITE] = e->factor[BLACK] = (uint8_t)SCALE_FACTOR_NORMAL;
e->gamePhase = game_phase(pos);
@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ Entry* probe(const Position& pos, Table& entries, Endgames& endgames) {
assert((pos.pieces(WHITE, KNIGHT) | pos.pieces(WHITE, BISHOP)));
assert((pos.pieces(BLACK, KNIGHT) | pos.pieces(BLACK, BISHOP)));
if ( pos.piece_count(WHITE, BISHOP) + pos.piece_count(WHITE, KNIGHT) <= 2
&& pos.piece_count(BLACK, BISHOP) + pos.piece_count(BLACK, KNIGHT) <= 2)
if ( pos.count<BISHOP>(WHITE) + pos.count<KNIGHT>(WHITE) <= 2
&& pos.count<BISHOP>(BLACK) + pos.count<KNIGHT>(BLACK) <= 2)
e->evaluationFunction = &EvaluateKmmKm[pos.side_to_move()];
return e;
@ -221,17 +221,17 @@ Entry* probe(const Position& pos, Table& entries, Endgames& endgames) {
if (npm_w + npm_b == VALUE_ZERO)
if (pos.piece_count(BLACK, PAWN) == 0)
if (!pos.count<PAWN>(BLACK))
assert(pos.piece_count(WHITE, PAWN) >= 2);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(WHITE) >= 2);
e->scalingFunction[WHITE] = &ScaleKPsK[WHITE];
else if (pos.piece_count(WHITE, PAWN) == 0)
else if (!pos.count<PAWN>(WHITE))
assert(pos.piece_count(BLACK, PAWN) >= 2);
assert(pos.count<PAWN>(BLACK) >= 2);
e->scalingFunction[BLACK] = &ScaleKPsK[BLACK];
else if (pos.piece_count(WHITE, PAWN) == 1 && pos.piece_count(BLACK, PAWN) == 1)
else if (pos.count<PAWN>(WHITE) == 1 && pos.count<PAWN>(BLACK) == 1)
// This is a special case because we set scaling functions
// for both colors instead of only one.
@ -241,35 +241,35 @@ Entry* probe(const Position& pos, Table& entries, Endgames& endgames) {
// No pawns makes it difficult to win, even with a material advantage
if (pos.piece_count(WHITE, PAWN) == 0 && npm_w - npm_b <= BishopValueMg)
if (!pos.count<PAWN>(WHITE) && npm_w - npm_b <= BishopValueMg)
e->factor[WHITE] = (uint8_t)
(npm_w == npm_b || npm_w < RookValueMg ? 0 : NoPawnsSF[std::min(pos.piece_count(WHITE, BISHOP), 2)]);
(npm_w == npm_b || npm_w < RookValueMg ? 0 : NoPawnsSF[std::min(pos.count<BISHOP>(WHITE), 2)]);
if (pos.piece_count(BLACK, PAWN) == 0 && npm_b - npm_w <= BishopValueMg)
if (!pos.count<PAWN>(BLACK) && npm_b - npm_w <= BishopValueMg)
e->factor[BLACK] = (uint8_t)
(npm_w == npm_b || npm_b < RookValueMg ? 0 : NoPawnsSF[std::min(pos.piece_count(BLACK, BISHOP), 2)]);
(npm_w == npm_b || npm_b < RookValueMg ? 0 : NoPawnsSF[std::min(pos.count<BISHOP>(BLACK), 2)]);
// Compute the space weight
if (npm_w + npm_b >= 2 * QueenValueMg + 4 * RookValueMg + 2 * KnightValueMg)
int minorPieceCount = pos.piece_count(WHITE, KNIGHT) + pos.piece_count(WHITE, BISHOP)
+ pos.piece_count(BLACK, KNIGHT) + pos.piece_count(BLACK, BISHOP);
int minorPieceCount = pos.count<KNIGHT>(WHITE) + pos.count<BISHOP>(WHITE)
+ pos.count<KNIGHT>(BLACK) + pos.count<BISHOP>(BLACK);
e->spaceWeight = minorPieceCount * minorPieceCount;
e->spaceWeight = make_score(minorPieceCount * minorPieceCount, 0);
// Evaluate the material imbalance. We use PIECE_TYPE_NONE as a place holder
// for the bishop pair "extended piece", this allow us to be more flexible
// in defining bishop pair bonuses.
const int pieceCount[COLOR_NB][PIECE_TYPE_NB] = {
{ pos.piece_count(WHITE, BISHOP) > 1, pos.piece_count(WHITE, PAWN), pos.piece_count(WHITE, KNIGHT),
pos.piece_count(WHITE, BISHOP) , pos.piece_count(WHITE, ROOK), pos.piece_count(WHITE, QUEEN) },
{ pos.piece_count(BLACK, BISHOP) > 1, pos.piece_count(BLACK, PAWN), pos.piece_count(BLACK, KNIGHT),
pos.piece_count(BLACK, BISHOP) , pos.piece_count(BLACK, ROOK), pos.piece_count(BLACK, QUEEN) } };
{ pos.count<BISHOP>(WHITE) > 1, pos.count<PAWN>(WHITE), pos.count<KNIGHT>(WHITE),
pos.count<BISHOP>(WHITE) , pos.count<ROOK>(WHITE), pos.count<QUEEN >(WHITE) },
{ pos.count<BISHOP>(BLACK) > 1, pos.count<PAWN>(BLACK), pos.count<KNIGHT>(BLACK),
pos.count<BISHOP>(BLACK) , pos.count<ROOK>(BLACK), pos.count<QUEEN >(BLACK) } };
e->value = (int16_t)((imbalance<WHITE>(pieceCount) - imbalance<BLACK>(pieceCount)) / 16);
return e;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "endgame.h"
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace Material {
struct Entry {
Score material_value() const { return make_score(value, value); }
int space_weight() const { return spaceWeight; }
Score space_weight() const { return spaceWeight; }
Phase game_phase() const { return gamePhase; }
bool specialized_eval_exists() const { return evaluationFunction != NULL; }
Value evaluate(const Position& p) const { return (*evaluationFunction)(p); }
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ struct Entry {
uint8_t factor[COLOR_NB];
EndgameBase<Value>* evaluationFunction;
EndgameBase<ScaleFactor>* scalingFunction[COLOR_NB];
int spaceWeight;
Score spaceWeight;
Phase gamePhase;
@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ inline ScaleFactor Entry::scale_factor(const Position& pos, Color c) const {
#endif // !defined(MATERIAL_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef MATERIAL_H_INCLUDED
@ -24,17 +24,11 @@
#include "misc.h"
#include "thread.h"
#if defined(__hpux)
# include <sys/pstat.h>
using namespace std;
/// Version number. If Version is left empty, then Tag plus current
/// date, in the format DD-MM-YY, are used as a version number.
static const string Version = "3";
static const string Tag = "";
/// Version number. If Version is left empty, then compile date, in the
/// format DD-MM-YY, is shown in engine_info.
static const string Version = "4";
/// engine_info() returns the full name of the current Stockfish version. This
@ -45,36 +39,26 @@ static const string Tag = "";
const string engine_info(bool to_uci) {
const string months("Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec");
const string cpu64(Is64Bit ? " 64bit" : "");
const string popcnt(HasPopCnt ? " SSE4.2" : "");
string month, day, year;
stringstream s, date(__DATE__); // From compiler, format is "Sep 21 2008"
s << "Stockfish " << Version;
s << "Stockfish " << Version << setfill('0');
if (Version.empty())
date >> month >> day >> year;
s << Tag << string(Tag.empty() ? "" : " ") << setfill('0') << setw(2) << day
<< "-" << setw(2) << (1 + months.find(month) / 4) << "-" << year.substr(2);
s << setw(2) << day << setw(2) << (1 + months.find(month) / 4) << year.substr(2);
s << cpu64 << popcnt << (to_uci ? "\nid author ": " by ")
s << (Is64Bit ? " 64" : "")
<< (HasPopCnt ? " SSE4.2" : "")
<< (to_uci ? "\nid author ": " by ")
<< "Tord Romstad, Marco Costalba and Joona Kiiski";
return s.str();
/// Convert system time to milliseconds. That's all we need.
Time::point Time::now() {
sys_time_t t; system_time(&t); return time_to_msec(t);
/// Debug functions used mainly to collect run-time statistics
static uint64_t hits[2], means[2];
@ -174,37 +158,12 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, SyncCout sc) {
void start_logger(bool b) { Logger::start(b); }
/// cpu_count() tries to detect the number of CPU cores
int cpu_count() {
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
return s.dwNumberOfProcessors;
# if defined(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
return sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
# elif defined(__hpux)
struct pst_dynamic psd;
if (pstat_getdynamic(&psd, sizeof(psd), (size_t)1, 0) == -1)
return 1;
return psd.psd_proc_cnt;
# else
return 1;
# endif
/// timed_wait() waits for msec milliseconds. It is mainly an helper to wrap
/// conversion from milliseconds to struct timespec, as used by pthreads.
void timed_wait(WaitCondition& sleepCond, Lock& sleepLock, int msec) {
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#ifdef _WIN32
int tm = msec;
timespec ts, *tm = &ts;
@ -221,7 +180,7 @@ void timed_wait(WaitCondition& sleepCond, Lock& sleepLock, int msec) {
/// prefetch() preloads the given address in L1/L2 cache. This is a non
/// blocking function and do not stalls the CPU waiting for data to be
/// loaded from memory, that can be quite slow.
#if defined(NO_PREFETCH)
void prefetch(char*) {}
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(MISC_H_INCLUDED)
#include <fstream>
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
#include "types.h"
extern const std::string engine_info(bool to_uci = false);
extern int cpu_count();
extern void timed_wait(WaitCondition&, Lock&, int);
extern void prefetch(char* addr);
extern void start_logger(bool b);
@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ struct Log : public std::ofstream {
namespace Time {
typedef int64_t point;
point now();
inline point now() { return system_time_to_msec(); }
@ -66,4 +65,4 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, SyncCout);
#define sync_cout std::cout << io_lock
#define sync_endl std::endl << io_unlock
#endif // !defined(MISC_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef MISC_H_INCLUDED
@ -24,15 +24,15 @@
/// Simple macro to wrap a very common while loop, no facny, no flexibility,
/// hardcoded names 'mlist' and 'from'.
#define SERIALIZE(b) while (b) (*mlist++).move = make_move(from, pop_lsb(&b))
#define SERIALIZE(b) while (b) (mlist++)->move = make_move(from, pop_lsb(&b))
/// Version used for pawns, where the 'from' square is given as a delta from the 'to' square
#define SERIALIZE_PAWNS(b, d) while (b) { Square to = pop_lsb(&b); \
(*mlist++).move = make_move(to - (d), to); }
(mlist++)->move = make_move(to - (d), to); }
namespace {
template<CastlingSide Side, bool Checks, bool Chess960>
MoveStack* generate_castle(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist, Color us) {
ExtMove* generate_castle(const Position& pos, ExtMove* mlist, Color us) {
if (pos.castle_impeded(us, Side) || !pos.can_castle(make_castle_right(us, Side)))
return mlist;
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace {
if (Chess960 && (pos.attackers_to(kto, pos.pieces() ^ rfrom) & enemies))
return mlist;
(*mlist++).move = make<CASTLE>(kfrom, rfrom);
(mlist++)->move = make<CASTLE>(kfrom, rfrom);
if (Checks && !pos.move_gives_check((mlist - 1)->move, CheckInfo(pos)))
@ -68,42 +68,30 @@ namespace {
template<Square Delta>
inline Bitboard move_pawns(Bitboard p) {
return Delta == DELTA_N ? p << 8
: Delta == DELTA_S ? p >> 8
: Delta == DELTA_NE ? (p & ~FileHBB) << 9
: Delta == DELTA_SE ? (p & ~FileHBB) >> 7
: Delta == DELTA_NW ? (p & ~FileABB) << 7
: Delta == DELTA_SW ? (p & ~FileABB) >> 9 : 0;
template<GenType Type, Square Delta>
inline MoveStack* generate_promotions(MoveStack* mlist, Bitboard pawnsOn7,
Bitboard target, const CheckInfo* ci) {
inline ExtMove* generate_promotions(ExtMove* mlist, Bitboard pawnsOn7,
Bitboard target, const CheckInfo* ci) {
Bitboard b = move_pawns<Delta>(pawnsOn7) & target;
Bitboard b = shift_bb<Delta>(pawnsOn7) & target;
while (b)
Square to = pop_lsb(&b);
if (Type == CAPTURES || Type == EVASIONS || Type == NON_EVASIONS)
(*mlist++).move = make<PROMOTION>(to - Delta, to, QUEEN);
(mlist++)->move = make<PROMOTION>(to - Delta, to, QUEEN);
if (Type == QUIETS || Type == EVASIONS || Type == NON_EVASIONS)
(*mlist++).move = make<PROMOTION>(to - Delta, to, ROOK);
(*mlist++).move = make<PROMOTION>(to - Delta, to, BISHOP);
(*mlist++).move = make<PROMOTION>(to - Delta, to, KNIGHT);
(mlist++)->move = make<PROMOTION>(to - Delta, to, ROOK);
(mlist++)->move = make<PROMOTION>(to - Delta, to, BISHOP);
(mlist++)->move = make<PROMOTION>(to - Delta, to, KNIGHT);
// Knight-promotion is the only one that can give a direct check not
// already included in the queen-promotion.
if (Type == QUIET_CHECKS && (StepAttacksBB[W_KNIGHT][to] & ci->ksq))
(*mlist++).move = make<PROMOTION>(to - Delta, to, KNIGHT);
(mlist++)->move = make<PROMOTION>(to - Delta, to, KNIGHT);
(void)ci; // Silence a warning under MSVC
@ -113,8 +101,8 @@ namespace {
template<Color Us, GenType Type>
MoveStack* generate_pawn_moves(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist,
Bitboard target, const CheckInfo* ci) {
ExtMove* generate_pawn_moves(const Position& pos, ExtMove* mlist,
Bitboard target, const CheckInfo* ci) {
// Compute our parametrized parameters at compile time, named according to
// the point of view of white side.
@ -122,9 +110,9 @@ namespace {
const Bitboard TRank8BB = (Us == WHITE ? Rank8BB : Rank1BB);
const Bitboard TRank7BB = (Us == WHITE ? Rank7BB : Rank2BB);
const Bitboard TRank3BB = (Us == WHITE ? Rank3BB : Rank6BB);
const Square UP = (Us == WHITE ? DELTA_N : DELTA_S);
const Square RIGHT = (Us == WHITE ? DELTA_NE : DELTA_SW);
const Square LEFT = (Us == WHITE ? DELTA_NW : DELTA_SE);
const Square Up = (Us == WHITE ? DELTA_N : DELTA_S);
const Square Right = (Us == WHITE ? DELTA_NE : DELTA_SW);
const Square Left = (Us == WHITE ? DELTA_NW : DELTA_SE);
Bitboard b1, b2, dc1, dc2, emptySquares;
@ -139,8 +127,8 @@ namespace {
emptySquares = (Type == QUIETS || Type == QUIET_CHECKS ? target : ~pos.pieces());
b1 = move_pawns<UP>(pawnsNotOn7) & emptySquares;
b2 = move_pawns<UP>(b1 & TRank3BB) & emptySquares;
b1 = shift_bb<Up>(pawnsNotOn7) & emptySquares;
b2 = shift_bb<Up>(b1 & TRank3BB) & emptySquares;
if (Type == EVASIONS) // Consider only blocking squares
@ -159,16 +147,16 @@ namespace {
// promotion has been already generated among captures.
if (pawnsNotOn7 & ci->dcCandidates)
dc1 = move_pawns<UP>(pawnsNotOn7 & ci->dcCandidates) & emptySquares & ~file_bb(ci->ksq);
dc2 = move_pawns<UP>(dc1 & TRank3BB) & emptySquares;
dc1 = shift_bb<Up>(pawnsNotOn7 & ci->dcCandidates) & emptySquares & ~file_bb(ci->ksq);
dc2 = shift_bb<Up>(dc1 & TRank3BB) & emptySquares;
b1 |= dc1;
b2 |= dc2;
// Promotions and underpromotions
@ -180,19 +168,19 @@ namespace {
if (Type == EVASIONS)
emptySquares &= target;
mlist = generate_promotions<Type, RIGHT>(mlist, pawnsOn7, enemies, ci);
mlist = generate_promotions<Type, LEFT>(mlist, pawnsOn7, enemies, ci);
mlist = generate_promotions<Type, UP>(mlist, pawnsOn7, emptySquares, ci);
mlist = generate_promotions<Type, Right>(mlist, pawnsOn7, enemies, ci);
mlist = generate_promotions<Type, Left >(mlist, pawnsOn7, enemies, ci);
mlist = generate_promotions<Type, Up>(mlist, pawnsOn7, emptySquares, ci);
// Standard and en-passant captures
if (Type == CAPTURES || Type == EVASIONS || Type == NON_EVASIONS)
b1 = move_pawns<RIGHT>(pawnsNotOn7) & enemies;
b2 = move_pawns<LEFT >(pawnsNotOn7) & enemies;
b1 = shift_bb<Right>(pawnsNotOn7) & enemies;
b2 = shift_bb<Left >(pawnsNotOn7) & enemies;
if (pos.ep_square() != SQ_NONE)
@ -201,7 +189,7 @@ namespace {
// An en passant capture can be an evasion only if the checking piece
// is the double pushed pawn and so is in the target. Otherwise this
// is a discovery check and we are forced to do otherwise.
