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2019-09-29 07:47:09 +02:00
2019-09-29: Version 1.77
- Add a user manual.
- Include link to source code in about/help dialog text.
- Handle pasting of multiple PGN games into DroidFish.
- Improve behavior when searching/filtering PGN games.
- Show action bar in load/save game activities to make the "delete file" action
accessible again. Bug introduced in version 1.75.
- Support regular expressions when searching/filtering PGN games.
- Better handling of IO errors when reading/writing PGN files.
- Remove vibration when opening board context menu.
- Don't vibrate when human player makes a move.
- Prevent crash if engine produces an invalid PV.
- Prevent crash when trying to render chess pieces with size 0.
- Prevent crash when trying to read an intent from another app.
2019-07-21 08:59:37 +02:00
2019-07-21: Version 1.76
- Use check boxes instead of switches in settings, to work better on Android 4.
2019-07-20 10:59:44 +02:00
2019-07-20: Version 1.75
- Remove incorrect "engine error" message at end of games.
- Various small user interface improvements.
- Fix null pointer exception in ColorPickerPreference.
- Create EngineServer Java program that can be used as a server for the
DroidFish "network engine" function.
- Send the full game history to chess engines. This is used by LC0 and similar
- Set the working directory for external engines to ".../DroidFish/uci/logs".
This is useful for the OpenCL version of LC0, which needs to create a tuning
- Move the "New Game" menu action from the right to the left drawer menu.
- Update the app icon to look better for Android 9.
- Make the CPU usage notification work for Android 8 and later.
- Fix language setting for Android 9.
2019-04-17 19:46:35 +02:00
2019-04-17: Version 1.74
- Fix incorrect rendering of chess pieces on some devices.
- Add more chess piece sets, mostly from PyChess.
- Add button action to toggle tablebase hints.
- Fix a rare crash in the Stockfish engine.
2018-12-12: Version 1.73
- Update to Stockfish 10.
- Allow changing the user interface language.
- New Simplified Chinese translation.
- Support 7-men syzygy tablebases.
- Add option to load next/previous game by sweeping on the chess board.
2018-02-06: Version 1.72
- Update to Stockfish 9.
- Show selective search depth in the status area when the engine is thinking.
2017-09-30: Version 1.71
- Updated Stockfish engine to git version from 2017-09-06.
- Changed default transposition table size from 16MB to 64MB.
- Made it easier to disable the opening book.
- Fixed crash when trying to speak a null move.
- New Korean translation, from Hyobeom Ahn.
- New Turkish translation, from Emrullah Ertürk.
2017-07-06: Version 1.70
- New Ukrainian and Belarusian translations, from Mix Gerder and Toru Hasegawa.
2017-06-11: Version 1.69
2019-07-20 10:59:44 +02:00
- Fixed crash in Android 7 when handling large PGN games.
2019-04-17 19:46:35 +02:00
2017-06-03: Version 1.68
- Don't do network communication on the main thread.
- Fixed crash when receiving an incorrect PGN intent.
- Fixed stack overflow in request permission handling.
- Fixed possible crash when reading scid database.
- Fixed thread safety problem in MoveGen class.
- Fixed possible crash when canceling a progress dialog.
- Fixed possible crash when starting the edit board activity.
2019-07-20 10:59:44 +02:00
- Added support for multi windows in Android 7.
2019-04-17 19:46:35 +02:00
2017-01-31: Version 1.67
- Fixed crash in text to speech code.
- Improved opening names.
- German translation updates.
2017-01-03: Version 1.66
- Workaround for bug in Samsung text to speech implementation.
- Spanish text to speech support.
2016-12-30: Version 1.65
- Truncate long PV lines by default.
- Remember previous scroll location in preferences.
- English and German text to speech support for move announcements.
- Fixed bug that could cause a mating move to be added more than once to the
game tree.
- Made it possible to set the game result when editing headers.
- Fixed out of memory error when receiving large PGN files.
