DroidFish: Better layout for edit board in landscape mode.

This commit is contained in:
Peter Osterlund 2012-09-22 11:27:12 +00:00
parent 0456c02cf9
commit 87e38eca80
4 changed files with 132 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -34,14 +34,20 @@

View File

@ -354,6 +354,7 @@ public abstract class ChessBoard extends View {
protected abstract int getSqSizeW(int width);
protected abstract int getSqSizeH(int height);
protected abstract int getMaxHeightPercentage();
protected abstract int getMaxWidthPercentage();
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
@ -369,7 +370,8 @@ public abstract class ChessBoard extends View {
int p = getMaxHeightPercentage();
height = Math.min(getHeight(sqSize), height * p / 100);
} else {
width = Math.min(getWidth(sqSize), width * 65 / 100);
int p = getMaxWidthPercentage();
width = Math.min(getWidth(sqSize), width * p / 100);
setMeasuredDimension(width, height);
@ -490,8 +492,7 @@ public abstract class ChessBoard extends View {
protected void drawExtraSquares(Canvas canvas) {
abstract protected void drawExtraSquares(Canvas canvas);
protected final void drawPiece(Canvas canvas, int xCrd, int yCrd, int p) {
String psb, psw;
@ -601,6 +602,7 @@ public abstract class ChessBoard extends View {
protected abstract int minValidY();
protected abstract int maxValidX();
protected abstract int getSquare(int x, int y);
public final Move handleTrackballEvent(MotionEvent event) {
@ -622,7 +624,7 @@ public abstract class ChessBoard extends View {
cursorX += c * event.getX();
cursorY -= c * event.getY();
if (cursorX < 0) cursorX = 0;
if (cursorX > 7) cursorX = 7;
if (cursorX > maxValidX()) cursorX = maxValidX();
if (cursorY < minValidY()) cursorY = minValidY();
if (cursorY > 7) cursorY = 7;

View File

@ -29,13 +29,11 @@ import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.TextIO;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.Toast;
* Chess board widget suitable for play mode.
* @author petero
/** Chess board widget suitable for play mode. */
public class ChessBoardPlay extends ChessBoard {
private PGNOptions pgnOptions = null;
boolean oneTouchMoves;
@ -68,6 +66,8 @@ public class ChessBoardPlay extends ChessBoard {
protected int getSqSizeH(int height) { return (height) / 8; }
protected int getMaxHeightPercentage() { return 75; }
protected int getMaxWidthPercentage() { return 65; }
protected void computeOrigin(int width, int height) {
@ -84,8 +84,13 @@ public class ChessBoardPlay extends ChessBoard {
protected int minValidY() { return 0; }
protected int maxValidX() { return 7; }
protected int getSquare(int x, int y) { return Position.getSquare(x, y); }
protected void drawExtraSquares(Canvas canvas) {
private final boolean myColor(int piece) {
return (piece != Piece.EMPTY) && (Piece.isWhite(piece) == pos.whiteMove);