if (Type == EVASIONS && !(target & (pos.ep_square() - UP)))
if (Type == EVASIONS && !(target & (pos.ep_square() - Up)))
return mlist;
b1 = pawnsNotOn7 & pos.attacks_from<PAWN>(pos.ep_square(), Them);
@ -209,7 +197,7 @@ namespace {
while (b1)
(*mlist++).move = make<ENPASSANT>(pop_lsb(&b1), pos.ep_square());
(mlist++)->move = make<ENPASSANT>(pop_lsb(&b1), pos.ep_square());
@ -218,12 +206,12 @@ namespace {
template<PieceType Pt, bool Checks> FORCE_INLINE
MoveStack* generate_moves(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist, Color us,
Bitboard target, const CheckInfo* ci) {
ExtMove* generate_moves(const Position& pos, ExtMove* mlist, Color us,
Bitboard target, const CheckInfo* ci) {
assert(Pt != KING && Pt != PAWN);
const Square* pl = pos.piece_list(us, Pt);
const Square* pl = pos.list<Pt>(us);
for (Square from = *pl; from != SQ_NONE; from = *++pl)
@ -233,7 +221,7 @@ namespace {
&& !(PseudoAttacks[Pt][from] & target & ci->checkSq[Pt]))
if (ci->dcCandidates && (ci->dcCandidates & from))
if (unlikely(ci->dcCandidates) && (ci->dcCandidates & from))
@ -249,38 +237,36 @@ namespace {
template<GenType Type> FORCE_INLINE
MoveStack* generate_all(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist, Color us,
Bitboard target, const CheckInfo* ci = NULL) {
template<Color Us, GenType Type> FORCE_INLINE
ExtMove* generate_all(const Position& pos, ExtMove* mlist, Bitboard target,
const CheckInfo* ci = NULL) {
const bool Checks = Type == QUIET_CHECKS;
mlist = (us == WHITE ? generate_pawn_moves<WHITE, Type>(pos, mlist, target, ci)
: generate_pawn_moves<BLACK, Type>(pos, mlist, target, ci));
mlist = generate_moves<KNIGHT, Checks>(pos, mlist, us, target, ci);
mlist = generate_moves<BISHOP, Checks>(pos, mlist, us, target, ci);
mlist = generate_moves<ROOK, Checks>(pos, mlist, us, target, ci);
mlist = generate_moves<QUEEN, Checks>(pos, mlist, us, target, ci);
mlist = generate_pawn_moves<Us, Type>(pos, mlist, target, ci);
mlist = generate_moves<KNIGHT, Checks>(pos, mlist, Us, target, ci);
mlist = generate_moves<BISHOP, Checks>(pos, mlist, Us, target, ci);
mlist = generate_moves< ROOK, Checks>(pos, mlist, Us, target, ci);
mlist = generate_moves< QUEEN, Checks>(pos, mlist, Us, target, ci);
if (Type != QUIET_CHECKS && Type != EVASIONS)
Square from = pos.king_square(us);
Square from = pos.king_square(Us);
Bitboard b = pos.attacks_from<KING>(from) & target;
if (Type != CAPTURES && Type != EVASIONS && pos.can_castle(us))
if (Type != CAPTURES && Type != EVASIONS && pos.can_castle(Us))
if (pos.is_chess960())
mlist = generate_castle<KING_SIDE, Checks, true>(pos, mlist, us);
mlist = generate_castle<QUEEN_SIDE, Checks, true>(pos, mlist, us);
mlist = generate_castle< KING_SIDE, Checks, true>(pos, mlist, Us);
mlist = generate_castle<QUEEN_SIDE, Checks, true>(pos, mlist, Us);
mlist = generate_castle<KING_SIDE, Checks, false>(pos, mlist, us);
mlist = generate_castle<QUEEN_SIDE, Checks, false>(pos, mlist, us);
mlist = generate_castle< KING_SIDE, Checks, false>(pos, mlist, Us);
mlist = generate_castle<QUEEN_SIDE, Checks, false>(pos, mlist, Us);
@ -301,7 +287,7 @@ namespace {
/// non-captures. Returns a pointer to the end of the move list.
template<GenType Type>
MoveStack* generate(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {
ExtMove* generate(const Position& pos, ExtMove* mlist) {
assert(Type == CAPTURES || Type == QUIETS || Type == NON_EVASIONS);
@ -312,22 +298,24 @@ MoveStack* generate(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {
: Type == QUIETS ? ~pos.pieces()
: Type == NON_EVASIONS ? ~pos.pieces(us) : 0;
return generate_all<Type>(pos, mlist, us, target);
return us == WHITE ? generate_all<WHITE, Type>(pos, mlist, target)
: generate_all<BLACK, Type>(pos, mlist, target);
// Explicit template instantiations
template MoveStack* generate<CAPTURES>(const Position&, MoveStack*);
template MoveStack* generate<QUIETS>(const Position&, MoveStack*);
template MoveStack* generate<NON_EVASIONS>(const Position&, MoveStack*);
template ExtMove* generate<CAPTURES>(const Position&, ExtMove*);
template ExtMove* generate<QUIETS>(const Position&, ExtMove*);
template ExtMove* generate<NON_EVASIONS>(const Position&, ExtMove*);
/// generate<QUIET_CHECKS> generates all pseudo-legal non-captures and knight
/// underpromotions that give check. Returns a pointer to the end of the move list.
MoveStack* generate<QUIET_CHECKS>(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {
ExtMove* generate<QUIET_CHECKS>(const Position& pos, ExtMove* mlist) {
Color us = pos.side_to_move();
CheckInfo ci(pos);
Bitboard dc = ci.dcCandidates;
@ -347,21 +335,21 @@ MoveStack* generate<QUIET_CHECKS>(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {
return generate_all<QUIET_CHECKS>(pos, mlist, pos.side_to_move(), ~pos.pieces(), &ci);
return us == WHITE ? generate_all<WHITE, QUIET_CHECKS>(pos, mlist, ~pos.pieces(), &ci)
: generate_all<BLACK, QUIET_CHECKS>(pos, mlist, ~pos.pieces(), &ci);
/// generate<EVASIONS> generates all pseudo-legal check evasions when the side
/// to move is in check. Returns a pointer to the end of the move list.
MoveStack* generate<EVASIONS>(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {
ExtMove* generate<EVASIONS>(const Position& pos, ExtMove* mlist) {
Square from, checksq;
int checkersCnt = 0;
Color us = pos.side_to_move();
Square ksq = pos.king_square(us);
Square ksq = pos.king_square(us), from = ksq /* For SERIALIZE */, checksq;
Bitboard sliderAttacks = 0;
Bitboard b = pos.checkers();
@ -400,25 +388,25 @@ MoveStack* generate<EVASIONS>(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {
// Generate evasions for king, capture and non capture moves
b = pos.attacks_from<KING>(ksq) & ~pos.pieces(us) & ~sliderAttacks;
from = ksq;
if (checkersCnt > 1)
return mlist; // Double check, only a king move can save the day
// Generate blocking evasions or captures of the checking piece
Bitboard target = between_bb(checksq, ksq) | pos.checkers();
Bitboard target = between_bb(checksq, ksq) | checksq;
return generate_all<EVASIONS>(pos, mlist, us, target);
return us == WHITE ? generate_all<WHITE, EVASIONS>(pos, mlist, target)
: generate_all<BLACK, EVASIONS>(pos, mlist, target);
/// generate<LEGAL> generates all the legal moves in the given position
MoveStack* generate<LEGAL>(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {
ExtMove* generate<LEGAL>(const Position& pos, ExtMove* mlist) {
MoveStack *end, *cur = mlist;
ExtMove *end, *cur = mlist;
Bitboard pinned = pos.pinned_pieces();
Square ksq = pos.king_square(pos.side_to_move());
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(MOVEGEN_H_INCLUDED)
#include "types.h"
@ -34,26 +34,25 @@ enum GenType {
class Position;
MoveStack* generate(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist);
ExtMove* generate(const Position& pos, ExtMove* mlist);
/// The MoveList struct is a simple wrapper around generate(), sometimes comes
/// handy to use this class instead of the low level generate() function.
template<GenType T>
struct MoveList {
explicit MoveList(const Position& pos) : cur(mlist), last(generate<T>(pos, mlist)) {}
explicit MoveList(const Position& pos) : cur(mlist), last(generate<T>(pos, mlist)) { last->move = MOVE_NONE; }
void operator++() { cur++; }
bool end() const { return cur == last; }
Move move() const { return cur->move; }
Move operator*() const { return cur->move; }
size_t size() const { return last - mlist; }
bool contains(Move m) const {
for (const MoveStack* it(mlist); it != last; ++it) if (it->move == m) return true;
for (const ExtMove* it(mlist); it != last; ++it) if (it->move == m) return true;
return false;
MoveStack mlist[MAX_MOVES];
MoveStack *cur, *last;
ExtMove mlist[MAX_MOVES];
ExtMove *cur, *last;
#endif // !defined(MOVEGEN_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef MOVEGEN_H_INCLUDED
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
namespace {
enum Sequencer {
enum Stages {
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ namespace {
// Our insertion sort, guaranteed to be stable, as is needed
void insertion_sort(MoveStack* begin, MoveStack* end)
void insertion_sort(ExtMove* begin, ExtMove* end)
MoveStack tmp, *p, *q;
ExtMove tmp, *p, *q;
for (p = begin + 1; p < end; ++p)
@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ namespace {
// Unary predicate used by std::partition to split positive scores from remaining
// ones so to sort separately the two sets, and with the second sort delayed.
inline bool has_positive_score(const MoveStack& ms) { return ms.score > 0; }
inline bool has_positive_score(const ExtMove& ms) { return ms.score > 0; }
// Picks and moves to the front the best move in the range [begin, end),
// it is faster than sorting all the moves in advance when moves are few, as
// normally are the possible captures.
inline MoveStack* pick_best(MoveStack* begin, MoveStack* end)
inline ExtMove* pick_best(ExtMove* begin, ExtMove* end)
std::swap(*begin, *std::max_element(begin, end));
return begin;
@ -70,53 +70,40 @@ namespace {
/// search captures, promotions and some checks) and about how important good
/// move ordering is at the current node.
MovePicker::MovePicker(const Position& p, Move ttm, Depth d, const History& h,
Search::Stack* s, Value beta) : pos(p), Hist(h), depth(d) {
MovePicker::MovePicker(const Position& p, Move ttm, Depth d, const HistoryStats& h,
Move* cm, Search::Stack* s) : pos(p), history(h), depth(d) {
assert(d > DEPTH_ZERO);
captureThreshold = 0;
cur = end = moves;
endBadCaptures = moves + MAX_MOVES - 1;
countermoves = cm;
ss = s;
if (p.checkers())
phase = EVASION;
stage = EVASION;
phase = MAIN_SEARCH;
killers[0].move = ss->killers[0];
killers[1].move = ss->killers[1];
// Consider sligtly negative captures as good if at low depth and far from beta
if (ss && ss->staticEval < beta - PawnValueMg && d < 3 * ONE_PLY)
captureThreshold = -PawnValueMg;
// Consider negative captures as good if still enough to reach beta
else if (ss && ss->staticEval > beta)
captureThreshold = beta - ss->staticEval;
stage = MAIN_SEARCH;
ttMove = (ttm && pos.is_pseudo_legal(ttm) ? ttm : MOVE_NONE);
end += (ttMove != MOVE_NONE);
MovePicker::MovePicker(const Position& p, Move ttm, Depth d, const History& h,
Square sq) : pos(p), Hist(h), cur(moves), end(moves) {
MovePicker::MovePicker(const Position& p, Move ttm, Depth d, const HistoryStats& h,
Square sq) : pos(p), history(h), cur(moves), end(moves) {
assert(d <= DEPTH_ZERO);
if (p.checkers())
phase = EVASION;
stage = EVASION;
else if (d > DEPTH_QS_NO_CHECKS)
phase = QSEARCH_0;
stage = QSEARCH_0;
phase = QSEARCH_1;
stage = QSEARCH_1;
// Skip TT move if is not a capture or a promotion, this avoids qsearch
// tree explosion due to a possible perpetual check or similar rare cases
@ -126,7 +113,7 @@ MovePicker::MovePicker(const Position& p, Move ttm, Depth d, const History& h,
phase = RECAPTURE;
stage = RECAPTURE;
recaptureSquare = sq;
ttm = MOVE_NONE;
@ -135,12 +122,12 @@ MovePicker::MovePicker(const Position& p, Move ttm, Depth d, const History& h,
end += (ttMove != MOVE_NONE);
MovePicker::MovePicker(const Position& p, Move ttm, const History& h, PieceType pt)
: pos(p), Hist(h), cur(moves), end(moves) {
MovePicker::MovePicker(const Position& p, Move ttm, const HistoryStats& h, PieceType pt)
: pos(p), history(h), cur(moves), end(moves) {
phase = PROBCUT;
stage = PROBCUT;
// In ProbCut we generate only captures better than parent's captured piece
captureThreshold = PieceValue[MG][pt];
@ -172,7 +159,7 @@ void MovePicker::score<CAPTURES>() {
// some SEE calls in case we get a cutoff (idea from Pablo Vazquez).
Move m;
for (MoveStack* it = moves; it != end; ++it)
for (ExtMove* it = moves; it != end; ++it)
m = it->move;
it->score = PieceValue[MG][pos.piece_on(to_sq(m))]
@ -191,10 +178,10 @@ void MovePicker::score<QUIETS>() {
Move m;
for (MoveStack* it = moves; it != end; ++it)
for (ExtMove* it = moves; it != end; ++it)
m = it->move;
it->score = Hist[pos.piece_moved(m)][to_sq(m)];
it->score = history[pos.piece_moved(m)][to_sq(m)];
@ -206,17 +193,17 @@ void MovePicker::score<EVASIONS>() {
Move m;
int seeScore;
for (MoveStack* it = moves; it != end; ++it)
for (ExtMove* it = moves; it != end; ++it)
m = it->move;
if ((seeScore = pos.see_sign(m)) < 0)
it->score = seeScore - History::Max; // At the bottom
it->score = seeScore - HistoryStats::Max; // At the bottom
else if (pos.is_capture(m))
it->score = PieceValue[MG][pos.piece_on(to_sq(m))]
- type_of(pos.piece_moved(m)) + History::Max;
- type_of(pos.piece_moved(m)) + HistoryStats::Max;
it->score = Hist[pos.piece_moved(m)][to_sq(m)];
it->score = history[pos.piece_moved(m)][to_sq(m)];
@ -228,7 +215,7 @@ void MovePicker::generate_next() {
cur = moves;
switch (++phase) {
switch (++stage) {
end = generate<CAPTURES>(pos, moves);
@ -238,6 +225,19 @@ void MovePicker::generate_next() {
case KILLERS_S1:
cur = killers;
end = cur + 2;
killers[0].move = ss->killers[0];
killers[1].move = ss->killers[1];
killers[2].move = killers[3].move = MOVE_NONE;
// Be sure countermoves are different from killers
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (countermoves[i] != cur->move && countermoves[i] != (cur+1)->move)
(end++)->move = countermoves[i];
if (countermoves[1] && countermoves[1] == countermoves[0]) // Due to SMP races
killers[3].move = MOVE_NONE;
case QUIETS_1_S1:
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ void MovePicker::generate_next() {
case EVASION: case QSEARCH_0: case QSEARCH_1: case PROBCUT: case RECAPTURE:
phase = STOP;
stage = STOP;
case STOP:
end = cur + 1; // Avoid another next_phase() call
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ Move MovePicker::next_move<false>() {
while (cur == end)
switch (phase) {
switch (stage) {
case MAIN_SEARCH: case EVASION: case QSEARCH_0: case QSEARCH_1: case PROBCUT:
@ -306,9 +306,7 @@ Move MovePicker::next_move<false>() {
move = pick_best(cur++, end)->move;
if (move != ttMove)
assert(captureThreshold <= 0); // Otherwise we cannot use see_sign()
if (pos.see_sign(move) >= captureThreshold)
if (pos.see_sign(move) >= 0)
return move;
// Losing capture, move it to the tail of the array
@ -329,7 +327,9 @@ Move MovePicker::next_move<false>() {
move = (cur++)->move;
if ( move != ttMove
&& move != killers[0].move
&& move != killers[1].move)
&& move != killers[1].move
&& move != killers[2].move
&& move != killers[3].move)
return move;
@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <algorithm> // For std::max
#include <cstring> // For memset
#include <cstring> // For std::memset
#include "movegen.h"
#include "position.h"
@ -30,20 +30,29 @@
/// The Stats struct stores moves statistics. According to the template parameter
/// the class can store both History and Gains type statistics. History records
/// how often different moves have been successful or unsuccessful during the
/// current search and is used for reduction and move ordering decisions. Gains
/// records the move's best evaluation gain from one ply to the next and is used
/// for pruning decisions. Entries are stored according only to moving piece and
/// destination square, in particular two moves with different origin but same
/// destination and same piece will be considered identical.
template<bool Gain>
/// the class can store History, Gains and Countermoves. History records how often
/// different moves have been successful or unsuccessful during the current search
/// and is used for reduction and move ordering decisions. Gains records the move's
/// best evaluation gain from one ply to the next and is used for pruning decisions.
/// Countermoves store the move that refute a previous one. Entries are stored
/// according only to moving piece and destination square, hence two moves with
/// different origin but same destination and piece will be considered identical.
template<bool Gain, typename T>
struct Stats {
static const Value Max = Value(2000);
const Value* operator[](Piece p) const { return &table[p][0]; }
void clear() { memset(table, 0, sizeof(table)); }
const T* operator[](Piece p) const { return table[p]; }
void clear() { std::memset(table, 0, sizeof(table)); }
void update(Piece p, Square to, Move m) {
if (m == table[p][to].first)
table[p][to].second = table[p][to].first;
table[p][to].first = m;
void update(Piece p, Square to, Value v) {
@ -55,11 +64,12 @@ struct Stats {
Value table[PIECE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
typedef Stats<false> History;
typedef Stats<true> Gains;
typedef Stats< true, Value> GainsStats;
typedef Stats<false, Value> HistoryStats;
typedef Stats<false, std::pair<Move, Move> > CountermovesStats;
/// MovePicker class is used to pick one pseudo legal move at a time from the
@ -74,9 +84,10 @@ class MovePicker {
MovePicker& operator=(const MovePicker&); // Silence a warning under MSVC
MovePicker(const Position&, Move, Depth, const History&, Search::Stack*, Value);
MovePicker(const Position&, Move, Depth, const History&, Square);
MovePicker(const Position&, Move, const History&, PieceType);
MovePicker(const Position&, Move, Depth, const HistoryStats&, Square);
MovePicker(const Position&, Move, const HistoryStats&, PieceType);
MovePicker(const Position&, Move, Depth, const HistoryStats&, Move*, Search::Stack*);
template<bool SpNode> Move next_move();
@ -84,15 +95,16 @@ private:
void generate_next();
const Position& pos;
const History& Hist;
const HistoryStats& history;
Search::Stack* ss;
Move* countermoves;
Depth depth;
Move ttMove;
MoveStack killers[2];
ExtMove killers[4];
Square recaptureSquare;
int captureThreshold, phase;
MoveStack *cur, *end, *endQuiets, *endBadCaptures;
MoveStack moves[MAX_MOVES];
int captureThreshold, stage;
ExtMove *cur, *end, *endQuiets, *endBadCaptures;
ExtMove moves[MAX_MOVES];
#endif // !defined(MOVEPICK_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef MOVEPICK_H_INCLUDED
@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ Move move_from_uci(const Position& pos, string& str) {
if (str.length() == 5) // Junior could send promotion piece in uppercase
str[4] = char(tolower(str[4]));
for (MoveList<LEGAL> ml(pos); !ml.end(); ++ml)
if (str == move_to_uci(ml.move(), pos.is_chess960()))
return ml.move();
for (MoveList<LEGAL> it(pos); *it; ++it)
if (str == move_to_uci(*it, pos.is_chess960()))
return *it;
return MOVE_NONE;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <string>
@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ const std::string move_to_uci(Move m, bool chess960);
const std::string move_to_san(Position& pos, Move m);
std::string pretty_pv(Position& pos, int depth, Value score, int64_t msecs, Move pv[]);
#endif // !defined(NOTATION_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef NOTATION_H_INCLUDED
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include "bitboard.h"
@ -30,49 +31,48 @@ namespace {
#define S(mg, eg) make_score(mg, eg)
// Doubled pawn penalty by opposed flag and file
const Score DoubledPawnPenalty[2][FILE_NB] = {
const Score Doubled[2][FILE_NB] = {
{ S(13, 43), S(20, 48), S(23, 48), S(23, 48),
S(23, 48), S(23, 48), S(20, 48), S(13, 43) },
{ S(13, 43), S(20, 48), S(23, 48), S(23, 48),
S(23, 48), S(23, 48), S(20, 48), S(13, 43) }};
// Isolated pawn penalty by opposed flag and file
const Score IsolatedPawnPenalty[2][FILE_NB] = {
const Score Isolated[2][FILE_NB] = {
{ S(37, 45), S(54, 52), S(60, 52), S(60, 52),
S(60, 52), S(60, 52), S(54, 52), S(37, 45) },
{ S(25, 30), S(36, 35), S(40, 35), S(40, 35),
S(40, 35), S(40, 35), S(36, 35), S(25, 30) }};
// Backward pawn penalty by opposed flag and file
const Score BackwardPawnPenalty[2][FILE_NB] = {
const Score Backward[2][FILE_NB] = {
{ S(30, 42), S(43, 46), S(49, 46), S(49, 46),
S(49, 46), S(49, 46), S(43, 46), S(30, 42) },
{ S(20, 28), S(29, 31), S(33, 31), S(33, 31),
S(33, 31), S(33, 31), S(29, 31), S(20, 28) }};
// Pawn chain membership bonus by file
const Score ChainBonus[FILE_NB] = {
const Score ChainMember[FILE_NB] = {
S(11,-1), S(13,-1), S(13,-1), S(14,-1),
S(14,-1), S(13,-1), S(13,-1), S(11,-1)
// Candidate passed pawn bonus by rank
const Score CandidateBonus[RANK_NB] = {
const Score CandidatePassed[RANK_NB] = {
S( 0, 0), S( 6, 13), S(6,13), S(14,29),
S(34,68), S(83,166), S(0, 0), S( 0, 0)
const Score PawnStructureWeight = S(233, 201);
// Weakness of our pawn shelter in front of the king indexed by [rank]
const Value ShelterWeakness[RANK_NB] =
{ V(100), V(0), V(27), V(73), V(92), V(101), V(101) };
// Weakness of our pawn shelter in front of the king indexed by [king pawn][rank]
const Value ShelterWeakness[2][RANK_NB] =
{ { V(141), V(0), V(38), V(102), V(128), V(141), V(141) },
{ V( 61), V(0), V(16), V( 44), V( 56), V( 61), V( 61) } };
// Danger of enemy pawns moving toward our king indexed by [pawn blocked][rank]
const Value StormDanger[2][RANK_NB] =
{ { V(26), V(0), V(128), V(51), V(26) },
{ V(13), V(0), V( 64), V(25), V(13) } };
// Danger of enemy pawns moving toward our king indexed by
// [no friendly pawn | pawn unblocked | pawn blocked][rank of enemy pawn]
const Value StormDanger[3][RANK_NB] = {
{ V( 0), V(64), V(128), V(51), V(26) },
{ V(26), V(32), V( 96), V(38), V(20) },
{ V( 0), V( 0), V( 64), V(25), V(13) }};
// Max bonus for king safety. Corresponds to start position with all the pawns
// in front of the king and no enemy pawn on the horizont.