2016-12-23: Version 1.64
- Added configurable button action to toggle arrow visibility.
- Changed maximum number of arrows to 8.
- Show opening names (ECO classification).
- Made it possible to use the ECO database as an opening book.
- Made it possible to add ECO classification to game headers.
- Made it possible to disable automatic move list scrolling.
- Made UCI_LimitStrength and UCI_Elo options visible.
- Made sharing games with ChessBase app work.
- Made it possible to share an image of the chess board.
- Fixed PGN file parsing problem.
- In edit board mode, use the same board orientation as in game play.
- Made it easier to change number of variations (MultiPV).
- Fixed intent handling in low memory situations, which could cause
the app to lock up.
- Better handling of large amount of data from the chess engine, to
make large MultiPV values work reliably.
2016-11-01: Version 1.63
- Updated Stockfish engine to version 8.
- Show engine hashfull information.
- Updated translations.
2016-08-29: Version 1.62
- Fixed wrong drawer menu background color in the edit board activity.
- Handle 50-move draw rule when "probe at root" is enabled in settings.
- Fixed problem in Stockfish engine that could cause TBs not to be
used if some 6-men TBs are available, the root position contains 6
men, but the root position is not in the TBs.
- Fixed possible crash in TourGuide cleanup.
- Fixed engine communication problem for Android N.
- Updated Stockfish engine to git version from 2016-08-28.
2016-01-13: Version 1.61
2019-07-20 10:59:44 +02:00
- Permission handling for Android 6.
2019-04-17 19:46:35 +02:00
- Let the human player claim a draw that involves specifying but not
playing a move that would lead to a 50move/3rep draw.
- Display usage hints the first time the program is started.
2016-01-03: Version 1.60
- Explicitly set the drawer menu foreground text color. The default
color is hard to read on some devices.
- Update Stockfish to version 7.
- Made it possible to edit UCI options while the engine is thinking.
- Moved buttons slightly away from the screen edges to avoid
interference between opening a drawer and long pressing a button.
- Don't reset MultiPV setting when restarting the app.
- Added "secret" way to allocate an unsafely large hash table.
- Speeded up updating of the move list.
- Improved handling of movelist scrolling when navigation bar is
enabled/disabled and when the analysis view gets smaller/larger.
- Use different background color for move list and thinking output.
- If a game ends with one player resigning after making his move,
allow adding a variation to the game tree with the same move but
without resigning.
- Translation updates.
2015-12-27: Version 1.59
- Include higher resolution versions of the app icon.
- More efficient way to detect if scid on the go is installed.
2019-07-20 10:59:44 +02:00
- Fixed Stockfish startup problem for Android 4.0 and earlier.
2019-04-17 19:46:35 +02:00
2015-12-26: Version 1.58
- Handle "number of search threads" as a normal UCI option, to make it
possible to set arbitrary values and to remember different values
for different engines.
- Added a configurable button action to set engine options.
- Handle non-breaking space in pgn import.
- Fixed very rare syzygy probing bug.
- Improved handling of invalid en passant square in FEN parser.
- More efficient update of "thinking info" when the engine provides
data faster than the GUI can handle.
- Updated Stockfish to version 231015.
- Run the engine process with lower scheduling priority.
- Reordered buttons according to Android guidelines.
- Include engine name in the UCI options activity title.
- Require at least Android 3.0.
- Removed obsolete "go to move" menu item.
- Updated the application icon.
- Use proguard to shrink apk size, but don't obfuscate to make
debugging easier.
- Use a drawer layout instead of the options menu, to fix problems on
some new devices without a menu button.
2015-02-15: Version 1.57
- Updated Stockfish to version 6.
- Auto forward mode when replaying games.
- Translation updates.
2015-01-10: Version 1.56
- Support for Android 5 and 64-bit CPUs.
- Preserve case of UCI option names in the setoption command. Some
engines think UCI options are case sensitive.
