diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dedc4aa..ed6ddca 100644
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+++ b/README.md
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-DroidFish Chess Android App
-DroidFish is an Android port of the very strong Stockfish chess engine, combined with a feature-rich GUI.
+# DroidFish - An Android chess app
+## Introduction
+*DroidFish* is a feature-rich graphical chess user interface, combined with
+the very strong *Stockfish* chess engine.
+*DroidFish* is primarily designed for engine analysis of chess positions and
+viewing and editing of chess games. It can also be used for playing games, either
+against a chess engine or against another human player. Both players must play
+on the same device though.
+A much weaker chess engine called *CuckooChess* is also included in
+*DroidFish*. Its primary feature is that it can be made to play very weakly so
+that even beginners have a reasonable chance to beat it.
+## Using the user interface
+* Many common actions are invoked by tapping on user interface elements such as
+ buttons, chess pieces and text.
+* A context menu can often be opened by long pressing (tap and hold) on an
+ element such as the chess board, the move list text area or a button.
+* The *Left drawer menu* contains command actions and is opened by swiping from
+ the left side of the screen towards the middle. The *right drawer menu*
+ contains less common actions and is opened by swiping from the right side of
+ the screen towards the middle.
+ It is also possible open the left/right drawer menu by tapping on the
+ left/right half of the app title bar.
+* To play a move on the board first tap the piece to move, then tap the
+ destination square. For pawn promotion moves a context menu is opened that
+ lets the user select the piece to promote to. For castling moves, first tap on
+ the king and then tap on the king destination square. The rook is moved
+ automatically.
+ **Note!** Castling is only allowed if the king and rook have not previously
+ been moved. When setting up a position manually (see below), make sure to also
+ set the castling right flags appropriately.
+## Permissions
+*DroidFish* requests the *Storage* permission when it is first started. This
+permission is used to read/write data in the `DroidFish` directory on the
+external storage. *DroidFish* does not read/write any file outside of the
+`DroidFish` directory, except when explicitly requested to save/load a PGN
+(portable game notation) or FEN/EPD (Forsyth-Edwards notation / extended
+position description) file in a different directory.
+The `DroidFish` directory is used to store opening books, PGN files, FEN/EPD
+files, third party chess engines and tablebase files. It is also used to store
+some settings, such as UCI parameter values.
+It is possible to use *DroidFish* without granting the *Storage* permission, but
+functionality will be rather limited.
+## Default buttons
+By default the following buttons are displayed next to the chess board, from
+left to right:
+* The folder button (Custom Button 3). This button opens the last used file to
+ let you select a PGN game or a FEN/EPD position. This button only has an
+ effect if you have previously opened a file.
+* The light bulb button (Custom Button 2). This button toggles engine
+ analysis. See the **Game mode** section below for details.
+* The rotate board button (Custom Button 1). This button rotates the chess board
+ 180 degrees.
+* The game mode button. See the **Game mode** section below for details.
+* The left arrow button. This button moves to an earlier position in the
+ game. See the note in the **Game mode** section below for details.
+* The right arrow button. This button moves to a later position in the game. See
+ the note in the **Game mode** section below for details.
+Tap and hold a button to display a menu with additional actions.
+See the **Button configuration** section below for information about how to
+configure button actions.
+## Game mode
+Change the *game mode* by tapping the `M` button. There are three types of game
+1. To view and/or edit a game, use the *Edit/re-play Game* game mode. In this
+ mode there are no chess clocks and no chess engine that will make moves for
+ any side.
+1. To make the chess engine analyze the position on the chess board, use the
+ *Analysis mode* game mode. In this mode the engine will continuously analyze
+ the current position. During analysis it is possible to step back/forward in
+ the game and/or add/remove moves to explore possible variations. All moves
+ played on the board are automatically added to the game tree.
+1. To play games, use one of the modes *Play white*, *Play black*, *Two
+ players*, *Computer vs computer*. In these modes chess clocks are used and
+ when a computer engine is playing it will limits its thinking time to respect
+ the time available on the clock.