@ -82,10 +82,12 @@ namespace {
#undef V
template<Color Us>
Score evaluate_pawns(const Position& pos, Bitboard ourPawns,
Bitboard theirPawns, Pawns::Entry* e) {
Score evaluate(const Position& pos, Pawns::Entry* e) {
const Color Them = (Us == WHITE ? BLACK : WHITE);
const Color Them = (Us == WHITE ? BLACK : WHITE);
const Square Up = (Us == WHITE ? DELTA_N : DELTA_S);
const Square Right = (Us == WHITE ? DELTA_NE : DELTA_SW);
const Square Left = (Us == WHITE ? DELTA_NW : DELTA_SE);
Bitboard b;
Square s;
@ -93,7 +95,17 @@ namespace {
Rank r;
bool passed, isolated, doubled, opposed, chain, backward, candidate;
Score value = SCORE_ZERO;
const Square* pl = pos.piece_list(Us, PAWN);
const Square* pl = pos.list<PAWN>(Us);
Bitboard ourPawns = pos.pieces(Us, PAWN);
Bitboard theirPawns = pos.pieces(Them, PAWN);
e->passedPawns[Us] = 0;
e->kingSquares[Us] = SQ_NONE;
e->semiopenFiles[Us] = 0xFF;
e->pawnAttacks[Us] = shift_bb<Right>(ourPawns) | shift_bb<Left>(ourPawns);
e->pawnsOnSquares[Us][BLACK] = popcount<Max15>(ourPawns & DarkSquares);
e->pawnsOnSquares[Us][WHITE] = pos.count<PAWN>(Us) - e->pawnsOnSquares[Us][BLACK];
// Loop through all pawns of the current color and score each pawn
while ((s = *pl++) != SQ_NONE)
@ -103,8 +115,8 @@ namespace {
f = file_of(s);
r = rank_of(s);
// This file cannot be half open
e->halfOpenFiles[Us] &= ~(1 << f);
// This file cannot be semi-open
e->semiopenFiles[Us] &= ~(1 << f);
// Our rank plus previous one. Used for chain detection
b = rank_bb(r) | rank_bb(Us == WHITE ? r - Rank(1) : r + Rank(1));
@ -124,7 +136,7 @@ namespace {
// be backward. If there are friendly pawns behind on adjacent files
// or if can capture an enemy pawn it cannot be backward either.
if ( !(passed | isolated | chain)
&& !(ourPawns & attack_span_mask(Them, s))
&& !(ourPawns & pawn_attack_span(Them, s))
&& !(pos.attacks_from<PAWN>(s, Us) & theirPawns))
// We now know that there are no friendly pawns beside or behind this
@ -136,22 +148,22 @@ namespace {
// Note that we are sure to find something because pawn is not passed
// nor isolated, so loop is potentially infinite, but it isn't.
while (!(b & (ourPawns | theirPawns)))
Us == WHITE ? b <<= 8 : b >>= 8;
b = shift_bb<Up>(b);
// The friendly pawn needs to be at least two ranks closer than the
// enemy pawn in order to help the potentially backward pawn advance.
backward = (b | (Us == WHITE ? b << 8 : b >> 8)) & theirPawns;
backward = (b | shift_bb<Up>(b)) & theirPawns;
assert(opposed | passed | (attack_span_mask(Us, s) & theirPawns));
assert(opposed | passed | (pawn_attack_span(Us, s) & theirPawns));
// A not passed pawn is a candidate to become passed if it is free to
// advance and if the number of friendly pawns beside or behind this
// pawn on adjacent files is higher or equal than the number of
// enemy pawns in the forward direction on the adjacent files.
candidate = !(opposed | passed | backward | isolated)
&& (b = attack_span_mask(Them, s + pawn_push(Us)) & ourPawns) != 0
&& popcount<Max15>(b) >= popcount<Max15>(attack_span_mask(Us, s) & theirPawns);
&& (b = pawn_attack_span(Them, s + pawn_push(Us)) & ourPawns) != 0
&& popcount<Max15>(b) >= popcount<Max15>(pawn_attack_span(Us, s) & theirPawns);
// Passed pawns will be properly scored in evaluation because we need
// full attack info to evaluate passed pawns. Only the frontmost passed
@ -161,30 +173,25 @@ namespace {
// Score this pawn
if (isolated)
value -= IsolatedPawnPenalty[opposed][f];
value -= Isolated[opposed][f];
if (doubled)
value -= DoubledPawnPenalty[opposed][f];
value -= Doubled[opposed][f];
if (backward)
value -= BackwardPawnPenalty[opposed][f];
value -= Backward[opposed][f];
if (chain)
value += ChainBonus[f];
value += ChainMember[f];
if (candidate)
value += CandidateBonus[relative_rank(Us, s)];
value += CandidatePassed[relative_rank(Us, s)];
e->pawnsOnSquares[Us][BLACK] = popcount<Max15>(ourPawns & BlackSquares);
e->pawnsOnSquares[Us][WHITE] = pos.piece_count(Us, PAWN) - e->pawnsOnSquares[Us][BLACK];
e->pawnsOnSquares[Them][BLACK] = popcount<Max15>(theirPawns & BlackSquares);
e->pawnsOnSquares[Them][WHITE] = pos.piece_count(Them, PAWN) - e->pawnsOnSquares[Them][BLACK];
return value;
} // namespace
namespace Pawns {
@ -197,27 +204,11 @@ Entry* probe(const Position& pos, Table& entries) {
Key key = pos.pawn_key();
Entry* e = entries[key];
// If e->key matches the position's pawn hash key, it means that we
// have analysed this pawn structure before, and we can simply return
// the information we found the last time instead of recomputing it.
if (e->key == key)
return e;
e->key = key;
e->passedPawns[WHITE] = e->passedPawns[BLACK] = 0;
e->kingSquares[WHITE] = e->kingSquares[BLACK] = SQ_NONE;
e->halfOpenFiles[WHITE] = e->halfOpenFiles[BLACK] = 0xFF;
Bitboard wPawns = pos.pieces(WHITE, PAWN);
Bitboard bPawns = pos.pieces(BLACK, PAWN);
e->pawnAttacks[WHITE] = ((wPawns & ~FileHBB) << 9) | ((wPawns & ~FileABB) << 7);
e->pawnAttacks[BLACK] = ((bPawns & ~FileHBB) >> 7) | ((bPawns & ~FileABB) >> 9);
e->value = evaluate_pawns<WHITE>(pos, wPawns, bPawns, e)
- evaluate_pawns<BLACK>(pos, bPawns, wPawns, e);
e->value = apply_weight(e->value, PawnStructureWeight);
e->value = evaluate<WHITE>(pos, e) - evaluate<BLACK>(pos, e);
return e;
@ -231,8 +222,8 @@ Value Entry::shelter_storm(const Position& pos, Square ksq) {
const Color Them = (Us == WHITE ? BLACK : WHITE);
Value safety = MaxSafetyBonus;
Bitboard b = pos.pieces(PAWN) & (in_front_bb(Us, ksq) | rank_bb(ksq));
Bitboard ourPawns = b & pos.pieces(Us) & ~rank_bb(ksq);
Bitboard b = pos.pieces(PAWN) & (in_front_bb(Us, rank_of(ksq)) | rank_bb(ksq));
Bitboard ourPawns = b & pos.pieces(Us);
Bitboard theirPawns = b & pos.pieces(Them);
Rank rkUs, rkThem;
File kf = file_of(ksq);
@ -241,15 +232,13 @@ Value Entry::shelter_storm(const Position& pos, Square ksq) {
for (int f = kf - 1; f <= kf + 1; f++)
// Shelter penalty is higher for the pawn in front of the king
b = ourPawns & FileBB[f];
rkUs = b ? rank_of(Us == WHITE ? lsb(b) : ~msb(b)) : RANK_1;
safety -= ShelterWeakness[f != kf][rkUs];
rkUs = b ? relative_rank(Us, Us == WHITE ? lsb(b) : msb(b)) : RANK_1;
safety -= ShelterWeakness[rkUs];
// Storm danger is smaller if enemy pawn is blocked
b = theirPawns & FileBB[f];
rkThem = b ? rank_of(Us == WHITE ? lsb(b) : ~msb(b)) : RANK_1;
safety -= StormDanger[rkThem == rkUs + 1][rkThem];
rkThem = b ? relative_rank(Us, Us == WHITE ? lsb(b) : msb(b)) : RANK_1;
safety -= StormDanger[rkUs == RANK_1 ? 0 : rkThem == rkUs + 1 ? 2 : 1][rkThem];
return safety;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(PAWNS_H_INCLUDED)
#include "misc.h"
@ -37,10 +37,12 @@ struct Entry {
Score pawns_value() const { return value; }
Bitboard pawn_attacks(Color c) const { return pawnAttacks[c]; }
Bitboard passed_pawns(Color c) const { return passedPawns[c]; }
int file_is_half_open(Color c, File f) const { return halfOpenFiles[c] & (1 << int(f)); }
int has_open_file_to_left(Color c, File f) const { return halfOpenFiles[c] & ((1 << int(f)) - 1); }
int has_open_file_to_right(Color c, File f) const { return halfOpenFiles[c] & ~((1 << int(f+1)) - 1); }
int pawns_on_same_color_squares(Color c, Square s) const { return pawnsOnSquares[c][!!(BlackSquares & s)]; }
int pawns_on_same_color_squares(Color c, Square s) const { return pawnsOnSquares[c][!!(DarkSquares & s)]; }
int semiopen(Color c, File f) const { return semiopenFiles[c] & (1 << int(f)); }
int semiopen_on_side(Color c, File f, bool left) const {
return semiopenFiles[c] & (left ? ((1 << int(f)) - 1) : ~((1 << int(f+1)) - 1));
template<Color Us>
Score king_safety(const Position& pos, Square ksq) {
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ struct Entry {
int minKPdistance[COLOR_NB];
int castleRights[COLOR_NB];
Score value;
int halfOpenFiles[COLOR_NB];
int semiopenFiles[COLOR_NB];
Score kingSafety[COLOR_NB];
int pawnsOnSquares[COLOR_NB][COLOR_NB];
@ -73,4 +75,4 @@ Entry* probe(const Position& pos, Table& entries);
#endif // !defined(PAWNS_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef PAWNS_H_INCLUDED
@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Disable some silly and noisy warning from MSVC compiler
#pragma warning(disable: 4127) // Conditional expression is constant
@ -40,16 +40,17 @@ typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
# include <inttypes.h>
# include <unistd.h> // Used by sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) // Linux - Unix
#ifndef _WIN32 // Linux - Unix
# include <sys/time.h>
typedef timeval sys_time_t;
inline void system_time(sys_time_t* t) { gettimeofday(t, NULL); }
inline int64_t time_to_msec(const sys_time_t& t) { return t.tv_sec * 1000LL + t.tv_usec / 1000; }
inline int64_t system_time_to_msec() {
timeval t;
gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
return t.tv_sec * 1000LL + t.tv_usec / 1000;
# include <pthread.h>
typedef pthread_mutex_t Lock;
@ -66,18 +67,20 @@ typedef void*(*pt_start_fn)(void*);
# define cond_signal(x) pthread_cond_signal(&(x))
# define cond_wait(x,y) pthread_cond_wait(&(x),&(y))
# define cond_timedwait(x,y,z) pthread_cond_timedwait(&(x),&(y),z)
# define thread_create(x,f,t) !pthread_create(&(x),NULL,(pt_start_fn)f,t)
# define thread_create(x,f,t) pthread_create(&(x),NULL,(pt_start_fn)f,t)
# define thread_join(x) pthread_join(x, NULL)
#else // Windows and MinGW
# include <sys/timeb.h>
typedef _timeb sys_time_t;
inline void system_time(sys_time_t* t) { _ftime(t); }
inline int64_t time_to_msec(const sys_time_t& t) { return t.time * 1000LL + t.millitm; }
inline int64_t system_time_to_msec() {
_timeb t;
return t.time * 1000LL + t.millitm;
#if !defined(NOMINMAX)
#ifndef NOMINMAX
# define NOMINMAX // disable macros min() and max()
@ -105,9 +108,9 @@ inline DWORD* dwWin9xKludge() { static DWORD dw; return &dw; }
# define cond_signal(x) SetEvent(x)
# define cond_wait(x,y) { lock_release(y); WaitForSingleObject(x, INFINITE); lock_grab(y); }
# define cond_timedwait(x,y,z) { lock_release(y); WaitForSingleObject(x,z); lock_grab(y); }
# define thread_create(x,f,t) (x = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)f,t,0,dwWin9xKludge()), x != NULL)
# define thread_create(x,f,t) (x = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)f,t,0,dwWin9xKludge()))
# define thread_join(x) { WaitForSingleObject(x, INFINITE); CloseHandle(x); }
#endif // !defined(PLATFORM_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef PLATFORM_H_INCLUDED
@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "bitcount.h"
#include "movegen.h"
@ -41,96 +41,50 @@ static const string PieceToChar(" PNBRQK pnbrqk");
Score pieceSquareTable[PIECE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
Value PieceValue[PHASE_NB][PIECE_NB] = {
{ VALUE_ZERO, PawnValueMg, KnightValueMg, BishopValueMg, RookValueMg, QueenValueMg },
{ VALUE_ZERO, PawnValueEg, KnightValueEg, BishopValueEg, RookValueEg, QueenValueEg } };
namespace Zobrist {
Key enpassant[FILE_NB];
Key castle[CASTLE_RIGHT_NB];
Key side;
Key exclusion;
/// init() initializes at startup the various arrays used to compute hash keys
/// and the piece square tables. The latter is a two-step operation: First, the
/// white halves of the tables are copied from PSQT[] tables. Second, the black
/// halves of the tables are initialized by flipping and changing the sign of
/// the white scores.
void init() {
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; pt++)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
psq[c][pt][s] = rk.rand<Key>();
for (File f = FILE_A; f <= FILE_H; f++)
enpassant[f] = rk.rand<Key>();
for (int cr = CASTLES_NONE; cr <= ALL_CASTLES; cr++)
Bitboard b = cr;
while (b)
Key k = castle[1ULL << pop_lsb(&b)];
castle[cr] ^= k ? k : rk.rand<Key>();
side = rk.rand<Key>();
exclusion = rk.rand<Key>();
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; pt++)
PieceValue[MG][make_piece(BLACK, pt)] = PieceValue[MG][pt];
PieceValue[EG][make_piece(BLACK, pt)] = PieceValue[EG][pt];
Score v = make_score(PieceValue[MG][pt], PieceValue[EG][pt]);
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
pieceSquareTable[make_piece(WHITE, pt)][ s] = (v + PSQT[pt][s]);
pieceSquareTable[make_piece(BLACK, pt)][~s] = -(v + PSQT[pt][s]);
Key enpassant[FILE_NB];
Key castle[CASTLE_RIGHT_NB];
Key side;
Key exclusion;
} // namespace Zobrist
Key Position::exclusion_key() const { return st->key ^ Zobrist::exclusion;}
namespace {
/// next_attacker() is an helper function used by see() to locate the least
/// valuable attacker for the side to move, remove the attacker we just found
/// from the 'occupied' bitboard and scan for new X-ray attacks behind it.