2014-10-12: Version 1.55
- Added support for syzygy tablebases.
- Show tablebase hits in the analysis info.
- Allow using different tablebase paths for local and network engines.
- Improved touch sensitivity.
- Made it possible to open the options menu by clicking on the title
bar or by long pressing the M button.
- Changed location of external opening book files to
- Made it possible to modify engine UCI parameters.
- Fixed crash when rotating the display while reading a FEN file.
- Support for "open exchange" engines, such as texel and komodo 8.
- Made the move variation up/down functions work also when the current
position is not a branch point in the game tree.
- Fixed arrow display problem after switching from multi-PV to
single-PV mode.
- Don't allow adding a null move to the game tree when the side to move
is in check.
- Made it possible to specify a full file path to the book file in
- Fixed potential integer overflow problem in CTG book code.
- Implemented DTZ/WDL tablebase hints in the GUI when only syzygy
tablebases are available.
- Updated Stockfish to the latest development version and included
syzygy tablebase probing code.
- Updated translations.
2014-05-31: Version 1.54
- Updated Stockfish engine to version 5.
- Added options for larger hash tables. Useful for network engines.
- Recognize UCI option "Cores" to set number of search threads.
- Changed default preferences to favor analysis mode.
- Don't read the whole engine file just to determine if it is a
network engine or not.
2019-07-20 10:59:44 +02:00
- Removed support for Android 1.5.
2019-04-17 19:46:35 +02:00
2013-11-30: Version 1.53 DD
- Updated Stockfish engine to version DD.
- Handle intents with file names ending with .pgn, .epd and .fen.
- Fixed time management bug triggered by ponder mode.
- Allow using 16 threads. Useful for network engines.
2013-08-20: Version 1.52
- Updated Stockfish engine to version 4.
2013-07-31: Version 1.51
- Avoid crash if playing a move sound fails.
- Give a small positive weight for CTG book moves even if the book
entry says wins=draws=0 for the move.
- Improved detection of number of CPU cores to work on HTC One.
- Ignore UTF8 byte order mark when reading PGN files.
- Handle Intent.EXTRA_STREAM of type "file".
- Fixed bug in Stockfish that could make the engine hang.
2013-05-08: Version 1.50
- Updated Stockfish engine to version 3.
2013-04-07: Version 1.49
- New Polish translation, from Rafał Smyka.
- Made it possible to open .fen and .epd files in DroidFish from a
file manager.
2013-03-14: Version 1.48
- Added function to receive chess positions from other programs.
- New button action to load game/position from the last used file.
- New button action to change chess engine.
2013-01-27: Version 1.47
- Updated translations.
- Updates for NDK r8d.
- Added game numbers to the load/save game list.
- Better MIME type support.
- Improved move sound.
- Fixed problem with long press in move list on Android 4.1.
- Added option to not highlight the last played move.
- Implemented blindfold mode.
- New Italian translation, from Michele Carfora.
- New Dutch translation, from David Pront.
- Fixed strength setting bug when using Stockfish engine.
2012-12-25: Version 1.46
- Updated translations.
2012-10-05: Version 1.45
- Updated translations.
- Configurable hash table size.
- Support for network chess engines.
- Option to use localized names for chess pieces.
- Option to use figurine notation for chess pieces.
- Improved "One Touch Move" behavior.
- Don't show engine strength in title bar in analysis mode.
- New color picker to configure individual colors.
- Preference setting to choose between "sticky" and "toggle" mode for
selecting squares.
- Don't start the white clock in the initial position.
- Updated Stockfish engine to version 2.3.1.
- Option to display captured pieces.
- Menu button now works in edit board mode.
- Support for edit board full-screen mode.
- Better edit board landscape layout.
- Avoid crash if "Scid on the go" misbehaves.
- Made it possible to change background color and text foreground
- Reorganized preferences.
- Made display of variations in the status area optional.
- Added option to not keep variations in the move list.