+**Note!** When the left/right arrow buttons are used to move back/forward in a
+game, the position will move one or two half-moves depending on the game mode
+and current position. If a human player is playing against a computer player,
+the buttons will move to the next/previous position where it is the human's turn
+to make a move. To make the buttons move only one half-move, change the game
+mode to *Edit/re-play game* or *analysis mode*.
+**Hint!** Since enabling and disabling analysis mode can be a very common
+operation while analyzing a game, there is a special button (the one with the
+light bulb image) that toggles analysis mode. When analysis mode is disabled the
+game mode that was used before analysis mode was enabled is restored.
+## The move list text area
+The move list keeps a record of moves played during a game and during analysis.
+Tap on a move in the move list to move to the corresponding point in the game.
+The behavior of the move list can be configured in several ways by settings
+available in *Left drawer menu* -> *Settings* -> *Other* -> *PGN Settings*. You
+can specify if variations, comments and annotations should be used when viewing,
+importing and exporting PGN data.
+By default the move list is automatically scrolled to make the current move
+visible at the top of the move list text area. To disable this behavior change
+the setting *Left drawer menu* -> *Settings* -> *Behavior* -> *Auto scroll move
+If you do not want any variations to be used while playing or analyzing a game,
+enable the setting *Left drawer menu* -> *Settings* -> *Behavior* -> *Discard
+**Note!** In this mode any move played on the board immediately becomes the
+mainline and the previously played move (if different from the just played move)
+and all following moves and variations are immediately removed from the game
+Tap and hold the move text area to open a menu with the following actions:
+* *Edit Headers*: Opens a dialog where the standard PGN headers can be edited.
+* *Edit comments*: Opens a dialog where comments and annotations for the current
+ move can be edited. The following fields are available:
+ * *Before*: Edit the comment before the current move.
+ * *After*: Edit the comment after the current move.
+ * *Move*: The move itself cannot be edited but the annotation for the move can
+ be edited. Valid annotations are:
+ * `! ` : Good move
+ * `? ` : Poor move
+ * `!! ` : Very good move
+ * `?? ` : Very poor move
+ * `!? ` : Speculative move
+ * `?! ` : Questionable move
+ * `= ` : Equal chances, quiet position
+ * `∞ ` : Unclear position
+ * `+/=` : White has a slight advantage
+ * `=/+` : Black has a slight advantage
+ * `+/-` : White has a moderate advantage
+ * `-/+` : Black has a moderate advantage
+ * `+- ` : White has a decisive advantage
+ * `-+ ` : Black has a decisive advantage
+ **Note!** When a game is exported in PGN format the *Before* comment for one
+ move is merged with the *After* comment for the previous move, if there is a
+ previous move adjacent to the current move in the PGN data. The *Before*
+ comment should therefore only be used when this is not the case, such as at
+ the start of the game or at the start of a variation.
+* *Add opening name*: Adds or updates the `ECO` and `Opening` PGN headers based
+ on information from the ECO (Encyclopedia of Chess Openings) database and the
+ main line in the current game.
+* *Truncate Game Tree*: Removes the current move and all following moves and
+ variations from the game tree.
+* *Move Variation Up/Down*: Rearrange the order of variations in the game tree.
+ Note that you may have to move a variation up several times to make it become
+ the main line.
+* *Add Null Move*: Adds a null move to the game tree. A null move does not move
+ any piece but passes the turn to the other side. Adding a null move can be
+ useful to perform threat analysis.
+ **Note!** A null move is not a legal move in chess.
+## Hints about the current position
+*DroidFish* can display different kinds of hints to improve the user's
+understanding of the current position on the board.
+### Engine analysis
+When the engine is analyzing a position, information about the current position
+is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Information is also displayed while
+the engine is thinking about what move to play in a game, if *Left drawer menu*
+-> *Settings* -> *Hints* -> *Show Computer Thinking* is enabled.
+The first line of information has the following format:
+[*depth*] *score* *principal_variation*
+* *Depth* is the search depth the engine used when it calculated the score and
+ the principal variation. Search depth is measured in number of half-moves.
+* The *score* is a measure of how good the engine thinks the current position is
+ from the white player's point of view. A positive number means white is better
+ and a negative number means black is better.