// min_attacker() is an helper function used by see() to locate the least
// valuable attacker for the side to move, remove the attacker we just found
// from the bitboards and scan for new X-ray attacks behind it.
template<int Pt> FORCE_INLINE
PieceType next_attacker(const Bitboard* bb, const Square& to, const Bitboard& stmAttackers,
Bitboard& occupied, Bitboard& attackers) {
PieceType min_attacker(const Bitboard* bb, const Square& to, const Bitboard& stmAttackers,
Bitboard& occupied, Bitboard& attackers) {
if (stmAttackers & bb[Pt])
Bitboard b = stmAttackers & bb[Pt];
occupied ^= b & ~(b - 1);
Bitboard b = stmAttackers & bb[Pt];
if (!b)
return min_attacker<Pt+1>(bb, to, stmAttackers, occupied, attackers);
if (Pt == PAWN || Pt == BISHOP || Pt == QUEEN)
attackers |= attacks_bb<BISHOP>(to, occupied) & (bb[BISHOP] | bb[QUEEN]);
occupied ^= b & ~(b - 1);
if (Pt == ROOK || Pt == QUEEN)
attackers |= attacks_bb<ROOK>(to, occupied) & (bb[ROOK] | bb[QUEEN]);
if (Pt == PAWN || Pt == BISHOP || Pt == QUEEN)
attackers |= attacks_bb<BISHOP>(to, occupied) & (bb[BISHOP] | bb[QUEEN]);
return (PieceType)Pt;
return next_attacker<Pt+1>(bb, to, stmAttackers, occupied, attackers);
if (Pt == ROOK || Pt == QUEEN)
attackers |= attacks_bb<ROOK>(to, occupied) & (bb[ROOK] | bb[QUEEN]);
attackers &= occupied; // After X-ray that may add already processed pieces
return (PieceType)Pt;
template<> FORCE_INLINE
PieceType next_attacker<KING>(const Bitboard*, const Square&, const Bitboard&, Bitboard&, Bitboard&) {
PieceType min_attacker<KING>(const Bitboard*, const Square&, const Bitboard&, Bitboard&, Bitboard&) {
return KING; // No need to update bitboards, it is the last cycle
@ -156,13 +110,60 @@ CheckInfo::CheckInfo(const Position& pos) {
/// Position::init() initializes at startup the various arrays used to compute
/// hash keys and the piece square tables. The latter is a two-step operation:
/// First, the white halves of the tables are copied from PSQT[] tables. Second,
/// the black halves of the tables are initialized by flipping and changing the
/// sign of the white scores.
void Position::init() {
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; pt++)
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
Zobrist::psq[c][pt][s] = rk.rand<Key>();
for (File f = FILE_A; f <= FILE_H; f++)
Zobrist::enpassant[f] = rk.rand<Key>();
for (int cr = CASTLES_NONE; cr <= ALL_CASTLES; cr++)
Bitboard b = cr;
while (b)
Key k = Zobrist::castle[1ULL << pop_lsb(&b)];
Zobrist::castle[cr] ^= k ? k : rk.rand<Key>();
Zobrist::side = rk.rand<Key>();
Zobrist::exclusion = rk.rand<Key>();
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; pt++)
PieceValue[MG][make_piece(BLACK, pt)] = PieceValue[MG][pt];
PieceValue[EG][make_piece(BLACK, pt)] = PieceValue[EG][pt];
Score v = make_score(PieceValue[MG][pt], PieceValue[EG][pt]);
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
psq[WHITE][pt][ s] = (v + PSQT[pt][s]);
psq[BLACK][pt][~s] = -(v + PSQT[pt][s]);
/// Position::operator=() creates a copy of 'pos'. We want the new born Position
/// object do not depend on any external data so we detach state pointer from
/// the source one.
Position& Position::operator=(const Position& pos) {
memcpy(this, &pos, sizeof(Position));
std::memcpy(this, &pos, sizeof(Position));
startState = *st;
st = &startState;
nodes = 0;
@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ void Position::set(const string& fenStr, bool isChess960, Thread* th) {
else if ((p = PieceToChar.find(token)) != string::npos)
put_piece(Piece(p), sq);
put_piece(sq, color_of(Piece(p)), type_of(Piece(p)));
@ -288,7 +289,7 @@ void Position::set(const string& fenStr, bool isChess960, Thread* th) {
st->key = compute_key();
st->pawnKey = compute_pawn_key();
st->materialKey = compute_material_key();
st->psqScore = compute_psq_score();
st->psq = compute_psq_score();
st->npMaterial[WHITE] = compute_non_pawn_material(WHITE);
st->npMaterial[BLACK] = compute_non_pawn_material(BLACK);
st->checkersBB = attackers_to(king_square(sideToMove)) & pieces(~sideToMove);
@ -391,16 +392,18 @@ const string Position::pretty(Move move) const {
string brd = twoRows + twoRows + twoRows + twoRows + dottedLine;
for (Bitboard b = pieces(); b; )
Square s = pop_lsb(&b);
brd[513 - 68 * rank_of(s) + 4 * file_of(s)] = PieceToChar[piece_on(s)];
std::ostringstream ss;
if (move)
ss << "\nMove: " << (sideToMove == BLACK ? ".." : "")
<< move_to_san(*const_cast<Position*>(this), move);
for (Square sq = SQ_A1; sq <= SQ_H8; sq++)
if (piece_on(sq) != NO_PIECE)
brd[513 - 68*rank_of(sq) + 4*file_of(sq)] = PieceToChar[piece_on(sq)];
ss << brd << "\nFen: " << fen() << "\nKey: " << std::hex << std::uppercase
<< std::setfill('0') << std::setw(16) << st->key << "\nCheckers: ";
@ -408,43 +411,35 @@ const string Position::pretty(Move move) const {
ss << square_to_string(pop_lsb(&b)) << " ";
ss << "\nLegal moves: ";
for (MoveList<LEGAL> ml(*this); !ml.end(); ++ml)
ss << move_to_san(*const_cast<Position*>(this), ml.move()) << " ";
for (MoveList<LEGAL> it(*this); *it; ++it)
ss << move_to_san(*const_cast<Position*>(this), *it) << " ";
return ss.str();
/// Position:hidden_checkers<>() returns a bitboard of all pinned (against the
/// king) pieces for the given color. Or, when template parameter FindPinned is
/// false, the function return the pieces of the given color candidate for a
/// discovery check against the enemy king.
template<bool FindPinned>
Bitboard Position::hidden_checkers() const {
/// Position:hidden_checkers() returns a bitboard of all pinned / discovery check
/// pieces, according to the call parameters. Pinned pieces protect our king,
/// discovery check pieces attack the enemy king.
// Pinned pieces protect our king, dicovery checks attack the enemy king
Bitboard b, result = 0;
Bitboard pinners = pieces(FindPinned ? ~sideToMove : sideToMove);
Square ksq = king_square(FindPinned ? sideToMove : ~sideToMove);
Bitboard Position::hidden_checkers(Square ksq, Color c) const {
// Pinners are sliders, that give check when candidate pinned is removed
pinners &= (pieces(ROOK, QUEEN) & PseudoAttacks[ROOK][ksq])
| (pieces(BISHOP, QUEEN) & PseudoAttacks[BISHOP][ksq]);
Bitboard b, pinners, result = 0;
// Pinners are sliders that give check when pinned piece is removed
pinners = ( (pieces( ROOK, QUEEN) & PseudoAttacks[ROOK ][ksq])
| (pieces(BISHOP, QUEEN) & PseudoAttacks[BISHOP][ksq])) & pieces(c);
while (pinners)
b = between_bb(ksq, pop_lsb(&pinners)) & pieces();
if (b && !more_than_one(b) && (b & pieces(sideToMove)))
result |= b;
if (!more_than_one(b))
result |= b & pieces(sideToMove);
return result;
// Explicit template instantiations
template Bitboard Position::hidden_checkers<true>() const;
template Bitboard Position::hidden_checkers<false>() const;
/// Position::attackers_to() computes a bitboard of all pieces which attack a
/// given square. Slider attacks use occ bitboard as occupancy.
@ -549,7 +544,7 @@ bool Position::is_pseudo_legal(const Move m) const {
return false;
// The destination square cannot be occupied by a friendly piece
if (piece_on(to) != NO_PIECE && color_of(piece_on(to)) == us)
if (pieces(us) & to)
return false;
// Handle the special case of a pawn move
@ -659,7 +654,7 @@ bool Position::move_gives_check(Move m, const CheckInfo& ci) const {
return true;
// Discovery check ?
if (ci.dcCandidates && (ci.dcCandidates & from))
if (unlikely(ci.dcCandidates) && (ci.dcCandidates & from))
// For pawn and king moves we need to verify also direction
if ( (pt != PAWN && pt != KING)
@ -697,9 +692,9 @@ bool Position::move_gives_check(Move m, const CheckInfo& ci) const {
Square rfrom = to; // 'King captures the rook' notation
Square kto = relative_square(us, rfrom > kfrom ? SQ_G1 : SQ_C1);
Square rto = relative_square(us, rfrom > kfrom ? SQ_F1 : SQ_D1);
Bitboard b = (pieces() ^ kfrom ^ rfrom) | rto | kto;
return attacks_bb<ROOK>(rto, b) & ksq;
return (PseudoAttacks[ROOK][rto] & ksq)
&& (attacks_bb<ROOK>(rto, (pieces() ^ kfrom ^ rfrom) | rto | kto) & ksq);
@ -729,7 +724,7 @@ void Position::do_move(Move m, StateInfo& newSt, const CheckInfo& ci, bool moveI
// Copy some fields of old state to our new StateInfo object except the ones
// which are going to be recalculated from scratch anyway, then switch our state
// pointer to point to the new, ready to be updated, state.
memcpy(&newSt, st, StateCopySize64 * sizeof(uint64_t));
std::memcpy(&newSt, st, StateCopySize64 * sizeof(uint64_t));
newSt.previous = st;
st = &newSt;
@ -747,17 +742,17 @@ void Position::do_move(Move m, StateInfo& newSt, const CheckInfo& ci, bool moveI
Color them = ~us;
Square from = from_sq(m);
Square to = to_sq(m);
Piece piece = piece_on(from);
PieceType pt = type_of(piece);
Piece pc = piece_on(from);
PieceType pt = type_of(pc);
PieceType capture = type_of(m) == ENPASSANT ? PAWN : type_of(piece_on(to));
assert(color_of(piece) == us);
assert(color_of(pc) == us);
assert(piece_on(to) == NO_PIECE || color_of(piece_on(to)) == them || type_of(m) == CASTLE);
assert(capture != KING);
if (type_of(m) == CASTLE)
assert(piece == make_piece(us, KING));
assert(pc == make_piece(us, KING));
bool kingSide = to > from;
Square rfrom = to; // Castle is encoded as "king captures friendly rook"
@ -767,7 +762,7 @@ void Position::do_move(Move m, StateInfo& newSt, const CheckInfo& ci, bool moveI
do_castle(from, to, rfrom, rto);
st->psqScore += psq_delta(make_piece(us, ROOK), rfrom, rto);
st->psq += psq[us][ROOK][rto] - psq[us][ROOK][rfrom];
k ^= Zobrist::psq[us][ROOK][rfrom] ^ Zobrist::psq[us][ROOK][rto];
@ -797,22 +792,8 @@ void Position::do_move(Move m, StateInfo& newSt, const CheckInfo& ci, bool moveI
st->npMaterial[them] -= PieceValue[MG][capture];
// Remove the captured piece
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] ^= capsq;
byTypeBB[capture] ^= capsq;
byColorBB[them] ^= capsq;
// Update piece list, move the last piece at index[capsq] position and
// shrink the list.
// WARNING: This is a not reversible operation. When we will reinsert the
// captured piece in undo_move() we will put it at the end of the list and
// not in its original place, it means index[] and pieceList[] are not
// guaranteed to be invariant to a do_move() + undo_move() sequence.
Square lastSquare = pieceList[them][capture][--pieceCount[them][capture]];
index[lastSquare] = index[capsq];
pieceList[them][capture][index[lastSquare]] = lastSquare;
pieceList[them][capture][pieceCount[them][capture]] = SQ_NONE;
// Update board and piece lists
remove_piece(capsq, them, capture);
// Update material hash key and prefetch access to materialTable
k ^= Zobrist::psq[them][capture][capsq];
@ -820,7 +801,7 @@ void Position::do_move(Move m, StateInfo& newSt, const CheckInfo& ci, bool moveI
// Update incremental scores
st->psqScore -= pieceSquareTable[make_piece(them, capture)][capsq];
st->psq -= psq[them][capture][capsq];
// Reset rule 50 counter
st->rule50 = 0;
@ -849,20 +830,7 @@ void Position::do_move(Move m, StateInfo& newSt, const CheckInfo& ci, bool moveI
// Move the piece. The tricky Chess960 castle is handled earlier
if (type_of(m) != CASTLE)
Bitboard from_to_bb = SquareBB[from] ^ SquareBB[to];
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] ^= from_to_bb;
byTypeBB[pt] ^= from_to_bb;
byColorBB[us] ^= from_to_bb;
board[from] = NO_PIECE;
board[to] = piece;
// Update piece lists, index[from] is not updated and becomes stale. This
// works as long as index[] is accessed just by known occupied squares.
index[to] = index[from];
pieceList[us][pt][index[to]] = to;
move_piece(from, to, us, pt);
// If the moving piece is a pawn do some special extra work
if (pt == PAWN)
@ -882,29 +850,17 @@ void Position::do_move(Move m, StateInfo& newSt, const CheckInfo& ci, bool moveI
assert(relative_rank(us, to) == RANK_8);
assert(promotion >= KNIGHT && promotion <= QUEEN);
// Replace the pawn with the promoted piece
byTypeBB[PAWN] ^= to;
byTypeBB[promotion] |= to;
board[to] = make_piece(us, promotion);
// Update piece lists, move the last pawn at index[to] position
// and shrink the list. Add a new promotion piece to the list.
Square lastSquare = pieceList[us][PAWN][--pieceCount[us][PAWN]];
index[lastSquare] = index[to];
pieceList[us][PAWN][index[lastSquare]] = lastSquare;
pieceList[us][PAWN][pieceCount[us][PAWN]] = SQ_NONE;
index[to] = pieceCount[us][promotion];
pieceList[us][promotion][index[to]] = to;
remove_piece(to, us, PAWN);
put_piece(to, us, promotion);
// Update hash keys
k ^= Zobrist::psq[us][PAWN][to] ^ Zobrist::psq[us][promotion][to];
st->pawnKey ^= Zobrist::psq[us][PAWN][to];
st->materialKey ^= Zobrist::psq[us][promotion][pieceCount[us][promotion]++]
st->materialKey ^= Zobrist::psq[us][promotion][pieceCount[us][promotion]-1]
^ Zobrist::psq[us][PAWN][pieceCount[us][PAWN]];
// Update incremental score
st->psqScore += pieceSquareTable[make_piece(us, promotion)][to]
- pieceSquareTable[make_piece(us, PAWN)][to];
st->psq += psq[us][promotion][to] - psq[us][PAWN][to];
// Update material
st->npMaterial[us] += PieceValue[MG][promotion];
@ -919,7 +875,7 @@ void Position::do_move(Move m, StateInfo& newSt, const CheckInfo& ci, bool moveI
// Update incremental scores
st->psqScore += psq_delta(piece, from, to);
st->psq += psq[us][pt][to] - psq[us][pt][from];
// Set capture piece
st->capturedType = capture;
@ -985,20 +941,8 @@ void Position::undo_move(Move m) {
assert(relative_rank(us, to) == RANK_8);
assert(promotion >= KNIGHT && promotion <= QUEEN);
// Replace the promoted piece with the pawn
byTypeBB[promotion] ^= to;
byTypeBB[PAWN] |= to;
board[to] = make_piece(us, PAWN);
// Update piece lists, move the last promoted piece at index[to] position
// and shrink the list. Add a new pawn to the list.
Square lastSquare = pieceList[us][promotion][--pieceCount[us][promotion]];
index[lastSquare] = index[to];
pieceList[us][promotion][index[lastSquare]] = lastSquare;
pieceList[us][promotion][pieceCount[us][promotion]] = SQ_NONE;
index[to] = pieceCount[us][PAWN]++;
pieceList[us][PAWN][index[to]] = to;
remove_piece(to, us, promotion);
put_piece(to, us, PAWN);
pt = PAWN;
@ -1013,21 +957,7 @@ void Position::undo_move(Move m) {
do_castle(to, from, rto, rfrom);
// Put the piece back at the source square
Bitboard from_to_bb = SquareBB[from] ^ SquareBB[to];
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] ^= from_to_bb;
byTypeBB[pt] ^= from_to_bb;
byColorBB[us] ^= from_to_bb;
board[to] = NO_PIECE;
board[from] = make_piece(us, pt);
// Update piece lists, index[to] is not updated and becomes stale. This
// works as long as index[] is accessed just by known occupied squares.
index[from] = index[to];
pieceList[us][pt][index[from]] = from;
move_piece(to, from, us, pt); // Put the piece back at the source square
if (capture)
@ -1043,16 +973,7 @@ void Position::undo_move(Move m) {
assert(piece_on(capsq) == NO_PIECE);
// Restore the captured piece
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] |= capsq;
byTypeBB[capture] |= capsq;
byColorBB[them] |= capsq;
board[capsq] = make_piece(them, capture);
// Update piece list, add a new captured piece in capsq square
index[capsq] = pieceCount[them][capture]++;
pieceList[them][capture][index[capsq]] = capsq;
put_piece(capsq, them, capture); // Restore the captured piece
// Finally point our state pointer back to the previous state
@ -1068,25 +989,12 @@ void Position::undo_move(Move m) {
void Position::do_castle(Square kfrom, Square kto, Square rfrom, Square rto) {
Color us = sideToMove;
Bitboard k_from_to_bb = SquareBB[kfrom] ^ SquareBB[kto];
Bitboard r_from_to_bb = SquareBB[rfrom] ^ SquareBB[rto];
byTypeBB[KING] ^= k_from_to_bb;
byTypeBB[ROOK] ^= r_from_to_bb;
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] ^= k_from_to_bb ^ r_from_to_bb;
byColorBB[us] ^= k_from_to_bb ^ r_from_to_bb;
// Could be from == to, so first set NO_PIECE then KING and ROOK
board[kfrom] = board[rfrom] = NO_PIECE;
board[kto] = make_piece(us, KING);
board[rto] = make_piece(us, ROOK);
// Could be kfrom == rto, so use a 'tmp' variable
int tmp = index[kfrom];
index[rto] = index[rfrom];
index[kto] = tmp;
pieceList[us][KING][index[kto]] = kto;
pieceList[us][ROOK][index[rto]] = rto;
// Remove both pieces first since squares could overlap in Chess960
remove_piece(kfrom, sideToMove, KING);
remove_piece(rfrom, sideToMove, ROOK);
board[kfrom] = board[rfrom] = NO_PIECE; // Since remove_piece doesn't do it for us
put_piece(kto, sideToMove, KING);
put_piece(rto, sideToMove, ROOK);
@ -1097,7 +1005,7 @@ void Position::do_null_move(StateInfo& newSt) {
memcpy(&newSt, st, sizeof(StateInfo)); // Fully copy here
std::memcpy(&newSt, st, sizeof(StateInfo)); // Fully copy here
newSt.previous = st;
st = &newSt;
@ -1141,7 +1049,7 @@ int Position::see_sign(Move m) const {
// Early return if SEE cannot be negative because captured piece value
// is not less then capturing one. Note that king moves always return
// here because king midgame value is set to 0.
if (PieceValue[MG][piece_on(to_sq(m))] >= PieceValue[MG][piece_moved(m)])
if (PieceValue[MG][piece_moved(m)] <= PieceValue[MG][piece_on(to_sq(m))])
return 1;
return see(m);
@ -1159,36 +1067,31 @@ int Position::see(Move m, int asymmThreshold) const {
from = from_sq(m);
to = to_sq(m);
captured = type_of(piece_on(to));
swapList[0] = PieceValue[MG][type_of(piece_on(to))];
stm = color_of(piece_on(from));
occupied = pieces() ^ from;
// Handle en passant moves
// Castle moves are implemented as king capturing the rook so cannot be
// handled correctly. Simply return 0 that is always the correct value
// unless in the rare case the rook ends up under attack.
if (type_of(m) == CASTLE)
return 0;
if (type_of(m) == ENPASSANT)
Square capQq = to - pawn_push(sideToMove);
assert(type_of(piece_on(capQq)) == PAWN);
// Remove the captured pawn
occupied ^= capQq;
captured = PAWN;
occupied ^= to - pawn_push(stm); // Remove the captured pawn
swapList[0] = PieceValue[MG][PAWN];
else if (type_of(m) == CASTLE)
// Castle moves are implemented as king capturing the rook so cannot be
// handled correctly. Simply return 0 that is always the correct value
// unless the rook is ends up under attack.