View File

@ -30,55 +30,86 @@ import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
* Chess board widget suitable for edit mode.
* @author petero
/** Chess board widget suitable for edit mode. */
public class ChessBoardEdit extends ChessBoard {
private final boolean landScape;
public ChessBoardEdit(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
drawSquareLabels = true;
Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();
landScape = (config.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE);
private final static int gap = 4;
protected int getWidth(int sqSize) { return sqSize * 8; }
protected int getWidth(int sqSize) {
return landScape ? sqSize * 10 + gap : sqSize * 8;
protected int getHeight(int sqSize) { return sqSize * 10 + gap; }
protected int getHeight(int sqSize) {
return landScape ? sqSize * 8 : sqSize * 10 + gap;
protected int getSqSizeW(int width) { return (width) / 8; }
protected int getSqSizeW(int width) {
return landScape ? (width - gap) / 10 : width / 8;
protected int getSqSizeH(int height) { return (height - gap) / 10; }
protected int getSqSizeH(int height) {
return landScape ? height / 8 : (height - gap) / 10;
protected int getMaxHeightPercentage() { return 85; }
protected int getMaxWidthPercentage() { return 75; }
protected void computeOrigin(int width, int height) {
x0 = (width - sqSize * 8) / 2;
Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();
boolean landScape = (config.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE);
y0 = landScape ? 0 : (height - (sqSize * 10 + gap)) / 2;
x0 = (width - getWidth(sqSize)) / 2;
y0 = landScape ? 0 : (height - getHeight(sqSize)) / 2;
private final int extraPieces(int x, int y) {
if (y == -1) { // White pieces
switch (x) {
case 0: return Piece.WKING;
case 1: return Piece.WQUEEN;
case 2: return Piece.WROOK;
case 3: return Piece.WBISHOP;
case 4: return Piece.WKNIGHT;
case 5: return Piece.WPAWN;
if (landScape) {
if (x == 8) {
switch (y) {
case 0: return Piece.WKING;
case 1: return Piece.WQUEEN;
case 2: return Piece.WROOK;
case 3: return Piece.WBISHOP;
case 4: return Piece.WKNIGHT;
case 5: return Piece.WPAWN;
} else if (x == 9) {
switch (y) {
case 0: return Piece.BKING;
case 1: return Piece.BQUEEN;
case 2: return Piece.BROOK;
case 3: return Piece.BBISHOP;
case 4: return Piece.BKNIGHT;
case 5: return Piece.BPAWN;
} else if (y == -2) {
switch (x) {
case 0: return Piece.BKING;
case 1: return Piece.BQUEEN;
case 2: return Piece.BROOK;
case 3: return Piece.BBISHOP;
case 4: return Piece.BKNIGHT;
case 5: return Piece.BPAWN;
} else {
if (y == -1) {
switch (x) {
case 0: return Piece.WKING;
case 1: return Piece.WQUEEN;
case 2: return Piece.WROOK;
case 3: return Piece.WBISHOP;
case 4: return Piece.WKNIGHT;
case 5: return Piece.WPAWN;
} else if (y == -2) {
switch (x) {
case 0: return Piece.BKING;
case 1: return Piece.BQUEEN;
case 2: return Piece.BROOK;
case 3: return Piece.BBISHOP;
case 4: return Piece.BKNIGHT;
case 5: return Piece.BPAWN;
return Piece.EMPTY;
@ -90,14 +121,18 @@ public class ChessBoardEdit extends ChessBoard {
return Position.getX(sq);
} else {
int p = -2 - sq;
switch (p) {
case Piece.WKING: case Piece.BKING: return 0;
case Piece.WQUEEN: case Piece.BQUEEN: return 1;
case Piece.WROOK: case Piece.BROOK: return 2;
case Piece.WBISHOP: case Piece.BBISHOP: return 3;
case Piece.WKNIGHT: case Piece.BKNIGHT: return 4;
case Piece.WPAWN: case Piece.BPAWN: return 5;
default: return 6;
if (landScape) {
return Piece.isWhite(p) ? 8 : 9;
} else {
switch (p) {
case Piece.WKING: case Piece.BKING: return 0;
case Piece.WQUEEN: case Piece.BQUEEN: return 1;
case Piece.WROOK: case Piece.BROOK: return 2;
case Piece.WBISHOP: case Piece.BBISHOP: return 3;
case Piece.WKNIGHT: case Piece.BKNIGHT: return 4;
case Piece.WPAWN: case Piece.BPAWN: return 5;
default: return 6;
@ -108,13 +143,25 @@ public class ChessBoardEdit extends ChessBoard {
return Position.getY(sq);
} else {
int p = -2 - sq;
return Piece.isWhite(p) ? -1 : -2;
if (landScape) {
switch (p) {
case Piece.WKING: case Piece.BKING: return 0;
case Piece.WQUEEN: case Piece.BQUEEN: return 1;
case Piece.WROOK: case Piece.BROOK: return 2;
case Piece.WBISHOP: case Piece.BBISHOP: return 3;
case Piece.WKNIGHT: case Piece.BKNIGHT: return 4;
case Piece.WPAWN: case Piece.BPAWN: return 5;
default: return 6;
} else {
return Piece.isWhite(p) ? -1 : -2;
protected int getSquare(int x, int y) {
if (y >= 0) {
if ((y >= 0) && (x < 8)) {
return Position.getSquare(x, y);
} else {
int p = extraPieces(x, y);
@ -124,8 +171,12 @@ public class ChessBoardEdit extends ChessBoard {
protected void drawExtraSquares(Canvas canvas) {
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
for (int y = -2; y < 0; y++) {
int xMin = landScape ? 8 : 0;
int xMax = landScape ? 10 : 8;
int yMin = landScape ? 0 : -2;
int yMax = landScape ? 8 : 0;
for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++) {
for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++) {
final int xCrd = getXCrd(x);
final int yCrd = getYCrd(y);
Paint paint = Position.darkSquare(x, y) ? darkPaint : brightPaint;
@ -156,33 +207,37 @@ public class ChessBoardEdit extends ChessBoard {
protected int minValidY() { return -2; }
protected int minValidY() {
return landScape ? 0 : -2;
protected int maxValidX() {
return landScape ? 9 : 7;
protected int getXCrd(int x) {
return x0 + sqSize * (flipped ? 7 - x : x);
return x0 + sqSize * x + ((x >= 8) ? gap : 0);
protected int getYCrd(int y) {
if (y >= 0) {
return y0 + sqSize * (flipped ? y : 7 - y);
} else {
return y0 + gap + sqSize * (7 - y);
return y0 + sqSize * (7 - y) + ((y < 0) ? gap : 0);
protected int getXSq(int xCrd) {
int t = (xCrd - x0) / sqSize; return flipped ? 7 - t : t;
int x = (xCrd - x0) / sqSize;
if (x < 8)
return x;
return (xCrd - x0 - gap) / sqSize;
protected int getYSq(int yCrd) {
int t = (yCrd - y0) / sqSize;
t = flipped ? t : 7 - t;
if ((t >= 0) && (t < 8))
return t;
int y = 7 - (yCrd - y0) / sqSize;
if (y >= 0)
return y;
return 7 - (yCrd - y0 - gap) / sqSize;
@ -203,7 +258,8 @@ public class ChessBoardEdit extends ChessBoard {
if (sqSize > 0) {
int x = getXSq(xCrd);
int y = getYSq(yCrd);
if ((x >= 0) && (x < 8) && (y >= -2) && (y < 0)) {
if ( landScape && (x >= 0) && (x < 10) && (y >= 0) && (y < 8) ||
!landScape && (x >= 0) && (x < 8) && (y >= -2) && (y < 0)) {
int p = extraPieces(x, y);
sq = -p - 2;