+ The score is either a numerical value, where 1.00 is roughly equal to a one
+ pawn advantage, or a mate score in the form m*value*, where *value* is the
+ number of moves to mate. If black is winning *value* is a negative number.
+ In some cases the engine has not calculated an exact score, only an upper or
+ lower bound for the score. In this case the score is prepended with either
+ `<=` or `>=` to show that the score is not exact.
+ **Hint!** To instead show scores from the perspective of the side to move, go
+ to *Left Drawer Menu* -> *Settings* -> *Hints* and disable *White-based
+ scores*.
+* The *principal variation* shows the best game continuation for both sides
+ according to the engine.
+The last line of information has the following format:
+d:*depth* *i*:*move* t:*time* n:*nodes* nps:*speed* h:*hashfull* tb:*tbhits*
+* *Depth* is the search depth to which the engine is searching the current move.
+* *i* is the move number the engine is currently searching. An engine generally
+ starts searching the move it thinks is best, then continues with the second,
+ third, etc best moves until all moves have been searched. Then it starts over
+ with a larger search depth.
+* *move* The move the engine is currently searching.
+* *time* The amount of time in seconds the engine has been searching in the
+ current position.
+* *nodes* The number of nodes the engine has searched for the current position.
+* *speed* The search speed measured in number of nodes per second.
+* *hashfull* How full the engine hash (transposition) table is. This is
+ displayed as a percentage value between 0 and 100.
+* *tbhits* How many successful tablebase lookups the engine has performed for
+ the current position. This is only displayed if the value is larger than 0.
+The displayed information can be configured in different ways by long pressing
+on the analysis text area when it is visible. A context menu appears with the
+following choices:
+#### Add Analysis
+Select *Add Analysis* to add the moves from the principal variation to the
+current game.
+#### Number of Variations
+Select *Number of Variations* to control how many best lines the engine will
+calculate. By default only the best line of play is calculated. Change this to a
+larger number to show information about the N best lines of play. This option is
+not displayed if not supported by the currently used engine.
+**Note!** This setting is only used during analysis, not when the engine is
+playing a game. During game play only the best line of play is calculated to
+avoid a speed loss that would make the engine play weaker.
+#### Show whole variations / Truncate variations
+Select this option to enable or disable the display of the full PV the engine
+has computed. The default (*Truncate variations*) is to only display the first
+few moves that fit on a single line on the screen.
+#### Hide statistics / Show statistics
+If you are not interested in the last line that displays statistics about the
+engine (as opposed to the other lines that display information about the chess
+position), select *Hide statistics* to hide that information.
+### Opening book moves
+If the current board position is included in the currently used opening book,
+information about all book moves for the position is displayed at the bottom of
+the screen. Each move is displayed as *move*:*percentage* where *percentage*
+shows how often the computer player would play that move in games.
+Opening book hints can be enabled/disabled from *Left Drawer Menu* -> *Settings*
+-> *Hints* -> *Show Book Hints*. Note that the chess engine will use the opening
+book even if opening book hints are disabled.
+### Opening name (ECO codes)
+The setting *Show ECO codes* controls when ECO codes and opening names are
+displayed. There are three options:
+* `Off`: ECO codes and opening names are never displayed.
+* `Auto`: ECO codes and opening names are displayed in the opening phase
+ up to 5 moves after the last move in the ECO database.
+* `Always`: ECO codes and opening names are displayed during the whole game.
+### Arrows
+*DroidFish* sometimes draws arrows on the chess board to give information about
+the current position.
+Go to *Left Drawer Menu* -> *Settings* -> *Hints* -> *Use Arrows* to control how
+many arrows to display.
+Go to *Left Drawer Menu* -> *Settings* -> *Appearance* -> *Color Settings* to
+change the arrow colors. Note that manually made color changes are overwritten
+if you set a new color theme using *Left Drawer Menu* -> *Set Color Theme*.
+The arrows have different meanings in different circumstances. The first that
+applies from the following list defines what the arrows mean:
+1. If *DroidFish* is in analysis mode or if it is *DroidFish's* turn to move and
+ *Show Computer Thinking* is enabled, engine search information is
+ displayed. If *Number of Variations* is 1, the first N half-moves from the
+ principal variation is displayed. If *Number of Variations* is larger than 1,
+ the best N moves are displayed. (To change *Number of Variations*, tap and
+ hold on the analysis output area while the engine is thinking.)