return 0;
// Find all attackers to the destination square, with the moving piece
// removed, but possibly an X-ray attacker added behind it.
attackers = attackers_to(to, occupied);
attackers = attackers_to(to, occupied) & occupied;
// If the opponent has no attackers we are finished
stm = ~color_of(piece_on(from));
stm = ~stm;
stmAttackers = attackers & pieces(stm);
if (!stmAttackers)
return PieceValue[MG][captured];
return swapList[0];
// The destination square is defended, which makes things rather more
// difficult to compute. We proceed by building up a "swap list" containing
@ -1196,7 +1099,6 @@ int Position::see(Move m, int asymmThreshold) const {
// destination square, where the sides alternately capture, and always
// capture with the least valuable piece. After each capture, we look for
// new X-ray attacks from behind the capturing piece.
swapList[0] = PieceValue[MG][captured];
captured = type_of(piece_on(from));
do {
@ -1206,19 +1108,15 @@ int Position::see(Move m, int asymmThreshold) const {
swapList[slIndex] = -swapList[slIndex - 1] + PieceValue[MG][captured];
// Locate and remove from 'occupied' the next least valuable attacker
captured = next_attacker<PAWN>(byTypeBB, to, stmAttackers, occupied, attackers);
attackers &= occupied; // Remove the just found attacker
// Locate and remove the next least valuable attacker
captured = min_attacker<PAWN>(byTypeBB, to, stmAttackers, occupied, attackers);
stm = ~stm;
stmAttackers = attackers & pieces(stm);
if (captured == KING)
// Stop before processing a king capture
if (captured == KING && stmAttackers)
// Stop before processing a king capture
if (stmAttackers)
swapList[slIndex++] = QueenValueMg * 16;
swapList[slIndex++] = QueenValueMg * 16;
@ -1247,7 +1145,7 @@ int Position::see(Move m, int asymmThreshold) const {
void Position::clear() {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(Position));
std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(Position));
startState.epSquare = SQ_NONE;
st = &startState;
@ -1257,24 +1155,6 @@ void Position::clear() {
/// Position::put_piece() puts a piece on the given square of the board,
/// updating the board array, pieces list, bitboards, and piece counts.
void Position::put_piece(Piece p, Square s) {
Color c = color_of(p);
PieceType pt = type_of(p);
board[s] = p;
index[s] = pieceCount[c][pt]++;
pieceList[c][pt][index[s]] = s;
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] |= s;
byTypeBB[pt] |= s;
byColorBB[c] |= s;
/// Position::compute_key() computes the hash key of the position. The hash
/// key is usually updated incrementally as moves are made and unmade, the
/// compute_key() function is only used when a new position is set up, and
@ -1332,7 +1212,7 @@ Key Position::compute_material_key() const {
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= QUEEN; pt++)
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < piece_count(c, pt); cnt++)
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < pieceCount[c][pt]; cnt++)
k ^= Zobrist::psq[c][pt][cnt];
return k;
@ -1350,7 +1230,8 @@ Score Position::compute_psq_score() const {
for (Bitboard b = pieces(); b; )
Square s = pop_lsb(&b);
score += pieceSquareTable[piece_on(s)][s];
Piece pc = piece_on(s);
score += psq[color_of(pc)][type_of(pc)][s];
return score;
@ -1367,7 +1248,7 @@ Value Position::compute_non_pawn_material(Color c) const {
Value value = VALUE_ZERO;
for (PieceType pt = KNIGHT; pt <= QUEEN; pt++)
value += piece_count(c, pt) * PieceValue[MG][pt];
value += pieceCount[c][pt] * PieceValue[MG][pt];
return value;
@ -1412,42 +1293,36 @@ bool Position::is_draw() const {
/// Position::flip() flips position with the white and black sides reversed. This
/// is only useful for debugging especially for finding evaluation symmetry bugs.
static char toggle_case(char c) {
return char(islower(c) ? toupper(c) : tolower(c));
void Position::flip() {
const Position pos(*this);
string f, token;
std::stringstream ss(fen());
for (Rank rank = RANK_8; rank >= RANK_1; rank--) // Piece placement
std::getline(ss, token, rank > RANK_1 ? '/' : ' ');
f.insert(0, token + (f.empty() ? " " : "/"));
sideToMove = ~pos.side_to_move();
thisThread = pos.this_thread();
nodes = pos.nodes_searched();
chess960 = pos.is_chess960();
gamePly = pos.game_ply();
ss >> token; // Active color
f += (token == "w" ? "B " : "W "); // Will be lowercased later
for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; s++)
if (!pos.is_empty(s))
put_piece(Piece(pos.piece_on(s) ^ 8), ~s);
ss >> token; // Castling availability
f += token + " ";
if (pos.can_castle(WHITE_OO))
set_castle_right(BLACK, ~pos.castle_rook_square(WHITE, KING_SIDE));
if (pos.can_castle(WHITE_OOO))
set_castle_right(BLACK, ~pos.castle_rook_square(WHITE, QUEEN_SIDE));
if (pos.can_castle(BLACK_OO))
set_castle_right(WHITE, ~pos.castle_rook_square(BLACK, KING_SIDE));
if (pos.can_castle(BLACK_OOO))
set_castle_right(WHITE, ~pos.castle_rook_square(BLACK, QUEEN_SIDE));
std::transform(f.begin(), f.end(), f.begin(), toggle_case);
if (pos.st->epSquare != SQ_NONE)
st->epSquare = ~pos.st->epSquare;
ss >> token; // En passant square
f += (token == "-" ? token : token.replace(1, 1, token[1] == '3' ? "6" : "3"));
st->checkersBB = attackers_to(king_square(sideToMove)) & pieces(~sideToMove);
std::getline(ss, token); // Half and full moves
f += token;
st->key = compute_key();
st->pawnKey = compute_pawn_key();
st->materialKey = compute_material_key();
st->psqScore = compute_psq_score();
st->npMaterial[WHITE] = compute_non_pawn_material(WHITE);
st->npMaterial[BLACK] = compute_non_pawn_material(BLACK);
set(f, is_chess960(), this_thread());
@ -1536,15 +1411,13 @@ bool Position::pos_is_ok(int* failedStep) const {
if ((*step)++, debugMaterialKey && st->materialKey != compute_material_key())
return false;
if ((*step)++, debugIncrementalEval && st->psqScore != compute_psq_score())
if ((*step)++, debugIncrementalEval && st->psq != compute_psq_score())
return false;
if ((*step)++, debugNonPawnMaterial)
if ( st->npMaterial[WHITE] != compute_non_pawn_material(WHITE)
|| st->npMaterial[BLACK] != compute_non_pawn_material(BLACK))
return false;
if ((*step)++, debugPieceCounts)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
@ -1556,14 +1429,10 @@ bool Position::pos_is_ok(int* failedStep) const {
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (PieceType pt = PAWN; pt <= KING; pt++)
for (int i = 0; i < pieceCount[c][pt]; i++)
if (piece_on(piece_list(c, pt)[i]) != make_piece(c, pt))
if ( board[pieceList[c][pt][i]] != make_piece(c, pt)
|| index[pieceList[c][pt][i]] != i)
return false;
if (index[piece_list(c, pt)[i]] != i)
return false;
if ((*step)++, debugCastleSquares)
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
for (CastlingSide s = KING_SIDE; s <= QUEEN_SIDE; s = CastlingSide(s + 1))
@ -1573,10 +1442,8 @@ bool Position::pos_is_ok(int* failedStep) const {
if (!can_castle(cr))
if ((castleRightsMask[king_square(c)] & cr) != cr)
return false;
if ( piece_on(castleRookSquare[c][s]) != make_piece(c, ROOK)
if ( (castleRightsMask[king_square(c)] & cr) != cr
|| piece_on(castleRookSquare[c][s]) != make_piece(c, ROOK)
|| castleRightsMask[castleRookSquare[c][s]] != cr)
return false;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <cassert>
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ struct StateInfo {
Key pawnKey, materialKey;
Value npMaterial[COLOR_NB];
int castleRights, rule50, pliesFromNull;
Score psqScore;
Score psq;
Square epSquare;
Key key;
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ public:
Position(const Position& p, Thread* t) { *this = p; thisThread = t; }
Position(const std::string& f, bool c960, Thread* t) { set(f, c960, t); }
Position& operator=(const Position&);
static void init();
// Text input/output
void set(const std::string& fen, bool isChess960, Thread* th);
@ -112,8 +113,8 @@ public:
Square king_square(Color c) const;
Square ep_square() const;
bool is_empty(Square s) const;
const Square* piece_list(Color c, PieceType pt) const;
int piece_count(Color c, PieceType pt) const;
template<PieceType Pt> int count(Color c) const;
template<PieceType Pt> const Square* list(Color c) const;
// Castling
int can_castle(CastleRight f) const;
@ -169,7 +170,6 @@ public:
// Incremental piece-square evaluation
Score psq_score() const;
Score psq_delta(Piece p, Square from, Square to) const;
Value non_pawn_material(Color c) const;
// Other properties of the position
@ -188,12 +188,14 @@ public:
// Initialization helpers (used while setting up a position)
void clear();
void put_piece(Piece p, Square s);
void set_castle_right(Color c, Square rfrom);
// Helper functions
void do_castle(Square kfrom, Square kto, Square rfrom, Square rto);
template<bool FindPinned> Bitboard hidden_checkers() const;
Bitboard hidden_checkers(Square ksq, Color c) const;
void put_piece(Square s, Color c, PieceType pt);
void remove_piece(Square s, Color c, PieceType pt);
void move_piece(Square from, Square to, Color c, PieceType pt);
// Computing hash keys from scratch (for initialization and debugging)
Key compute_key() const;
@ -273,12 +275,12 @@ inline Bitboard Position::pieces(Color c, PieceType pt1, PieceType pt2) const {
return byColorBB[c] & (byTypeBB[pt1] | byTypeBB[pt2]);
inline int Position::piece_count(Color c, PieceType pt) const {
return pieceCount[c][pt];
template<PieceType Pt> inline int Position::count(Color c) const {
return pieceCount[c][Pt];
inline const Square* Position::piece_list(Color c, PieceType pt) const {
return pieceList[c][pt];
template<PieceType Pt> inline const Square* Position::list(Color c) const {
return pieceList[c][Pt];
inline Square Position::ep_square() const {
@ -331,11 +333,11 @@ inline Bitboard Position::checkers() const {
inline Bitboard Position::discovered_check_candidates() const {
return hidden_checkers<false>();
return hidden_checkers(king_square(~sideToMove), sideToMove);
inline Bitboard Position::pinned_pieces() const {
return hidden_checkers<true>();
return hidden_checkers(king_square(sideToMove), ~sideToMove);
inline bool Position::pawn_is_passed(Color c, Square s) const {
@ -346,10 +348,6 @@ inline Key Position::key() const {
return st->key;
inline Key Position::exclusion_key() const {
return st->key ^ Zobrist::exclusion;
inline Key Position::pawn_key() const {
return st->pawnKey;
@ -358,12 +356,8 @@ inline Key Position::material_key() const {
return st->materialKey;
inline Score Position::psq_delta(Piece p, Square from, Square to) const {
return pieceSquareTable[p][to] - pieceSquareTable[p][from];
inline Score Position::psq_score() const {
return st->psqScore;
return st->psq;
inline Value Position::non_pawn_material(Color c) const {
@ -422,4 +416,44 @@ inline Thread* Position::this_thread() const {
return thisThread;
#endif // !defined(POSITION_H_INCLUDED)
inline void Position::put_piece(Square s, Color c, PieceType pt) {
board[s] = make_piece(c, pt);
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] |= s;
byTypeBB[pt] |= s;
byColorBB[c] |= s;
index[s] = pieceCount[c][pt]++;
pieceList[c][pt][index[s]] = s;
inline void Position::move_piece(Square from, Square to, Color c, PieceType pt) {
// index[from] is not updated and becomes stale. This works as long
// as index[] is accessed just by known occupied squares.
Bitboard from_to_bb = SquareBB[from] ^ SquareBB[to];
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] ^= from_to_bb;
byTypeBB[pt] ^= from_to_bb;
byColorBB[c] ^= from_to_bb;
board[from] = NO_PIECE;
board[to] = make_piece(c, pt);
index[to] = index[from];
pieceList[c][pt][index[to]] = to;
inline void Position::remove_piece(Square s, Color c, PieceType pt) {
// WARNING: This is not a reversible operation. If we remove a piece in
// do_move() and then replace it in undo_move() we will put it at the end of
// the list and not in its original place, it means index[] and pieceList[]
// are not guaranteed to be invariant to a do_move() + undo_move() sequence.
byTypeBB[ALL_PIECES] ^= s;
byTypeBB[pt] ^= s;
byColorBB[c] ^= s;
/* board[s] = NO_PIECE; */ // Not needed, will be overwritten by capturing
Square lastSquare = pieceList[c][pt][--pieceCount[c][pt]];
index[lastSquare] = index[s];
pieceList[c][pt][index[lastSquare]] = lastSquare;
pieceList[c][pt][pieceCount[c][pt]] = SQ_NONE;
#endif // #ifndef POSITION_H_INCLUDED
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(PSQTAB_H_INCLUDED)
#include "types.h"
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ static const Score PSQT[][SQUARE_NB] = {
{ },
{ // Pawn
S( 0, 0), S( 0, 0), S( 0, 0), S( 0, 0), S(0, 0), S( 0, 0), S( 0, 0), S( 0, 0),
S(-28,-8), S(-6,-8), S( 4,-8), S(14,-8), S(14,-8), S( 4,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-28,-8),
S(-28,-8), S(-6,-8), S( 9,-8), S(36,-8), S(36,-8), S( 9,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-28,-8),
S(-28,-8), S(-6,-8), S(17,-8), S(58,-8), S(58,-8), S(17,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-28,-8),
S(-28,-8), S(-6,-8), S(17,-8), S(36,-8), S(36,-8), S(17,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-28,-8),
S(-28,-8), S(-6,-8), S( 9,-8), S(14,-8), S(14,-8), S( 9,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-28,-8),
S(-28,-8), S(-6,-8), S( 4,-8), S(14,-8), S(14,-8), S( 4,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-28,-8),
S(-20,-8), S(-6,-8), S( 4,-8), S(14,-8), S(14,-8), S( 4,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-20,-8),
S(-20,-8), S(-6,-8), S( 9,-8), S(34,-8), S(34,-8), S( 9,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-20,-8),
S(-20,-8), S(-6,-8), S(17,-8), S(54,-8), S(54,-8), S(17,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-20,-8),
S(-20,-8), S(-6,-8), S(17,-8), S(34,-8), S(34,-8), S(17,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-20,-8),
S(-20,-8), S(-6,-8), S( 9,-8), S(14,-8), S(14,-8), S( 9,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-20,-8),
S(-20,-8), S(-6,-8), S( 4,-8), S(14,-8), S(14,-8), S( 4,-8), S(-6,-8), S(-20,-8),
S( 0, 0), S( 0, 0), S( 0, 0), S( 0, 0), S(0, 0), S( 0, 0), S( 0, 0), S( 0, 0)
{ // Knight
@ -95,4 +95,4 @@ static const Score PSQT[][SQUARE_NB] = {
#undef S
#endif // !defined(PSQTAB_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef PSQTAB_H_INCLUDED
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
(at your option) any later version.
#if !defined(RKISS_H_INCLUDED)
#include "types.h"
@ -43,14 +43,12 @@
class RKISS {
// Keep variables always together
struct S { uint64_t a, b, c, d; } s;
struct S { uint64_t a, b, c, d; } s; // Keep variables always together
uint64_t rotate(uint64_t x, uint64_t k) const {
return (x << k) | (x >> (64 - k));
// Return 64 bit unsigned integer in between [0, 2^64 - 1]
uint64_t rand64() {
const uint64_t
@ -73,4 +71,4 @@ public:
template<typename T> T rand() { return T(rand64()); }
#endif // !defined(RKISS_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef RKISS_H_INCLUDED
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace {
// Futility lookup tables (initialized at startup) and their access functions
Value FutilityMargins[16][64]; // [depth][moveNumber]
int FutilityMoveCounts[32]; // [depth]
int FutilityMoveCounts[2][32]; // [improving][depth]
inline Value futility_margin(Depth d, int mn) {
@ -75,22 +75,23 @@ namespace {
// Reduction lookup tables (initialized at startup) and their access function
int8_t Reductions[2][64][64]; // [pv][depth][moveNumber]
int8_t Reductions[2][2][64][64]; // [pv][improving][depth][moveNumber]
template <bool PvNode> inline Depth reduction(Depth d, int mn) {
template <bool PvNode> inline Depth reduction(bool i, Depth d, int mn) {
return (Depth) Reductions[PvNode][std::min(int(d) / ONE_PLY, 63)][std::min(mn, 63)];
return (Depth) Reductions[PvNode][i][std::min(int(d) / ONE_PLY, 63)][std::min(mn, 63)];
size_t PVSize, PVIdx;
TimeManager TimeMgr;
int BestMoveChanges;
Value DrawValue[COLOR_NB];
History Hist;
Gains Gain;
HistoryStats History;
GainsStats Gains;
CountermovesStats Countermoves;
template <NodeType NT>
Value search(Position& pos, Stack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth);
Value search(Position& pos, Stack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth, bool cutNode);
template <NodeType NT, bool InCheck>
Value qsearch(Position& pos, Stack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth);
@ -135,8 +136,14 @@ void Search::init() {
double pvRed = log(double(hd)) * log(double(mc)) / 3.0;
double nonPVRed = 0.33 + log(double(hd)) * log(double(mc)) / 2.25;
Reductions[1][hd][mc] = (int8_t) ( pvRed >= 1.0 ? floor( pvRed * int(ONE_PLY)) : 0);
Reductions[0][hd][mc] = (int8_t) (nonPVRed >= 1.0 ? floor(nonPVRed * int(ONE_PLY)) : 0);
Reductions[1][1][hd][mc] = (int8_t) ( pvRed >= 1.0 ? floor( pvRed * int(ONE_PLY)) : 0);
Reductions[0][1][hd][mc] = (int8_t) (nonPVRed >= 1.0 ? floor(nonPVRed * int(ONE_PLY)) : 0);
Reductions[1][0][hd][mc] = Reductions[1][1][hd][mc];
Reductions[0][0][hd][mc] = Reductions[0][1][hd][mc];
if (Reductions[0][0][hd][mc] > 2 * ONE_PLY)
Reductions[0][0][hd][mc] += ONE_PLY;
// Init futility margins array
@ -145,33 +152,35 @@ void Search::init() {
// Init futility move count array
for (d = 0; d < 32; d++)
FutilityMoveCounts[d] = int(3.001 + 0.25 * pow(double(d), 2.0));
FutilityMoveCounts[0][d] = int(3.001 + 0.3 * pow(double(d ), 1.8)) * (d < 5 ? 4 : 3) / 4;
FutilityMoveCounts[1][d] = int(3.001 + 0.3 * pow(double(d + 0.98), 1.8));
/// Search::perft() is our utility to verify move generation. All the leaf nodes
/// up to the given depth are generated and counted and the sum returned.
size_t Search::perft(Position& pos, Depth depth) {
// At the last ply just return the number of legal moves (leaf nodes)
if (depth == ONE_PLY)
return MoveList<LEGAL>(pos).size();
static size_t perft(Position& pos, Depth depth) {
StateInfo st;
size_t cnt = 0;
CheckInfo ci(pos);
const bool leaf = depth == 2 * ONE_PLY;
for (MoveList<LEGAL> ml(pos); !ml.end(); ++ml)
for (MoveList<LEGAL> it(pos); *it; ++it)
pos.do_move(ml.move(), st, ci, pos.move_gives_check(ml.move(), ci));
cnt += perft(pos, depth - ONE_PLY);
pos.do_move(*it, st, ci, pos.move_gives_check(*it, ci));
cnt += leaf ? MoveList<LEGAL>(pos).size() : ::perft(pos, depth - ONE_PLY);
return cnt;
size_t Search::perft(Position& pos, Depth depth) {
return depth > ONE_PLY ? ::perft(pos, depth) : MoveList<LEGAL>(pos).size();
/// Search::think() is the external interface to Stockfish's search, and is
/// called by the main thread when the program receives the UCI 'go' command. It
@ -215,7 +224,7 @@ void Search::think() {
DrawValue[WHITE] = DrawValue[BLACK] = VALUE_DRAW;
if (Options["Use Search Log"])
if (Options["Write Search Log"])
Log log(Options["Search Log Filename"]);
log << "\nSearching: " << RootPos.fen()
@ -231,7 +240,7 @@ void Search::think() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < Threads.size(); i++)
Threads[i]->maxPly = 0;
Threads.sleepWhileIdle = Options["Use Sleeping Threads"];
Threads.sleepWhileIdle = Options["Idle Threads Sleep"];
// Set best timer interval to avoid lagging under time pressure. Timer is
// used to check for remaining available thinking time.