- When loading a game, switch game mode to edit/replay.
2012-07-20: Version 1.44
- Portuguese translation by C. R. Zamana.
- Fixed crash if engine reported invalid moves in the PV or an invalid
ponder move.
- When stopping analysis mode by pressing the toggle analysis button,
restore the game mode from the last time the toggle analysis button
was pressed.
- Display player names in the title bar when the clocks are not
- Implemented function to share a PGN game.
- Handle PGN file intents with more than one game.
2019-07-20 10:59:44 +02:00
- Disable use of boldface in Android 4.1 to work around crash bug, see
2019-04-17 19:46:35 +02:00
2012-06-16: Version 1.43
2019-07-20 10:59:44 +02:00
- Fixed crash when "Force GPU rendering" is enabled in Android
2019-04-17 19:46:35 +02:00
2012-06-13: Version 1.42
- Made chess board slightly larger.
- Updated translations, new Russian translation.
- Updated for new SDK/NDK versions.
- Optionally vibrate when the computer makes a move.
- Do GTB initialization in the background to improve responsiveness
when many tablebases are installed.
- Configurable buttons.
- Variation arrows no longer override analysis arrows and book
- Fixed bug related to "Flip Board: Player" setting.
- Support for MIPS CPUs.
- Updated Stockfish to a development version to fix problems on
quad-core ARM CPUs.
- Support for SVG graphics, based on svg-android project.
- Use SVG graphics for button images.
- Avoid force close if engine sends invalid moves in the PV.
- Display book move hints in bold face to distinguish them from book
move percentages.
- Improved tapping logic in games and edit board mode.
2012-04-14: Version 1.41
- Ignore leading and trailing whitespace in the TB path.
- Handle PGN intents with scheme "file".
- Avoid infinite recursion in SeekBarPreference.
- Added color themes from "Scid on the go".
- Display PGN comments in a color different from PGN moves.
- Added preference setting for left-handed landscape mode.
- Added support for default player name.
- Added flip board button.
- Changed default number of engine threads to 1. Improves GUI
responsiveness on some devices.
- Allow selecting side to play when starting a new game
- If setting strength to 0% when Stockfish engine is used, show a hint
that using the CuckooChess engine gives even lower strength.
- Made it possible to load/save PGN files in any directory, using the
"OI file manager".
- Made "save to pgn file" easier to understand.
2012-01-28: Version 1.40
- Rewrote the CuckooChess communication so that internet permission is
no longer needed.
- Avoid null pointer exception if engine reports that it is currently
searching an invalid move.
- Added support for Gaviota endgame tablebases.
- Fixed problem with CPU notification not going away if program was
previously killed by Android to free up memory.
- Made the internal Stockfish engine work also on arm v6
- Use html to format the about dialog text.
- Avoid null pointer exception in pgn load/save.
- In "sticky" edit board mode, if the target square already contains
the selected piece, clear the square instead of doing nothing.
2012-01-15: Version 1.39
- Fixed crash when reading broken PGN files.
- Made it possible to hide engine statistics.
- Don't let the "thinking" view take up screen space when it is empty.
- In edit board mode, made setup piece selection "sticky" to make
board editing faster.
- Better error messages when trying to read invalid FEN/PGN data.
- Rewrote the engine communication so that the GUI never waits for the
engine. Improves responsiveness and avoids "NetworkOnMainThread"
- Changed default thinking time to 60 moves in 2 minutes.
- Implemented support for external UCI engines.
- Added Spanish translation, from Amador Cuesta.
- Fix SeekBarPreference for languages that uses decimal comma instead
of decimal dot.
- Automatically create default directory structure on the SD card when
starting the program.
- Fixed bug when exporting time information to PGN data.
- Updated built-in Stockfish engine to version 2.2.2.
- Made strength setting in CuckooChess engine between 0% and 10% even
weaker. 0% now plays random legal moves, and 10% corresponds to the
old 0% setting.