+1. If *Left Drawer Menu* -> *Settings* -> *Hints* -> *Show Book Hints* is
+ enabled and the current position is included in the opening book, the arrows
+ display the N best moves from the opening book.
+1. If there are variations recorded in the current game for the current
+ position, the arrows display the first N variations. Variations appear for
+ example if you undo a move and play a different move instead.
+### Endgame tablebase information
+To change how endgame tablebase hints are displayed, go to *Left drawer menu* ->
+*Settings* -> *Endgame Tablebases* and change *Show Hints* and/or *Edit Board
+When *Show Hints* is enabled and the position on the board is included in an
+endgame tablebase, if you tap on a piece, information about all legal moves for
+that piece is displayed. For each square the piece can move to, the tablebase
+score is displayed on that square. The score is positive if the side to move has
+the advantage.
+When *Edit Board Hints* is enabled, you are using the board editor to set up a
+position, and the position is included in an endgame tablebase, if you select a
+piece on the board, information about alternative positions for that piece is
+displayed. For each square the piece can be placed on, the tablebase score for
+the corresponding position is displayed on that square. The score is positive if
+white has the advantage.
+A tablebase probe can produce one of three different types of scores, depending
+on what tablebase file was probed:
+* Distance to mate. This is displayed as +*score* or -*score*, where `+` is used
+ for winning scores and `-` is used for losing scores. The *score* value is the
+ number of moves (not half-moves) to mate. A drawn position is displayed as
+ `0`.
+ * A Gaviota tablebase probe produces a distance to mate score.
+* Distance to zeroing move. This is displayed as W*score* or L*score*, where `W`
+ is used for winning scores and `L` is used for losing scores. The *score*
+ value is the number of moves (not half-moves) to the next zeroing move. A
+ drawn position is displayed as `0`.
+ * A Syzygy `.rtbz` tablebase probe produces a distance to zeroing move score.
+ * A zeroing move is a move that resets the 50-move draw counter, that is a
+ pawn move or a capture.
+* Win/draw/loss. This is displayed as `W`, `0` or `L`.
+ * A Syzygy `.rtbw` tablebase probe produces a win/draw/loss score.
+## Claim/Offer/Accept Draw
+*DroidFish* does not automatically end a game when the 50-move rule or the
+3-fold repetition rule is triggered. According to FIDE (International Chess
+Federation) rules, these conditions do not automatically end a game, they just
+allow a player to claim a draw if the player wants to.
+To request a draw action, select *Right drawer menu* -> *Claim/Offer/Accept
+Draw*. The following happens:
+* If the current position allows a draw to be claimed, the game immediately ends
+ with a draw result.
+* If the other player offered a draw in the previous move, the draw offer is
+ accepted and the game immediately ends with a draw result.
+* Otherwise, play a move on the board as usual.
+* If the resulting position allows a draw to be claimed, the game immediately
+ ends with a draw result.
+* Otherwise the move is played on the board and a draw offer is given to the
+ opponent. The opponent is free to accept or ignore the offer.
+**Note!** It is not possible to offer a draw without also playing a move.
+The chess engine never offers a draw, but it can accept a draw offer made by the
+user and it can claim a draw if allowed by the rules of chess.
+**Note!** *DroidFish* does not implement the relatively new 75-move draw rule
+and 5-fold repetition rule. Those rules are primarily meant to prevent very long
+games where neither player would want to claim a draw. *DroidFish* does not mind
+if the players want to play very long games so it does not have to implement
+these rules.
+## Saving and loading games and positions
+### PGN
+To load a game from a PGN file, go to *Left drawer menu* -> *File* -> *Load game
+from PGN file*. Select the file to read, then select the game to load from the
+list of available games.
+To save a game to a PGN file, go to *Left drawer menu* -> *File* -> *Save game
+to PGN file*. Select the file to save to. If the file is empty, the game is
+directly saved in the file. If the file is not empty, a list of existing games
+is displayed. To decide where the current game should be saved in the file,
+select an existing game from the list. A menu is opened where you can decide if
+the current game should be saved before, after or replace the selected game.