@ -247,7 +256,7 @@ void Search::think() {
Threads.timer->msec = 0; // Stop the timer
Threads.sleepWhileIdle = true; // Send idle threads to sleep
if (Options["Use Search Log"])
if (Options["Write Search Log"])
Time::point elapsed = Time::now() - SearchTime + 1;
@ -264,6 +273,10 @@ void Search::think() {
// When search is stopped this info is not printed
sync_cout << "info nodes " << RootPos.nodes_searched()
<< " time " << Time::now() - SearchTime + 1 << sync_endl;
// When we reach max depth we arrive here even without Signals.stop is raised,
// but if we are pondering or in infinite search, according to UCI protocol,
// we shouldn't print the best move before the GUI sends a "stop" or "ponderhit"
@ -290,17 +303,21 @@ namespace {
void id_loop(Position& pos) {
Stack ss[MAX_PLY_PLUS_2];
Stack stack[MAX_PLY_PLUS_6], *ss = stack+2; // To allow referencing (ss-2)
int depth, prevBestMoveChanges;
Value bestValue, alpha, beta, delta;
memset(ss, 0, 4 * sizeof(Stack));
std::memset(ss-2, 0, 5 * sizeof(Stack));
(ss-1)->currentMove = MOVE_NULL; // Hack to skip update gains
depth = BestMoveChanges = 0;
bestValue = delta = -VALUE_INFINITE;
ss->currentMove = MOVE_NULL; // Hack to skip update gains
bestValue = delta = alpha = -VALUE_INFINITE;
PVSize = Options["MultiPV"];
Skill skill(Options["Skill Level"]);
@ -326,26 +343,19 @@ namespace {
// MultiPV loop. We perform a full root search for each PV line
for (PVIdx = 0; PVIdx < PVSize; PVIdx++)
// Set aspiration window default width
if (depth >= 5 && abs(RootMoves[PVIdx].prevScore) < VALUE_KNOWN_WIN)
// Reset aspiration window starting size
if (depth >= 5)
delta = Value(16);
alpha = RootMoves[PVIdx].prevScore - delta;
beta = RootMoves[PVIdx].prevScore + delta;
alpha = std::max(RootMoves[PVIdx].prevScore - delta,-VALUE_INFINITE);
beta = std::min(RootMoves[PVIdx].prevScore + delta, VALUE_INFINITE);
// Start with a small aspiration window and, in case of fail high/low,
// research with bigger window until not failing high/low anymore.
while (true)
// Search starts from ss+1 to allow referencing (ss-1). This is
// needed by update gains and ss copy when splitting at Root.
bestValue = search<Root>(pos, ss+1, alpha, beta, depth * ONE_PLY);
bestValue = search<Root>(pos, ss, alpha, beta, depth * ONE_PLY, false);
// Bring to front the best move. It is critical that sorting is
// done with a stable algorithm because all the values but the first
@ -366,33 +376,28 @@ namespace {
if (Signals.stop)
// In case of failing high/low increase aspiration window and
// research, otherwise exit the loop.
if (bestValue > alpha && bestValue < beta)
// Give some update (without cluttering the UI) before to research
if (Time::now() - SearchTime > 3000)
// When failing high/low give some update (without cluttering
// the UI) before to research.
if ( (bestValue <= alpha || bestValue >= beta)
&& Time::now() - SearchTime > 3000)
sync_cout << uci_pv(pos, depth, alpha, beta) << sync_endl;
if (abs(bestValue) >= VALUE_KNOWN_WIN)
else if (bestValue >= beta)
beta += delta;
delta += delta / 2;
// In case of failing low/high increase aspiration window and
// research, otherwise exit the loop.
if (bestValue <= alpha)
alpha = std::max(bestValue - delta, -VALUE_INFINITE);
Signals.failedLowAtRoot = true;
Signals.stopOnPonderhit = false;
alpha -= delta;
delta += delta / 2;
else if (bestValue >= beta)
beta = std::min(bestValue + delta, VALUE_INFINITE);
delta += delta / 2;
assert(alpha >= -VALUE_INFINITE && beta <= VALUE_INFINITE);
@ -408,10 +413,14 @@ namespace {
if (skill.enabled() && skill.time_to_pick(depth))
if (Options["Use Search Log"])
if (Options["Write Search Log"])
RootMove& rm = RootMoves[0];
if (skill.best != MOVE_NONE)
rm = *std::find(RootMoves.begin(), RootMoves.end(), skill.best);
Log log(Options["Search Log Filename"]);
log << pretty_pv(pos, depth, bestValue, Time::now() - SearchTime, &RootMoves[0].pv[0])
log << pretty_pv(pos, depth, rm.score, Time::now() - SearchTime, &rm.pv[0])
<< std::endl;
@ -445,11 +454,11 @@ namespace {
|| Time::now() - SearchTime > (TimeMgr.available_time() * 20) / 100))
Value rBeta = bestValue - 2 * PawnValueMg;
(ss+1)->excludedMove = RootMoves[0].pv[0];
(ss+1)->skipNullMove = true;
Value v = search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, rBeta - 1, rBeta, (depth - 3) * ONE_PLY);
(ss+1)->skipNullMove = false;
(ss+1)->excludedMove = MOVE_NONE;
ss->excludedMove = RootMoves[0].pv[0];
ss->skipNullMove = true;
Value v = search<NonPV>(pos, ss, rBeta - 1, rBeta, (depth - 3) * ONE_PLY, true);
ss->skipNullMove = false;
ss->excludedMove = MOVE_NONE;
if (v < rBeta)
stop = true;
@ -477,7 +486,7 @@ namespace {
// here: This is taken care of after we return from the split point.
template <NodeType NT>
Value search(Position& pos, Stack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth) {
Value search(Position& pos, Stack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Depth depth, bool cutNode) {
const bool PvNode = (NT == PV || NT == Root || NT == SplitPointPV || NT == SplitPointRoot);
const bool SpNode = (NT == SplitPointPV || NT == SplitPointNonPV || NT == SplitPointRoot);
@ -487,7 +496,7 @@ namespace {
assert(PvNode || (alpha == beta - 1));
assert(depth > DEPTH_ZERO);
Move movesSearched[64];
Move quietsSearched[64];
StateInfo st;
const TTEntry *tte;
SplitPoint* splitPoint;
@ -496,13 +505,12 @@ namespace {
Depth ext, newDepth;
Value bestValue, value, ttValue;
Value eval, nullValue, futilityValue;
bool inCheck, givesCheck, pvMove, singularExtensionNode;
bool inCheck, givesCheck, pvMove, singularExtensionNode, improving;
bool captureOrPromotion, dangerous, doFullDepthSearch;
int moveCount, playedMoveCount;
int moveCount, quietCount;
// Step 1. Initialize node
Thread* thisThread = pos.this_thread();
moveCount = playedMoveCount = 0;
inCheck = pos.checkers();
if (SpNode)
@ -517,9 +525,10 @@ namespace {
assert(splitPoint->bestValue > -VALUE_INFINITE && splitPoint->moveCount > 0);
goto split_point_start;
goto moves_loop;
moveCount = quietCount = 0;
bestValue = -VALUE_INFINITE;
ss->currentMove = threatMove = (ss+1)->excludedMove = bestMove = MOVE_NONE;
ss->ply = (ss-1)->ply + 1;
@ -566,9 +575,9 @@ namespace {
&& tte
&& tte->depth() >= depth
&& ttValue != VALUE_NONE // Only in case of TT access race
&& ( PvNode ? tte->type() == BOUND_EXACT
: ttValue >= beta ? (tte->type() & BOUND_LOWER)
: (tte->type() & BOUND_UPPER)))
&& ( PvNode ? tte->bound() == BOUND_EXACT
: ttValue >= beta ? (tte->bound() & BOUND_LOWER)
: (tte->bound() & BOUND_UPPER)))
ss->currentMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE
@ -586,7 +595,10 @@ namespace {
// Step 5. Evaluate the position statically and update parent's gain statistics
if (inCheck)
ss->staticEval = ss->evalMargin = eval = VALUE_NONE;
goto moves_loop;
else if (tte)
@ -597,8 +609,8 @@ namespace {
// Can ttValue be used as a better position evaluation?
if (ttValue != VALUE_NONE)
if ( ((tte->type() & BOUND_LOWER) && ttValue > eval)
|| ((tte->type() & BOUND_UPPER) && ttValue < eval))
if ( ((tte->bound() & BOUND_LOWER) && ttValue > eval)
|| ((tte->bound() & BOUND_UPPER) && ttValue < eval))
eval = ttValue;
@ -610,20 +622,19 @@ namespace {
// Update gain for the parent non-capture move given the static position
// evaluation before and after the move.
if ( (move = (ss-1)->currentMove) != MOVE_NULL
&& (ss-1)->staticEval != VALUE_NONE
if ( !pos.captured_piece_type()
&& ss->staticEval != VALUE_NONE
&& !pos.captured_piece_type()
&& (ss-1)->staticEval != VALUE_NONE
&& (move = (ss-1)->currentMove) != MOVE_NULL
&& type_of(move) == NORMAL)
Square to = to_sq(move);
Gain.update(pos.piece_on(to), to, -(ss-1)->staticEval - ss->staticEval);
Gains.update(pos.piece_on(to), to, -(ss-1)->staticEval - ss->staticEval);
// Step 6. Razoring (is omitted in PV nodes)
// Step 6. Razoring (skipped when in check)
if ( !PvNode
&& depth < 4 * ONE_PLY
&& !inCheck
&& eval + razor_margin(depth) < beta
&& ttMove == MOVE_NONE
&& abs(beta) < VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY
@ -637,13 +648,12 @@ namespace {
return v;
// Step 7. Static null move pruning (is omitted in PV nodes)
// Step 7. Static null move pruning (skipped when in check)
// We're betting that the opponent doesn't have a move that will reduce
// the score by more than futility_margin(depth) if we do a null move.
if ( !PvNode
&& !ss->skipNullMove
&& depth < 4 * ONE_PLY
&& !inCheck
&& eval - futility_margin(depth, (ss-1)->futilityMoveCount) >= beta
&& abs(beta) < VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY
&& abs(eval) < VALUE_KNOWN_WIN
@ -654,7 +664,6 @@ namespace {
if ( !PvNode
&& !ss->skipNullMove
&& depth > ONE_PLY
&& !inCheck
&& eval >= beta
&& abs(beta) < VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY
&& pos.non_pawn_material(pos.side_to_move()))
@ -671,7 +680,7 @@ namespace {
(ss+1)->skipNullMove = true;
nullValue = depth-R < ONE_PLY ? -qsearch<NonPV, false>(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, DEPTH_ZERO)
: - search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, depth-R);
: - search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, depth-R, !cutNode);
(ss+1)->skipNullMove = false;
@ -686,7 +695,7 @@ namespace {
// Do verification search at high depths
ss->skipNullMove = true;
Value v = search<NonPV>(pos, ss, alpha, beta, depth-R);
Value v = search<NonPV>(pos, ss, alpha, beta, depth-R, false);
ss->skipNullMove = false;
if (v >= beta)
@ -706,19 +715,17 @@ namespace {
&& (ss-1)->reduction
&& threatMove != MOVE_NONE
&& allows(pos, (ss-1)->currentMove, threatMove))
return beta - 1;
return alpha;
// Step 9. ProbCut (is omitted in PV nodes)
// Step 9. ProbCut (skipped when in check)
// If we have a very good capture (i.e. SEE > seeValues[captured_piece_type])
// and a reduced search returns a value much above beta, we can (almost) safely
// prune the previous move.
if ( !PvNode
&& depth >= 5 * ONE_PLY
&& !inCheck
&& !ss->skipNullMove
&& excludedMove == MOVE_NONE
&& abs(beta) < VALUE_MATE_IN_MAX_PLY)
Value rbeta = beta + 200;
@ -728,7 +735,7 @@ namespace {
assert((ss-1)->currentMove != MOVE_NONE);
assert((ss-1)->currentMove != MOVE_NULL);
MovePicker mp(pos, ttMove, Hist, pos.captured_piece_type());
MovePicker mp(pos, ttMove, History, pos.captured_piece_type());
CheckInfo ci(pos);
while ((move = mp.next_move<false>()) != MOVE_NONE)
@ -736,39 +743,47 @@ namespace {
ss->currentMove = move;
pos.do_move(move, st, ci, pos.move_gives_check(move, ci));
value = -search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -rbeta, -rbeta+1, rdepth);
value = -search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -rbeta, -rbeta+1, rdepth, !cutNode);
if (value >= rbeta)
return value;
// Step 10. Internal iterative deepening
// Step 10. Internal iterative deepening (skipped when in check)
if ( depth >= (PvNode ? 5 * ONE_PLY : 8 * ONE_PLY)
&& ttMove == MOVE_NONE
&& (PvNode || (!inCheck && ss->staticEval + Value(256) >= beta)))
&& (PvNode || ss->staticEval + Value(256) >= beta))
Depth d = depth - 2 * ONE_PLY - (PvNode ? DEPTH_ZERO : depth / 4);
ss->skipNullMove = true;
search<PvNode ? PV : NonPV>(pos, ss, alpha, beta, d);
search<PvNode ? PV : NonPV>(pos, ss, alpha, beta, d, true);
ss->skipNullMove = false;
tte = TT.probe(posKey);
ttMove = tte ? tte->move() : MOVE_NONE;
split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
moves_loop: // When in check and at SpNode search starts from here
MovePicker mp(pos, ttMove, depth, Hist, ss, PvNode ? -VALUE_INFINITE : beta);
Square prevMoveSq = to_sq((ss-1)->currentMove);
Move countermoves[] = { Countermoves[pos.piece_on(prevMoveSq)][prevMoveSq].first,
Countermoves[pos.piece_on(prevMoveSq)][prevMoveSq].second };
MovePicker mp(pos, ttMove, depth, History, countermoves, ss);
CheckInfo ci(pos);
value = bestValue; // Workaround a bogus 'uninitialized' warning under gcc
improving = ss->staticEval >= (ss-2)->staticEval
|| ss->staticEval == VALUE_NONE
||(ss-2)->staticEval == VALUE_NONE;
singularExtensionNode = !RootNode
&& !SpNode
&& depth >= (PvNode ? 6 * ONE_PLY : 8 * ONE_PLY)
&& ttMove != MOVE_NONE
&& !excludedMove // Recursive singular search is not allowed
&& (tte->type() & BOUND_LOWER)
&& (tte->bound() & BOUND_LOWER)
&& tte->depth() >= depth - 3 * ONE_PLY;
// Step 11. Loop through moves
@ -802,7 +817,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
Signals.firstRootMove = (moveCount == 1);
if (thisThread == Threads.main_thread() && Time::now() - SearchTime > 3000)
if (thisThread == Threads.main() && Time::now() - SearchTime > 3000)
sync_cout << "info depth " << depth / ONE_PLY
<< " currmove " << move_to_uci(move, pos.is_chess960())
<< " currmovenumber " << moveCount + PVIdx << sync_endl;
@ -813,12 +828,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
givesCheck = pos.move_gives_check(move, ci);
dangerous = givesCheck
|| pos.is_passed_pawn_push(move)
|| type_of(move) == CASTLE
|| ( captureOrPromotion // Entering a pawn endgame?
&& type_of(pos.piece_on(to_sq(move))) != PAWN
&& type_of(move) == NORMAL
&& ( pos.non_pawn_material(WHITE) + pos.non_pawn_material(BLACK)
- PieceValue[MG][pos.piece_on(to_sq(move))] == VALUE_ZERO));
|| type_of(move) == CASTLE;
// Step 12. Extend checks and, in PV nodes, also dangerous moves
if (PvNode && dangerous)
@ -843,7 +853,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
Value rBeta = ttValue - int(depth);
ss->excludedMove = move;
ss->skipNullMove = true;
value = search<NonPV>(pos, ss, rBeta - 1, rBeta, depth / 2);
value = search<NonPV>(pos, ss, rBeta - 1, rBeta, depth / 2, cutNode);
ss->skipNullMove = false;
ss->excludedMove = MOVE_NONE;
@ -864,7 +874,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
// Move count based pruning
if ( depth < 16 * ONE_PLY
&& moveCount >= FutilityMoveCounts[depth]
&& moveCount >= FutilityMoveCounts[improving][depth]
&& (!threatMove || !refutes(pos, move, threatMove)))
if (SpNode)
@ -876,9 +886,9 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
// Value based pruning
// We illogically ignore reduction condition depth >= 3*ONE_PLY for predicted depth,
// but fixing this made program slightly weaker.