2011-12-18: Version 1.38
- User interface improvements by Aaro Korhonen.
- When making a move, scroll the move list to make the current move
- German translation.
2019-07-20 10:59:44 +02:00
- Fixed crash in some Android versions when long pressing the analysis
2019-04-17 19:46:35 +02:00
text area when the engine was not analyzing.
- Made it possible to click on moves in the move list to navigate to
the corresponding position in the game. Idea from Scid on the go.
- Don't allow setting up positions with too many pieces.
2011-11-20: Version 1.37
- Bug fix for handling of corrupt CTG books.
- New preference setting for controlling number of CPU cores used.
- Use Scid file selection dialog when opening scid files.
- Updated to NDK r7, with added support for x86 devices.
- Fixed PGN header editing bug.
- Updated Stockfish engine to version 2.1.1. (minor)
2011-07-26: Version 1.36
- Support for "pondering" mode.
- Setting for larger game navigation buttons.
- Setting for larger text size.
2011-07-22: Version 1.35
- Finer control over book randomization.
- Implemented Multi-PV analysis mode.
- Fixed possible race condition when shutting down engine.
- Behave better when memory runs out while reading very large PGN
- Made it possible to cancel reading of a PGN file.
- Made it possible to insert null moves in analysis mode.
2011-07-17: Version 1.34
- Added support for CTG opening books.
- Updated to NDK r6.
2011-06-26: Version 1.33
- Fixed force close in previous version.
2011-06-26: Version 1.32
- Implemented function to prevent screen blanking.
- More robust detection of multi-cpu systems.
- Handle MIME type x-chess-pgn.
- Made it possible to set strength by clicking the strength number
field and enter a number using the keyboard.
2011-05-08: Version 1.31
- Bigger margins around the strength seekbar to make it easier to set
0%/100% strength.
2011-05-08: Version 1.30
- Updated Stockfish to version 2.1.
- Adjustable playing strength also for Stockfish engine.
2011-04-23: Version 1.29
- Adjustable playing strength using the CuckooChess engine.
2011-03-27: Version 1.28
- Ported to NDK r5b.
2011-01-07: Version 1.27
- Support for large screens.
2011-01-02: Version 1.26
- Updated Stockfish to version 2.0.
- Made Stockfish use all available CPU cores.
2010-11-28: Version 1.25
- Added support for opening Scid databases when the "Scid on the go"
app is installed. Thanks to Gerhard Kalab for this feature.
- The on-screen M/back/forward buttons didn't work in Android 1.5.
- Added a file menu (load/save game) to the options menu.
- Fixed crash if a color was set to the empty string in preferences.
2010-11-20: Version 1.24
- Added option to draw square labels (a-h, 1-8).
- Added buttons to undo/redo moves and a button to change game mode.
- Fixed draw offer bug.
- New commands to move variations up/down in the game tree.
- Show gui/engine version information in the about/help dialog.
- Added commands to go to start/end of variation, next/previous
variation, and start of game. Connected to long press on left/right
- Added commands to load next/previous game from a PGN file.
2010-11-07: Version 1.23
- Fixed crash when trying to undo first move while playing black.
2010-11-06: Version 1.22
- Implemented animated piece movement.
- Fixed resign bug.
- Changed default color theme to blue.
- Reduced engine CPU priority to improve GUI responsiveness.
- Added "positive scores are good for white" analysis option.
2010-10-24: Version 1.21
- Enabled fast scroll in the pgn selection listview.
- Remember current position in a PGN file after program restart.
- Implemented PGN header editing.
- Added "truncate game tree" function.
- Implemented PGN comment editing.
- Made it possible to select where in a file to save a PGN game.
- New function to delete a PGN file.
- New function to store computer analysis in the game tree.
2010-10-17: Version 1.20
- Fixed occational null pointer exception when exiting program.
- Don't modify clocks in analysis mode.