+There is a search field above the game list. If a string is entered in the
+search field, the game list is filtered to only show games matching the search
+**Hint!** In the game list, tap and hold a game to delete that game from the PGN
+### FEN/EPD
+To load a position from a FEN/EPD file, go to *Left drawer menu* -> *File* ->
+*Load position from file*. Select the file to read, then select the position to
+load from the list of available positions in the file. A preview of the position
+is displayed on the small chess board. Click the `OK` button to replace the
+current game with the selected position. Click the `CANCEL` button or the device
+back button to return to the current game.
+**Hint!** Tap and hold a position in the list to immediately replace the current
+game with the selected position.
+Saving a position to a FEN/EPD file has not been implemented.
+### OI File Manager
+If the [*OI File Manager*](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.openintents.filemanager)
+app (or a compatible file manager) is installed *DroidFish* will use the app to
+select files when loading/saving PGN/FEN/EPD files. This makes it possible to
+read files in any directory on the device where the user has read
+access. Removable storage like USB hard disks and SD cards do not typically
+allow write access from apps using normal file system operations, so *DroidFish*
+will only be able to read files from such locations.
+**Hint!** If the OI File Manager is installed, it can also be used to copy, move
+and delete existing files when invoked to load/save a PGN/FEN/EPD file.
+### Character encoding
+*DroidFish* assumes that PGN/FEN/EPD files are encoded in UTF-8 format. ASCII is
+a subset of UTF-8 so that will work too. Other encodings will likely cause at
+least some characters to be displayed incorrectly.
+### Setting up a position
+To set up a position, open the *Left drawer menu* and select *Edit Board*. A
+chess board editor is opened where you can move pieces around freely and
+add/remove pieces. If a piece is selected in the area next to the chess board,
+click a square on the chess board to change the piece on that square.
+* If the square is empty or contains a different piece type, the selected piece
+ is placed on the square.
+* If the square contains the selected piece, the same piece but with opposite
+ color is placed on the square.
+* If the square contains the selected piece but with opposite color, the square
+ is cleared.
+If an empty square is selected in the area next to the chess board, click a
+square on the chess board to clear that square.
+If nothing is selected in the area next to the chess board you can move pieces
+on the chess board by first clicking on the from square, then clicking on the
+destination square. This works even if the from square is empty, which has the
+effect of clearing the destination square.
+The board editor has its own *Left drawer menu* where you can change the side to
+move, castling flags, en passant file and move counters. The menu also contains
+shortcuts to set up the initial position and to clear the board.
+To use the set up position, click the `OK` button or the device back
+button. This replaces the current game with the set up position. Click the
+`CANCEL` button to discard the set up position and return to the current game.
+**Note!** It is not possible to set up illegal positions since this could
+potentially cause the chess engine to crash. UCI engines usually assume that
+they are only asked to analyze legal positions. If the position being edited is
+illegal, a warning message is displayed. If you click the `OK` button when the
+position is illegal, the illegal position is discarded and the current game is
+## Opening books
+### Pre-installed books
+*DroidFish* includes three pre-installed opening books:
+1. <Internal Book>: This is a small opening book that is also the default
+ book.
+1. <ECO Book>: This opening book contains all book lines that define the ECO
+ codes.
+1. <No Book>: This is an empty opening book that can be used when no
+ opening book is wanted.
+### Installing additional opening books
+To use *polyglot* or *CTG* book files:
+1. Copy one or more polyglot book files to the `DroidFish/book` directory on the
+ external storage. Polyglot books must have the file extension `.bin`.
+ **Note!** The Android file system is case sensitive, so the extension must be
+ `.bin`, not `.Bin` or `.BIN`.
+1. Copy one or more CTG book files to the `DroidFish/book` directory. A CTG
+ book consists of three files with file extensions `.ctg`, `.ctb` and
+ `.cto`. You must copy all three files.
+1. Go to *Left drawer menu* -> *Select opening book*.
+1. Select the opening book you want to use.