Depth predictedDepth = newDepth - reduction<PvNode>(depth, moveCount);
Depth predictedDepth = newDepth - reduction<PvNode>(improving, depth, moveCount);
futilityValue = ss->staticEval + ss->evalMargin + futility_margin(predictedDepth, moveCount)
+ Gain[pos.piece_moved(move)][to_sq(move)];
+ Gains[pos.piece_moved(move)][to_sq(move)];
if (futilityValue < beta)
@ -919,8 +929,8 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
pvMove = PvNode && moveCount == 1;
ss->currentMove = move;
if (!SpNode && !captureOrPromotion && playedMoveCount < 64)
movesSearched[playedMoveCount++] = move;
if (!SpNode && !captureOrPromotion && quietCount < 64)
quietsSearched[quietCount++] = move;
// Step 14. Make the move
pos.do_move(move, st, ci, givesCheck);
@ -935,12 +945,19 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
&& move != ss->killers[0]
&& move != ss->killers[1])
ss->reduction = reduction<PvNode>(depth, moveCount);
ss->reduction = reduction<PvNode>(improving, depth, moveCount);
if (!PvNode && cutNode)
ss->reduction += ONE_PLY;
if (move == countermoves[0] || move == countermoves[1])
ss->reduction = std::max(DEPTH_ZERO, ss->reduction-ONE_PLY);
Depth d = std::max(newDepth - ss->reduction, ONE_PLY);
if (SpNode)
alpha = splitPoint->alpha;
value = -search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, d);
value = -search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, d, true);
doFullDepthSearch = (value > alpha && ss->reduction != DEPTH_ZERO);
ss->reduction = DEPTH_ZERO;
@ -957,7 +974,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
value = newDepth < ONE_PLY ?
givesCheck ? -qsearch<NonPV, true>(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, DEPTH_ZERO)
: -qsearch<NonPV, false>(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, DEPTH_ZERO)
: - search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, newDepth);
: - search<NonPV>(pos, ss+1, -(alpha+1), -alpha, newDepth, !cutNode);
// Only for PV nodes do a full PV search on the first move or after a fail
@ -967,7 +984,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
value = newDepth < ONE_PLY ?
givesCheck ? -qsearch<PV, true>(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, DEPTH_ZERO)
: -qsearch<PV, false>(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, DEPTH_ZERO)
: - search<PV>(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, newDepth);
: - search<PV>(pos, ss+1, -beta, -alpha, newDepth, false);
// Step 17. Undo move
@ -1042,7 +1059,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
assert(bestValue < beta);
thisThread->split<FakeSplit>(pos, ss, alpha, beta, &bestValue, &bestMove,
depth, threatMove, moveCount, &mp, NT);
depth, threatMove, moveCount, &mp, NT, cutNode);
if (bestValue >= beta)
@ -1064,41 +1081,37 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
// If we have pruned all the moves without searching return a fail-low score
if (bestValue == -VALUE_INFINITE)
bestValue = alpha;
if (bestValue >= beta) // Failed high
TT.store(posKey, value_to_tt(bestValue, ss->ply),
bestValue >= beta ? BOUND_LOWER :
PvNode && bestMove ? BOUND_EXACT : BOUND_UPPER,
depth, bestMove, ss->staticEval, ss->evalMargin);
// Quiet best move: update killers, history and countermoves
if ( bestValue >= beta
&& !pos.is_capture_or_promotion(bestMove)
&& !inCheck)
TT.store(posKey, value_to_tt(bestValue, ss->ply), BOUND_LOWER, depth,
bestMove, ss->staticEval, ss->evalMargin);
if (!pos.is_capture_or_promotion(bestMove) && !inCheck)
if (ss->killers[0] != bestMove)
if (bestMove != ss->killers[0])
ss->killers[1] = ss->killers[0];
ss->killers[0] = bestMove;
// Increase history value of the cut-off move
Value bonus = Value(int(depth) * int(depth));
Hist.update(pos.piece_moved(bestMove), to_sq(bestMove), bonus);
// Decrease history of all the other played non-capture moves
for (int i = 0; i < playedMoveCount - 1; i++)
Move m = movesSearched[i];
Hist.update(pos.piece_moved(m), to_sq(m), -bonus);
ss->killers[1] = ss->killers[0];
ss->killers[0] = bestMove;
// Increase history value of the cut-off move and decrease all the other
// played non-capture moves.
Value bonus = Value(int(depth) * int(depth));
History.update(pos.piece_moved(bestMove), to_sq(bestMove), bonus);
for (int i = 0; i < quietCount - 1; i++)
Move m = quietsSearched[i];
History.update(pos.piece_moved(m), to_sq(m), -bonus);
if (is_ok((ss-1)->currentMove))
Countermoves.update(pos.piece_on(prevMoveSq), prevMoveSq, bestMove);
else // Failed low or PV search
TT.store(posKey, value_to_tt(bestValue, ss->ply),
depth, bestMove, ss->staticEval, ss->evalMargin);
assert(bestValue > -VALUE_INFINITE && bestValue < VALUE_INFINITE);
@ -1126,7 +1139,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
Key posKey;
Move ttMove, move, bestMove;
Value bestValue, value, ttValue, futilityValue, futilityBase, oldAlpha;
bool givesCheck, enoughMaterial, evasionPrunable;
bool givesCheck, evasionPrunable;
Depth ttDepth;
// To flag BOUND_EXACT a node with eval above alpha and no available moves
@ -1146,8 +1159,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
ttDepth = InCheck || depth >= DEPTH_QS_CHECKS ? DEPTH_QS_CHECKS
// Transposition table lookup. At PV nodes, we don't use the TT for
// pruning, but only for move ordering.
// Transposition table lookup
posKey = pos.key();
tte = TT.probe(posKey);
ttMove = tte ? tte->move() : MOVE_NONE;
@ -1156,9 +1168,9 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
if ( tte
&& tte->depth() >= ttDepth
&& ttValue != VALUE_NONE // Only in case of TT access race
&& ( PvNode ? tte->type() == BOUND_EXACT
: ttValue >= beta ? (tte->type() & BOUND_LOWER)
: (tte->type() & BOUND_UPPER)))
&& ( PvNode ? tte->bound() == BOUND_EXACT
: ttValue >= beta ? (tte->bound() & BOUND_LOWER)
: (tte->bound() & BOUND_UPPER)))
ss->currentMove = ttMove; // Can be MOVE_NONE
return ttValue;
@ -1169,7 +1181,6 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
ss->staticEval = ss->evalMargin = VALUE_NONE;
bestValue = futilityBase = -VALUE_INFINITE;
enoughMaterial = false;
@ -1197,14 +1208,13 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
alpha = bestValue;
futilityBase = ss->staticEval + ss->evalMargin + Value(128);
enoughMaterial = pos.non_pawn_material(pos.side_to_move()) > RookValueMg;
// Initialize a MovePicker object for the current position, and prepare
// to search the moves. Because the depth is <= 0 here, only captures,
// queen promotions and checks (only if depth >= DEPTH_QS_CHECKS) will
// be generated.
MovePicker mp(pos, ttMove, depth, Hist, to_sq((ss-1)->currentMove));
MovePicker mp(pos, ttMove, depth, History, to_sq((ss-1)->currentMove));
CheckInfo ci(pos);
// Loop through the moves until no moves remain or a beta cutoff occurs
@ -1219,7 +1229,6 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
&& !InCheck
&& !givesCheck
&& move != ttMove
&& enoughMaterial
&& type_of(move) != PROMOTION
&& !pos.is_passed_pawn_push(move))
@ -1236,7 +1245,6 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
// Prune moves with negative or equal SEE and also moves with positive
// SEE where capturing piece loses a tempo and SEE < beta - futilityBase.
if ( futilityBase < beta
&& depth < DEPTH_ZERO
&& pos.see(move, beta - futilityBase) <= 0)
bestValue = std::max(bestValue, futilityBase);
@ -1245,8 +1253,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
// Detect non-capture evasions that are candidate to be pruned
evasionPrunable = !PvNode
&& InCheck
evasionPrunable = InCheck
&& !pos.is_capture(move)
&& !pos.can_castle(pos.side_to_move());
@ -1449,18 +1456,18 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
// Update occupancy as if the piece and the threat are moving
Bitboard occ = pos.pieces() ^ m1from ^ m1to ^ m2from;
Piece piece = pos.piece_on(m1from);
Piece pc = pos.piece_on(m1from);
// The moved piece attacks the square 'tto' ?
if (pos.attacks_from(piece, m1to, occ) & m2to)
if (pos.attacks_from(pc, m1to, occ) & m2to)
return true;
// Scan for possible X-ray attackers behind the moved piece
Bitboard xray = (attacks_bb< ROOK>(m2to, occ) & pos.pieces(color_of(piece), QUEEN, ROOK))
| (attacks_bb<BISHOP>(m2to, occ) & pos.pieces(color_of(piece), QUEEN, BISHOP));
Bitboard xray = (attacks_bb< ROOK>(m2to, occ) & pos.pieces(color_of(pc), QUEEN, ROOK))
| (attacks_bb<BISHOP>(m2to, occ) & pos.pieces(color_of(pc), QUEEN, BISHOP));
// Verify attackers are triggered by our move and not already existing
if (xray && (xray ^ (xray & pos.attacks_from<QUEEN>(m2to))))
if (unlikely(xray) && (xray & ~pos.attacks_from<QUEEN>(m2to)))
return true;
@ -1521,7 +1528,7 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
string uci_pv(const Position& pos, int depth, Value alpha, Value beta) {
std::stringstream s;
Time::point elaspsed = Time::now() - SearchTime + 1;
Time::point elapsed = Time::now() - SearchTime + 1;
size_t uciPVSize = std::min((size_t)Options["MultiPV"], RootMoves.size());
int selDepth = 0;
@ -1546,8 +1553,8 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
<< " seldepth " << selDepth
<< " score " << (i == PVIdx ? score_to_uci(v, alpha, beta) : score_to_uci(v))
<< " nodes " << pos.nodes_searched()
<< " nps " << pos.nodes_searched() * 1000 / elaspsed
<< " time " << elaspsed
<< " nps " << pos.nodes_searched() * 1000 / elapsed
<< " time " << elapsed
<< " multipv " << i + 1
<< " pv";
@ -1568,8 +1575,8 @@ split_point_start: // At split points actual search starts from here
void RootMove::extract_pv_from_tt(Position& pos) {
StateInfo state[MAX_PLY_PLUS_2], *st = state;
TTEntry* tte;
StateInfo state[MAX_PLY_PLUS_6], *st = state;
const TTEntry* tte;
int ply = 0;
Move m = pv[0];
@ -1601,8 +1608,8 @@ void RootMove::extract_pv_from_tt(Position& pos) {
void RootMove::insert_pv_in_tt(Position& pos) {
StateInfo state[MAX_PLY_PLUS_2], *st = state;
TTEntry* tte;
StateInfo state[MAX_PLY_PLUS_6], *st = state;
const TTEntry* tte;
int ply = 0;
do {
@ -1671,15 +1678,16 @@ void Thread::idle_loop() {
SplitPoint* sp = activeSplitPoint;
Stack ss[MAX_PLY_PLUS_2];
Stack stack[MAX_PLY_PLUS_6], *ss = stack+2; // To allow referencing (ss-2)
Position pos(*sp->pos, this);
memcpy(ss, sp->ss - 1, 4 * sizeof(Stack));
(ss+1)->splitPoint = sp;
std::memcpy(ss-2, sp->ss-2, 5 * sizeof(Stack));
ss->splitPoint = sp;
@ -1689,13 +1697,13 @@ void Thread::idle_loop() {
switch (sp->nodeType) {
case Root:
search<SplitPointRoot>(pos, ss+1, sp->alpha, sp->beta, sp->depth);
search<SplitPointRoot>(pos, ss, sp->alpha, sp->beta, sp->depth, sp->cutNode);
case PV:
search<SplitPointPV>(pos, ss+1, sp->alpha, sp->beta, sp->depth);
search<SplitPointPV>(pos, ss, sp->alpha, sp->beta, sp->depth, sp->cutNode);
case NonPV:
search<SplitPointNonPV>(pos, ss+1, sp->alpha, sp->beta, sp->depth);
search<SplitPointNonPV>(pos, ss, sp->alpha, sp->beta, sp->depth, sp->cutNode);
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(SEARCH_H_INCLUDED)
#include <cstring>
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ struct RootMove {
struct LimitsType {
LimitsType() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(LimitsType)); }
LimitsType() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(LimitsType)); }
bool use_time_management() const { return !(mate | movetime | depth | nodes | infinite); }
int time[COLOR_NB], inc[COLOR_NB], movestogo, depth, nodes, movetime, mate, infinite, ponder;
@ -109,4 +109,4 @@ extern void think();
} // namespace Search
#endif // !defined(SEARCH_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef SEARCH_H_INCLUDED
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
#include <algorithm> // For std::count
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include "movegen.h"
#include "search.h"
@ -30,48 +29,66 @@ using namespace Search;
ThreadPool Threads; // Global object
namespace { extern "C" {
namespace {
// start_routine() is the C function which is called when a new thread
// is launched. It is a wrapper to the virtual function idle_loop().
long start_routine(Thread* th) { th->idle_loop(); return 0; }
extern "C" { long start_routine(ThreadBase* th) { th->idle_loop(); return 0; } }
} }
// Helpers to launch a thread after creation and joining before delete. Must be
// outside Thread c'tor and d'tor because object shall be fully initialized
// when start_routine (and hence virtual idle_loop) is called and when joining.
template<typename T> T* new_thread() {
T* th = new T();
thread_create(th->handle, start_routine, th); // Will go to sleep
return th;
void delete_thread(ThreadBase* th) {
th->exit = true; // Search must be already finished
thread_join(th->handle); // Wait for thread termination
delete th;
// ThreadBase::notify_one() wakes up the thread when there is some work to do
void ThreadBase::notify_one() {
// ThreadBase::wait_for() set the thread to sleep until condition 'b' turns true
void ThreadBase::wait_for(volatile const bool& b) {
while (!b) sleepCondition.wait(mutex);
// Thread c'tor just inits data but does not launch any thread of execution that
// instead will be started only upon c'tor returns.
Thread::Thread() /* : splitPoints() */ { // Value-initialization bug in MSVC
searching = exit = false;
searching = false;
maxPly = splitPointsSize = 0;
activeSplitPoint = NULL;
activePosition = NULL;
idx = Threads.size();
// Starts a newly-created thread of execution that will call
// the the virtual function idle_loop(), going immediately to sleep.
Thread* Thread::start() {
if (!thread_create(handle, start_routine, this))
std::cerr << "Failed to create thread number " << idx << std::endl;
return this;
Thread::~Thread() {
// Waits for thread termination before to return
Thread* Thread::stop() {
exit = true; // Search must be already finished
thread_join(handle); // Wait for thread termination
return this;
// TimerThread::idle_loop() is where the timer thread waits msec milliseconds
// and then calls check_time(). If msec is 0 thread sleeps until is woken up.
@ -127,26 +144,6 @@ void MainThread::idle_loop() {
// Thread::notify_one() wakes up the thread when there is some search to do
void Thread::notify_one() {
// Thread::wait_for() set the thread to sleep until condition 'b' turns true
void Thread::wait_for(volatile const bool& b) {
while (!b) sleepCondition.wait(mutex);
// Thread::cutoff_occurred() checks whether a beta cutoff has occurred in the
// current active split point, or in some ancestor of the split point.
@ -167,7 +164,7 @@ bool Thread::cutoff_occurred() const {
// which are busy searching the split point at the top of slaves split point
// stack (the "helpful master concept" in YBWC terminology).
bool Thread::is_available_to(Thread* master) const {
bool Thread::is_available_to(const Thread* master) const {
if (searching)
return false;
@ -190,8 +187,8 @@ bool Thread::is_available_to(Thread* master) const {
void ThreadPool::init() {
sleepWhileIdle = true;
timer = new TimerThread(); timer->start();
push_back((new MainThread())->start());
timer = new_thread<TimerThread>();
@ -200,10 +197,10 @@ void ThreadPool::init() {
void ThreadPool::exit() {
delete timer->stop(); // As first because check_time() accesses threads data
delete_thread(timer); // As first because check_time() accesses threads data
for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
delete (*it)->stop();
@ -220,12 +217,19 @@ void ThreadPool::read_uci_options() {
assert(requested > 0);
// Value 0 has a special meaning: We determine the optimal minimum split depth
// automatically. Anyhow the minimumSplitDepth should never be under 4 plies.
if (!minimumSplitDepth)
minimumSplitDepth = (requested < 8 ? 4 : 7) * ONE_PLY;
minimumSplitDepth = std::max(4 * ONE_PLY, minimumSplitDepth);
while (size() < requested)
push_back((new Thread())->start());
while (size() > requested)
delete back()->stop();
@ -234,7 +238,7 @@ void ThreadPool::read_uci_options() {
// slave_available() tries to find an idle thread which is available as a slave
// for the thread 'master'.
Thread* ThreadPool::available_slave(Thread* master) const {
Thread* ThreadPool::available_slave(const Thread* master) const {
for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
if ((*it)->is_available_to(master))
@ -254,9 +258,9 @@ Thread* ThreadPool::available_slave(Thread* master) const {
// search() then split() returns.
template <bool Fake>
void Thread::split(Position& pos, Stack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Value* bestValue,
void Thread::split(Position& pos, const Stack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Value* bestValue,
Move* bestMove, Depth depth, Move threatMove, int moveCount,
MovePicker* movePicker, int nodeType) {
MovePicker* movePicker, int nodeType, bool cutNode) {
assert(*bestValue <= alpha && alpha < beta && beta <= VALUE_INFINITE);
@ -278,6 +282,7 @@ void Thread::split(Position& pos, Stack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Value* bes
sp.alpha = alpha;
sp.beta = beta;
sp.nodeType = nodeType;
sp.cutNode = cutNode;
sp.movePicker = movePicker;
sp.moveCount = moveCount;
sp.pos = &pos;
@ -343,15 +348,15 @@ void Thread::split(Position& pos, Stack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Value* bes
// Explicit template instantiations
template void Thread::split<false>(Position&, Stack*, Value, Value, Value*, Move*, Depth, Move, int, MovePicker*, int);
template void Thread::split< true>(Position&, Stack*, Value, Value, Value*, Move*, Depth, Move, int, MovePicker*, int);
template void Thread::split<false>(Position&, const Stack*, Value, Value, Value*, Move*, Depth, Move, int, MovePicker*, int, bool);
template void Thread::split< true>(Position&, const Stack*, Value, Value, Value*, Move*, Depth, Move, int, MovePicker*, int, bool);
// wait_for_think_finished() waits for main thread to go to sleep then returns
void ThreadPool::wait_for_think_finished() {
MainThread* t = main_thread();
MainThread* t = main();
while (t->thinking) sleepCondition.wait(t->mutex);
@ -370,16 +375,20 @@ void ThreadPool::start_thinking(const Position& pos, const LimitsType& limits,
Signals.stopOnPonderhit = Signals.firstRootMove = false;
Signals.stop = Signals.failedLowAtRoot = false;
RootPos = pos;
Limits = limits;
SetupStates = states; // Ownership transfer here
if (states.get()) // If we don't set a new position, preserve current state
SetupStates = states; // Ownership transfer here
for (MoveList<LEGAL> ml(pos); !ml.end(); ++ml)
for (MoveList<LEGAL> it(pos); *it; ++it)
if ( searchMoves.empty()
|| std::count(searchMoves.begin(), searchMoves.end(), ml.move()))
|| std::count(searchMoves.begin(), searchMoves.end(), *it))
main_thread()->thinking = true;
main_thread()->notify_one(); // Starts main thread
main()->thinking = true;
main()->notify_one(); // Starts main thread
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(THREAD_H_INCLUDED)
#include <vector>
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ struct SplitPoint {
Value beta;
int nodeType;
Move threatMove;
bool cutNode;
// Const pointers to shared data
MovePicker* movePicker;
@ -85,29 +86,39 @@ struct SplitPoint {
/// ThreadBase struct is the base of the hierarchy from where we derive all the
/// specialized thread classes.
struct ThreadBase {
ThreadBase() : exit(false) {}
virtual ~ThreadBase() {}
virtual void idle_loop() = 0;
void notify_one();
void wait_for(volatile const bool& b);
Mutex mutex;
ConditionVariable sleepCondition;
NativeHandle handle;
volatile bool exit;
/// Thread struct keeps together all the thread related stuff like locks, state
/// and especially split points. We also use per-thread pawn and material hash
/// tables so that once we get a pointer to an entry its life time is unlimited
/// and we don't have to care about someone changing the entry under our feet.
struct Thread {
struct Thread : public ThreadBase {
virtual ~Thread();
Thread* start();
Thread* stop();
virtual void idle_loop();
void notify_one();
bool cutoff_occurred() const;
bool is_available_to(Thread* master) const;
void wait_for(volatile const bool& b);
bool is_available_to(const Thread* master) const;
template <bool Fake>
void split(Position& pos, Search::Stack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Value* bestValue, Move* bestMove,
Depth depth, Move threatMove, int moveCount, MovePicker* movePicker, int nodeType);
void split(Position& pos, const Search::Stack* ss, Value alpha, Value beta, Value* bestValue, Move* bestMove,
Depth depth, Move threatMove, int moveCount, MovePicker* movePicker, int nodeType, bool cutNode);
Material::Table materialTable;
@ -116,17 +127,13 @@ struct Thread {
Position* activePosition;
size_t idx;
int maxPly;
Mutex mutex;
ConditionVariable sleepCondition;
NativeHandle handle;
SplitPoint* volatile activeSplitPoint;
volatile int splitPointsSize;
volatile bool searching;
volatile bool exit;
/// MainThread and TimerThread are sublassed from Thread to characterize the two
/// MainThread and TimerThread are derived classes used to characterize the two
/// special threads: the main one and the recurring timer.
struct MainThread : public Thread {
@ -135,7 +142,7 @@ struct MainThread : public Thread {
volatile bool thinking;
struct TimerThread : public Thread {
struct TimerThread : public ThreadBase {
TimerThread() : msec(0) {}
virtual void idle_loop();
int msec;
@ -151,9 +158,9 @@ struct ThreadPool : public std::vector<Thread*> {
void init(); // No c'tor and d'tor, threads rely on globals that should
void exit(); // be initialized and valid during the whole thread lifetime.