- Fixed bogus arrows when starting program in a mate position.
- Updated Stockfish to version 1.9.1.
- Use less memory when reading PGN files.
- After loading PGN game, ask user what to do with the game.
Replay, analyze, play white or play black.
- New function to save games to PGN files.
- New function to delete games from a PGN file.
2010-09-27: Version 1.19
- Implemented fullscreen mode.
2010-09-26: Version 1.18
- Redisplay the options menu after selecting undo/redo.
- Implemented PGN game search function.
2010-08-15: Version 1.17
- Added more color themes.
- Added option to invert scroll direction.
2010-08-15: Version 1.16
- Removed space after [ in PGN export.
- Handle more move formats in PGN import.
- Better handling of broken PGN headers.
- Display current move number in the status line.
- Use = character in promotion moves in PGN export.
- PGN file parsing speedup.
- Move numbers were sometimes missing in the displayed move list.
- Implemented support for "One Touch Moves".
- Implemented support for color themes.
- Clocks were sometimes wrong after restarting the program.
2010-08-08: Version 1.15
- Implemented PGN view options.
- Implemented loading of PGN games from SD card.
2010-08-04: Version 1.14
- Better layout for devices with height/width ratio not matching the
HTC Desire (800/480).
- Made user interface for draw claim/offer/accept a bit more clear.
- Added option to use arrows to display moves on the chess board.
- Grouped preferences settings.
- Implemented feature to undo/redo moves by doing scroll gestures on
the chess board.
- Support for handling variations in PGN files.
- Added options to control which PGN features to import/export.
- Added resign command.
- Implemented feature to go to next/previous variation using vertical
scrolling on the chess board.
- Implemented "remove variation" command in the "long press" menu.
2010-07-25: Version 1.13
- The program icon was not shown on Android 1.5.
- Changed "Auto Swap Sides" behavior to make two player games work
2010-07-24: Version 1.12
- Warn user when CPU is used in the background.
- Added chess clocks.
- Support for time controls.
- Added "force computer move" command.
2010-07-22: Version 1.11
- Nicer interface when selecting book files.
- Added option to display opening book hints for the human player.
2010-07-21: Version 1.10
- Fixed memory leak.
- Added icons to the options menu.
- Support for polyglot opening books.
- Removed book mirror code.
- Handle opening book cycles.
2010-07-20: Version 1.09
- Optimization to make program more responsive in long games.
- Show "redo" moves in move list and in PGN export.
- Implemented "goto move".
2010-07-19: Version 1.08
- Fixed crash after "edit board".
- Optimized engine <-> GUI communication.
- Fixed race condition when starting analysis.
- Improved "edit board". Now possible to set all FEN properties.
- Handle mirrored positions in the opening book code.
- Correctly handle draw by repetition after "pseudo-legal but not
legal" en passant square.
- Allow human to claim draw.
- Made engine accept draw offer if far enough behind.
2010-07-18: Version 1.07
- Handle screen orientation changes.
- Added option to play sound when computer makes a move.
- Implemented "edit board".
- Added "Auto Swap Sides" function.
2010-07-15: Version 1.06
- Made it possible to undo/redo moves while computer is thinking.
- Fixed race condition when starting computer thinking.
2010-07-15: Version 1.05
- Added "about" menu.
- Improved responsiveness in analysis mode.
2010-07-14: Version 1.04
- Better looking graphics.
2010-07-13: Version 1.03
- Implemented analysis mode, two player mode and computer vs computer
- Added a 3min thinking time level, to make it possible to play at
tournament time controls.
2010-07-12: Version 1.02
- Support for all Android versions.
- Support for install on SD card in Android 2.2.
2010-07-11: Version 1.01
- Added opening book
- Added JUnit tests
- Bug fix: Correctly handle FEN strings ending with a \n character
- Refuse to run on anything but Android 2.1, because other versions
make the program crash.
2010-07-09: Version 1.00
- Initial version