+*Hint!* There are many free opening books available for download from the
+internet. There is also a free tool called *PolyGlot* that can be used on a PC
+to create polyglot opening books from a collection of PGN games. How to find and
+use these resources is outside the scope of this manual.
+## UCI engines
+In addition to the pre-installed chess engines, *DroidFish* can also use third
+party UCI engines:
+* Copy one or more UCI engine binaries to the `DroidFish/uci` directory on the
+ external storage.
+ **Note!** The binaries must be compiled for Android.
+* Go to *Left drawer menu* -> *Manage Chess Engines* -> *Select Chess
+ Engine* and select the engine to use.
+*Hint!* There are many free chess engines compiled for Android that can be
+downloaded from the internet. How to find such engines is outside the scope of
+this document.
+### Open exchange engines
+*DroidFish* supports the *open exchange chess engine interface*, which is a way
+to package UCI chess engines as Android apps. If you install such an app the
+engine will automatically appear in the list of available engines in
+### Changing UCI options
+To change options for the current chess engine, go to *Left drawer menu* ->
+*Manage chess engines* -> *Set options*. (Alternatively, tap and hold the light
+bulb button and select *Engine options*.) This opens an editor where UCI options
+defined by the chess engine can be edited. What options are available and what
+they do depend on the chess engine. Refer to the chess engine documentation for
+Click `OK` to send the modified option values and selected button options to the
+engine. If the engine is not thinking the options will be applied immediately.
+Otherwise the options will be applied when the engine stops thinking or starts
+thinking about a new position.
+Engine settings are saved, so the next time you use the same chess engine it
+will use the settings you saved the last time it was used. To restore default
+settings, open the UCI options editor and click `RESET` and `OK`.
+### Using a remote engine server
+*DroidFish* can use UCI engines that run on a remote server computer.
+* Install chess network server software on the remote computer.
+ * For Windows and Linux, install the Engine server software from the
+ [DroidFish](http://hem.bredband.net/petero2b/droidfish/index.html) page.
+ * Alternatively for Linux, `mini-inetd` from the `tcputils` package can be
+ used.
+* Select *Manage Chess Engines* in the *Left drawer menu*, create a new network
+ engine and enter the host name (or IP address) and port number for the remote
+ engine.
+* Go to *Left drawer menu* -> *Manage Chess Engines* -> *Select Chess Engine*
+ and select the engine to use.
+**Note!** The remote server protocol simply sends UCI protocol commands over a
+TCP connection using plain text. There is no security or authentication built
+into the protocol. Therefore a remote server should only be used in a trusted
+private network.
+**Note!** It is possible to access a private network over the internet by
+running VPN server software in the private network. How to set up a VPN server
+is beyond the scope of this document.
+## Endgame tablebases
+### Syzygy
+*DroidFish* can use [Syzygy endgame tablebases](https://www.chessprogramming.org/Syzygy_Bases),
+which can be downloaded for free from the internet. To use Syzygy tablebases:
+* Copy `.rtbw` and optionally `.rtbz` files to the `DroidFish/rtb` directory on
+ the external storage.
+* Change settings in *Left drawer menu* -> *Settings* -> *Endgame Tablebases* to
+ control how the tablebases are used.
+Tablebases containing up to 7 men are supported, although it is probably
+impractical to use larger than 5-men tablebases for handheld devices because of
+the very large size of 6-men and 7-men tablebases.
+### Gaviota
+*DroidFish* can use [Gaviota endgame tablebases](http://sites.google.com/site/gaviotachessengine/Home/endgame-tablebases-1),
+which can be downloaded for free from the internet. To use Gaviota tablebases:
+* Copy `.gtb.cp4` files to the `DroidFish/gtb` directory on the external
+ storage.
+* Change settings in *Left drawer menu* -> *Settings* -> *Endgame Tablebases* to
+ control how the tablebases are used.
+### Tablebases for remote engines
+To configure tablebases for remote engines, go to *Left drawer menu* ->
+*Settings* -> *Endgame Tablebases* and change *GTB Network Directory* and
+*Syzygy Network Directory* to match the paths where the tablebases are installed
+on the remote computer.