MainThread* main_thread() { return static_cast<MainThread*>((*this)[0]); }
MainThread* main() { return static_cast<MainThread*>((*this)[0]); }
void read_uci_options();
Thread* available_slave(Thread* master) const;
Thread* available_slave(const Thread* master) const;
void wait_for_think_finished();
void start_thinking(const Position&, const Search::LimitsType&,
const std::vector<Move>&, Search::StateStackPtr&);
@ -168,4 +175,4 @@ struct ThreadPool : public std::vector<Thread*> {
extern ThreadPool Threads;
#endif // !defined(THREAD_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef THREAD_H_INCLUDED
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(TIMEMAN_H_INCLUDED)
/// The TimeManager class computes the optimal time to think depending on the
@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ private:
int unstablePVExtraTime;
#endif // !defined(TIMEMAN_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef TIMEMAN_H_INCLUDED
@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ void TranspositionTable::set_size(size_t mbSize) {
if (hashMask == size - ClusterSize)
hashMask = size - ClusterSize;
mem = malloc(size * sizeof(TTEntry) + (CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1));
mem = calloc(size * sizeof(TTEntry) + CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1, 1);
if (!mem)
std::cerr << "Failed to allocate " << mbSize
@ -48,9 +50,7 @@ void TranspositionTable::set_size(size_t mbSize) {
table = (TTEntry*)((size_t(mem) + CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1) & ~(CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1));
hashMask = size - ClusterSize;
clear(); // Newly allocated block of memory is not initialized
table = (TTEntry*)((uintptr_t(mem) + CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1) & ~(CACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1));
@ -60,7 +60,24 @@ void TranspositionTable::set_size(size_t mbSize) {
void TranspositionTable::clear() {
memset(table, 0, (hashMask + ClusterSize) * sizeof(TTEntry));
std::memset(table, 0, (hashMask + ClusterSize) * sizeof(TTEntry));
/// TranspositionTable::probe() looks up the current position in the
/// transposition table. Returns a pointer to the TTEntry or NULL if
/// position is not found.
const TTEntry* TranspositionTable::probe(const Key key) const {
const TTEntry* tte = first_entry(key);
uint32_t key32 = key >> 32;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ClusterSize; i++, tte++)
if (tte->key() == key32)
return tte;
return NULL;
@ -72,7 +89,7 @@ void TranspositionTable::clear() {
/// more valuable than a TTEntry t2 if t1 is from the current search and t2 is from
/// a previous search, or if the depth of t1 is bigger than the depth of t2.
void TranspositionTable::store(const Key key, Value v, Bound t, Depth d, Move m, Value statV, Value kingD) {
void TranspositionTable::store(const Key key, Value v, Bound b, Depth d, Move m, Value statV, Value evalM) {
int c1, c2, c3;
TTEntry *tte, *replace;
@ -84,38 +101,21 @@ void TranspositionTable::store(const Key key, Value v, Bound t, Depth d, Move m,
if (!tte->key() || tte->key() == key32) // Empty or overwrite old
// Preserve any existing ttMove
if (m == MOVE_NONE)
m = tte->move();
if (!m)
m = tte->move(); // Preserve any existing ttMove
tte->save(key32, v, t, d, m, generation, statV, kingD);
replace = tte;
// Implement replace strategy
c1 = (replace->generation() == generation ? 2 : 0);
c2 = (tte->generation() == generation || tte->type() == BOUND_EXACT ? -2 : 0);
c2 = (tte->generation() == generation || tte->bound() == BOUND_EXACT ? -2 : 0);
c3 = (tte->depth() < replace->depth() ? 1 : 0);
if (c1 + c2 + c3 > 0)
replace = tte;
replace->save(key32, v, t, d, m, generation, statV, kingD);
/// TranspositionTable::probe() looks up the current position in the
/// transposition table. Returns a pointer to the TTEntry or NULL if
/// position is not found.
TTEntry* TranspositionTable::probe(const Key key) const {
TTEntry* tte = first_entry(key);
uint32_t key32 = key >> 32;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ClusterSize; i++, tte++)
if (tte->key() == key32)
return tte;
return NULL;
replace->save(key32, v, b, d, m, generation, statV, evalM);
@ -17,51 +17,43 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(TT_H_INCLUDED)
#include "misc.h"
#include "types.h"
/// The TTEntry is the class of transposition table entries
/// The TTEntry is the 128 bit transposition table entry, defined as below:
/// A TTEntry needs 128 bits to be stored
/// bit 0-31: key
/// bit 32-63: data
/// bit 64-79: value
/// bit 80-95: depth
/// bit 96-111: static value
/// bit 112-127: margin of static value
/// the 32 bits of the data field are so defined
/// bit 0-15: move
/// bit 16-20: not used
/// bit 21-22: value type
/// bit 23-31: generation
/// key: 32 bit
/// move: 16 bit
/// bound type: 8 bit
/// generation: 8 bit
/// value: 16 bit
/// depth: 16 bit
/// static value: 16 bit
/// static margin: 16 bit
class TTEntry {
struct TTEntry {
void save(uint32_t k, Value v, Bound b, Depth d, Move m, int g, Value ev, Value em) {
key32 = (uint32_t)k;
move16 = (uint16_t)m;
bound = (uint8_t)b;
bound8 = (uint8_t)b;
generation8 = (uint8_t)g;
value16 = (int16_t)v;
depth16 = (int16_t)d;
evalValue = (int16_t)ev;
evalMargin = (int16_t)em;
void set_generation(int g) { generation8 = (uint8_t)g; }
void set_generation(uint8_t g) { generation8 = g; }
uint32_t key() const { return key32; }
Depth depth() const { return (Depth)depth16; }
Move move() const { return (Move)move16; }
Value value() const { return (Value)value16; }
Bound type() const { return (Bound)bound; }
Bound bound() const { return (Bound)bound8; }
int generation() const { return (int)generation8; }
Value eval_value() const { return (Value)evalValue; }
Value eval_margin() const { return (Value)evalMargin; }
@ -69,7 +61,7 @@ public:
uint32_t key32;
uint16_t move16;
uint8_t bound, generation8;
uint8_t bound8, generation8;
int16_t value16, depth16, evalValue, evalMargin;
@ -88,7 +80,7 @@ public:
~TranspositionTable() { free(mem); }
void new_search() { generation++; }
TTEntry* probe(const Key key) const;
const TTEntry* probe(const Key key) const;
TTEntry* first_entry(const Key key) const;
void refresh(const TTEntry* tte) const;
void set_size(size_t mbSize);
@ -99,7 +91,7 @@ private:
uint32_t hashMask;
TTEntry* table;
void* mem;
uint8_t generation; // Size must be not bigger then TTEntry::generation8
uint8_t generation; // Size must be not bigger than TTEntry::generation8
extern TranspositionTable TT;
@ -123,4 +115,4 @@ inline void TranspositionTable::refresh(const TTEntry* tte) const {
#endif // !defined(TT_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef TT_H_INCLUDED
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if !defined(TYPES_H_INCLUDED)
/// For Linux and OSX configuration is done automatically using Makefile. To get
@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
#include "platform.h"
#define unlikely(x) (x) // For code annotation purposes
#if defined(_WIN64) && !defined(IS_64BIT)
# include <intrin.h> // MSVC popcnt and bsfq instrinsics
# define IS_64BIT
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@
# define CACHE_LINE_ALIGNMENT __attribute__ ((aligned(CACHE_LINE_SIZE)))
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define FORCE_INLINE __forceinline
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# define FORCE_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
@ -71,13 +73,13 @@
# define FORCE_INLINE inline
#if defined(USE_POPCNT)
const bool HasPopCnt = true;
const bool HasPopCnt = false;
#if defined(IS_64BIT)
#ifdef IS_64BIT
const bool Is64Bit = true;
const bool Is64Bit = false;
@ -88,26 +90,7 @@ typedef uint64_t Bitboard;
const int MAX_MOVES = 192;
const int MAX_PLY = 100;
const int MAX_PLY_PLUS_2 = MAX_PLY + 2;
const Bitboard FileABB = 0x0101010101010101ULL;
const Bitboard FileBBB = FileABB << 1;
const Bitboard FileCBB = FileABB << 2;
const Bitboard FileDBB = FileABB << 3;
const Bitboard FileEBB = FileABB << 4;
const Bitboard FileFBB = FileABB << 5;
const Bitboard FileGBB = FileABB << 6;
const Bitboard FileHBB = FileABB << 7;
const Bitboard Rank1BB = 0xFF;
const Bitboard Rank2BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 1);
const Bitboard Rank3BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 2);
const Bitboard Rank4BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 3);
const Bitboard Rank5BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 4);
const Bitboard Rank6BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 5);
const Bitboard Rank7BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 6);
const Bitboard Rank8BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 7);
const int MAX_PLY_PLUS_6 = MAX_PLY + 6;
/// A move needs 16 bits to be stored
@ -121,24 +104,24 @@ const Bitboard Rank8BB = Rank1BB << (8 * 7);
/// while MOVE_NONE and MOVE_NULL have the same origin and destination square.
enum Move {
enum MoveType {
PROMOTION = 1 << 14,
ENPASSANT = 2 << 14,
CASTLE = 3 << 14
enum CastleRight { // Defined as in PolyGlot book hash key
@ -149,7 +132,7 @@ enum CastlingSide {
enum Phase {
MG = 0, EG = 1, PHASE_NB = 2
@ -162,9 +145,9 @@ enum ScaleFactor {
enum Bound {
@ -190,15 +173,15 @@ enum Value {
enum PieceType {
PAWN = 1, KNIGHT = 2, BISHOP = 3, ROOK = 4, QUEEN = 5, KING = 6,
enum Piece {
W_PAWN = 1, W_KNIGHT = 2, W_BISHOP = 3, W_ROOK = 4, W_QUEEN = 5, W_KING = 6,
B_PAWN = 9, B_KNIGHT = 10, B_BISHOP = 11, B_ROOK = 12, B_QUEEN = 13, B_KING = 14,
@ -213,7 +196,7 @@ enum Depth {
@ -245,11 +228,11 @@ enum Square {
enum File {
enum Rank {
@ -258,7 +241,7 @@ enum Rank {
/// for midgame value. Compiler is free to choose the enum type as long as can
/// keep its data, so ensure Score to be an integer type.
enum Score {
@ -268,7 +251,7 @@ inline Score make_score(int mg, int eg) { return Score((mg << 16) + eg); }
/// Extracting the signed lower and upper 16 bits it not so trivial because
/// according to the standard a simple cast to short is implementation defined
/// and so is a right shift of a signed integer.
inline Value mg_value(Score s) { return Value(((s + 32768) & ~0xffff) / 0x10000); }
inline Value mg_value(Score s) { return Value(((s + 0x8000) & ~0xffff) / 0x10000); }
/// On Intel 64 bit we have a small speed regression with the standard conforming
/// version, so use a faster code in this case that, although not 100% standard
@ -325,38 +308,17 @@ inline Score operator/(Score s, int i) {
return make_score(mg_value(s) / i, eg_value(s) / i);
/// Weight score v by score w trying to prevent overflow
inline Score apply_weight(Score v, Score w) {
return make_score((int(mg_value(v)) * mg_value(w)) / 0x100,
(int(eg_value(v)) * eg_value(w)) / 0x100);
namespace Zobrist {
extern Key enpassant[FILE_NB];
extern Key castle[CASTLE_RIGHT_NB];
extern Key side;
extern Key exclusion;
void init();
extern Score pieceSquareTable[PIECE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
extern Value PieceValue[PHASE_NB][PIECE_NB];
extern int SquareDistance[SQUARE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
struct MoveStack {
struct ExtMove {
Move move;
int score;
inline bool operator<(const MoveStack& f, const MoveStack& s) {
inline bool operator<(const ExtMove& f, const ExtMove& s) {
return f.score < s.score;
@ -430,18 +392,6 @@ inline bool opposite_colors(Square s1, Square s2) {
return ((s >> 3) ^ s) & 1;
inline int file_distance(Square s1, Square s2) {
return abs(file_of(s1) - file_of(s2));
inline int rank_distance(Square s1, Square s2) {
return abs(rank_of(s1) - rank_of(s2));
inline int square_distance(Square s1, Square s2) {
return SquareDistance[s1][s2];
inline char file_to_char(File f, bool tolower = true) {
return char(f - FILE_A + (tolower ? 'a' : 'A'));
@ -490,4 +440,4 @@ inline const std::string square_to_string(Square s) {
return ch;
#endif // !defined(TYPES_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef TYPES_H_INCLUDED
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ namespace {
// position just before to start searching). Needed by repetition draw detection.
Search::StateStackPtr SetupStates;
void set_option(istringstream& up);
void set_position(Position& pos, istringstream& up);
void setoption(istringstream& up);
void position(Position& pos, istringstream& up);
void go(const Position& pos, istringstream& up);
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace {
void UCI::loop(const string& args) {
Position pos(StartFEN, false, Threads.main_thread()); // The root position
Position pos(StartFEN, false, Threads.main()); // The root position
string token, cmd = args;
do {
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void UCI::loop(const string& args) {
if (token != "ponderhit" || Search::Signals.stopOnPonderhit)
Search::Signals.stop = true;
Threads.main_thread()->notify_one(); // Could be sleeping
Threads.main()->notify_one(); // Could be sleeping
Search::Limits.ponder = false;
@ -102,15 +102,19 @@ void UCI::loop(const string& args) {
<< "\n" << Options
<< "\nuciok" << sync_endl;
else if (token == "eval")
Search::RootColor = pos.side_to_move(); // Ensure it is set
sync_cout << Eval::trace(pos) << sync_endl;
else if (token == "ucinewgame") { /* Avoid returning "Unknown command" */ }
else if (token == "go") go(pos, is);
else if (token == "position") set_position(pos, is);
else if (token == "setoption") set_option(is);
else if (token == "position") position(pos, is);
else if (token == "setoption") setoption(is);
else if (token == "flip") pos.flip();
else if (token == "bench") benchmark(pos, is);
else if (token == "d") sync_cout << pos.pretty() << sync_endl;
else if (token == "isready") sync_cout << "readyok" << sync_endl;
else if (token == "eval") sync_cout << Eval::trace(pos) << sync_endl;
sync_cout << "Unknown command: " << cmd << sync_endl;
@ -122,12 +126,12 @@ void UCI::loop(const string& args) {
namespace {
// set_position() is called when engine receives the "position" UCI command.
// position() is called when engine receives the "position" UCI command.
// The function sets up the position described in the given fen string ("fen")
// or the starting position ("startpos") and then makes the moves given in the
// following move list ("moves").
void set_position(Position& pos, istringstream& is) {
void position(Position& pos, istringstream& is) {
Move m;
string token, fen;
@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ namespace {
pos.set(fen, Options["UCI_Chess960"], Threads.main_thread());
pos.set(fen, Options["UCI_Chess960"], Threads.main());
SetupStates = Search::StateStackPtr(new std::stack<StateInfo>());
// Parse move list (if any)
@ -157,10 +161,10 @@ namespace {
// set_option() is called when engine receives the "setoption" UCI command. The
// setoption() is called when engine receives the "setoption" UCI command. The
// function updates the UCI option ("name") to the given value ("value").
void set_option(istringstream& is) {
void setoption(istringstream& is) {
string token, name, value;
@ -51,31 +51,28 @@ bool CaseInsensitiveLess::operator() (const string& s1, const string& s2) const
/// init() initializes the UCI options to their hard coded default values
/// and initializes the default value of "Threads" and "Min Split Depth"
/// parameters according to the number of CPU cores detected.
void init(OptionsMap& o) {
int cpus = std::min(cpu_count(), MAX_THREADS);
int msd = cpus < 8 ? 4 : 7;
o["Use Debug Log"] = Option(false, on_logger);
o["Use Search Log"] = Option(false);
o["Write Debug Log"] = Option(false, on_logger);
o["Write Search Log"] = Option(false);
o["Search Log Filename"] = Option("SearchLog.txt");
o["Book File"] = Option("book.bin");
o["Best Book Move"] = Option(false);
o["Contempt Factor"] = Option(0, -50, 50);
o["Mobility (Middle Game)"] = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
o["Mobility (Midgame)"] = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
o["Mobility (Endgame)"] = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
o["Passed Pawns (Middle Game)"] = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
o["Pawn Structure (Midgame)"] = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
o["Pawn Structure (Endgame)"] = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
o["Passed Pawns (Midgame)"] = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
o["Passed Pawns (Endgame)"] = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
o["Space"] = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
o["Aggressiveness"] = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
o["Cowardice"] = Option(100, 0, 200, on_eval);
o["Min Split Depth"] = Option(msd, 4, 12, on_threads);
o["Max Threads per Split Point"] = Option(5, 4, 8, on_threads);
o["Threads"] = Option(cpus, 1, MAX_THREADS, on_threads);
o["Use Sleeping Threads"] = Option(true);
o["Min Split Depth"] = Option(0, 0, 12, on_threads);
o["Max Threads per Split Point"] = Option(5, 4, 8, on_threads);
o["Threads"] = Option(1, 1, MAX_THREADS, on_threads);
o["Idle Threads Sleep"] = Option(true);
o["Hash"] = Option(32, 1, 8192, on_hash_size);
o["Clear Hash"] = Option(on_clear_hash);
o["Ponder"] = Option(true);
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <map>
@ -66,4 +66,4 @@ void loop(const std::string&);
extern UCI::OptionsMap Options;
#endif // !defined(UCIOPTION_H_INCLUDED)
#endif // #ifndef UCIOPTION_H_INCLUDED
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