+## Interfacing with other apps
+### Sharing games and positions
+To share the current game, tap and hold the chess board and select *Share game*
+or *Share as Text* from the menu. This brings up a list of applications that can
+import the game data. Use *Share game* to send the PGN data to another chess
+app. Use *Share as Text* to send the PGN data as text to a non-chess app, such
+as an email app.
+To share the current position as a PNG image, tap and hold the chess board and
+select *Share as Image*.
+It is also possible to import/export PGN and FEN/EPD data from/to the
+clipboard. Tap and hold the chess board and select *Clipboard* to use this
+function. The *Paste from Clipboard* function automatically detects both PGN and
+FEN/EPD data.
+*DroidFish* will also appear in the list of target apps when you share chess
+data from other chess apps installed on the device.
+### Scid on the go
+If the [*Scid on the go*](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.scid.android)
+app is installed *DroidFish* can directly open games from Scid database files.
+To use this function, tap and hold the chess board, select *File* from the menu,
+then select *Load game from Scid file*. Select the desired file, then select the
+game to load from the file.
+**Hint!** If you later want to load a different game from the same Scid file,
+use the *folder button* to go directly to the game list for the last used file.
+### ChessOcr
+If the [*ChessOcr*](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kgroth.chessocr)
+app is installed *DroidFish* can use that app to scan chess positions from
+magazines or books and automatically set up the scanned position in
+*DroidFish*. To use this function, tap and hold the chess board and select
+*Retrieve Position* from the menu. Select the ChessOcr app and follow the
+instructions in that app.
+If the scanned position is valid it is set as the current board position in
+*DroidFish*. If the scanned position is invalid, *DroidFish* enters edit board
+mode with the invalid position. Correct the position to make it valid and click
+the `OK` button to use the position.
+## Settings
+*DroidFish* has a large number of configurable settings, which can be changed by
+opening the *Left drawer menu* and selecting *Settings*. Some important settings
+not already explained are described in the following sections.
+### Time control
+It is possible to specify the time control as the number of moves to be played
+in a given amount of time. Additionally it is possible to specify a time
+increment that is added to each player's clock after making a move.
+Engine players try their best to respect the specified time control settings,
+but if you are using a very fast time control on a slow device, it is possible
+that the engine runs out of time. When the engine has no time left on its clock
+it will play as fast as it can. This can cause some engines to play very weakly,
+so it is best to use a slower time control if this happens on your device.
+The time control is also used for human players, but note that the game does not
+automatically end if a player runs out of time. It is up to the user to decide
+what to do if a player runs out of time.
+Time control changes take effect when a new game is started.
+### Playing strength
+For built-in engines (*Stockfish* and *CuckooChess*), it is possible to specify
+the playing strength in the *Engine Settings* section. The strength is specified
+as a percentage between 0% and 100%. You can specify the value either by
+dragging the slider, or by tapping the value and entering a new value in the
+dialog box.
+For *Stockfish* the actual strength used is an integer value between 0 and 20,
+so the specified percentage value is divided by 5 and rounded down to an
+integer. Even at 0 strength *Stockfish* plays at a level that may be too high
+for a beginner.
+For *CuckooChess* the specified percentage value is used without rounding and a
+smaller value causes the engine to make mistakes more often and to make bigger
+mistakes. At 0% strength the engine plays random legal moves so it should be
+usable also for an absolute beginner.
+Playing strength changes take effect the next time the engine starts to think
+about a move.
+The playing strength setting is only used in game playing mode. When the engine
+is in analysis mode, full strength is always used.
+**Note!** For non built-in engines, the *Playing Strength* setting has no
+effect. It may however be possible to set the engine strength by modifying some
+of the engine UCI options.
+### Hash table size
+Use *Left drawer menu* -> *Settings* -> *Engine Settings* -> *Hash Table* to
+change the hash table size used by the chess engine.
+In Android there is a limit for the maximum amount of Java memory an app is
+allowed to use. The limit depends on the device and possibly also on the Android
+version the device is running. *DroidFish* will not allow a chess engine to use
+a larger hash table than this limit. This restriction is enforced because
+Android is not designed to run processes requesting a lot of memory, and can
+become unstable or crash or reboot if it runs out of memory.
+It is possible to disable this hash table size limit by creating a file called
+`.unsafehash` in the directory `DroidFish/uci`. This feature should only be used
+if you have determined that it does not cause your device to become unstable.
+**Note!** The hash table size limit is only enforced for engines running on the
+device. Network engines are not affected.
+### Text size
+The text size used to display moves and analysis information can be changed
+in *Settings* -> *Appearance* -> *Text Size*.
+### Piece names
+Use the *Piece Names* setting in the *Appearance* section to control how pieces
+are represented in the move list and analysis information. There are three
+available choices:
+* English letters. The following letters are used:
+ * `P` : Pawn
+ * `N` : Knight
+ * `B` : Bishop
+ * `R` : Rook
+ * `Q` : Queen
+ * `K` : King
+* Local language letters. The letters used depend on the current user interface
+ language.
+* Figurine notation. Small images are used instead of piece letters.
+**Note!** The PGN standard says English letters should be used for identifying
+piece names, so English letters are always used/assumed during PGN
+### Piece set
+You can change the appearance of the chess pieces on the chess board using the
+*Piece Names* option in the *Appearance* section. It is also possible to change
+piece colors in *Color Settings* in the *Appearance* section. Note however that
+piece colors are overwritten if you change the color theme using *Left drawer
+menu* -> *Set Color Theme*.
+### Move announcement
+Use *Left drawer menu* -> *Settings* -> *Appearance* -> *Move Announcement* to
+control how played moves are announced. The following settings are available:
+* *Off*: Moves are not announced.
+* *Play sound*: A sound is played when the computer makes a move.
+* *Speech*: When a move is played by either a human or the computer, a sound is
+ played and the played move is spoken using short algebraic notation. English,
+ German and Spanish speech is available.
+Use *Settings* -> *Appearance* -> *Enable Vibration* to make the device vibrate
+when the computer player makes a move.
+### Button configuration
+Button actions can be changed from *Left drawer menu* -> *Settings* ->
+*Behavior* -> *Configure Buttons*.
+The three leftmost buttons can be changed by the user. Each button has a main
+action that is triggered when the button is tapped. The main action also
+determines the icon used to display the button. Additionally up to 6 extra
+actions can be defined for a button. To invoke the additional actions, tap and
+hold the button, then select the desired action from the menu that opens.
+If all actions for a button are disabled the button is not displayed. Note that
+in *settings* the buttons are named *Custom Button 1/2/3*, where button 3 is the
+leftmost button.
+The three rightmost buttons (the `M` button and the left/right arrow buttons)
+have predefined actions that cannot be changed by the user.
+### Opening book settings
+You can change aspects of the opening book from *Left drawer menu* -> *Settings*
+-> *Other* -> *Opening Book Settings*. The following settings are available:
+* *Book Length*: Controls the maximum number of moves the engine will play from
+ the opening book. This setting does not affect opening book hints. The default
+ is *unlimited*.
+* *Prefer main lines*: When enabled, moves that are marked as main line moves in
+ the book are given a higher weight so they will be played more often by the
+ chess engine.
+ **Note!** This option only has an effect for CTG opening books.
+* *Tournament mode*: When enabled, only book moves that are marked for
+ tournament play are played by the chess engine.
+ **Note!** This option only has an effect for CTG opening books.
+* *Book randomization*: Controls how often different book moves are played by
+ the engine. The default is 50% which means that the statistics from the
+ opening book is used unmodified. 100% means that all book moves are played
+ with (almost) the same probability regardless of the statistics from the
+ opening book. 0% means that the book move with the best statistics is played
+ (almost) 100% of the time.
+* *Book Filename*: This option is set automatically when *Left drawer menu* ->
+ *Select Opening Book* is used. It is however possible to set this value
+ manually in which case the full path to an opening book file should be
+ specified (including the file extension). This can be useful if you have a
+ very big opening book stored somewhere on the device but it would be
+ impractical to copy it to the `DroidFish/book` directory.
+**Note!** The move percentages calculated by *DroidFish* for CTG books are
+unlikely to agree with percentages calculated by other chess programs that can
+use CTG books.