#!/bin/bash set -e set -o pipefail if [[ ! -z "$TOKEN" ]]; then GITHUB_TOKEN=$TOKEN fi if [[ -z "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ]]; then echo "Set the GITHUB_TOKEN env variable." exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" ]]; then echo "Set the GITHUB_REPOSITORY env variable." exit 1 fi URI=https://api.github.com API_VERSION=v3 API_HEADER="Accept: application/vnd.github.${API_VERSION}+json" AUTH_HEADER="Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" main(){ action=$(cat "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH" | jq --raw-output .action) merged=$(cat "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH" | jq --raw-output .pull_request.merged) echo "action: $action merged: $merged" if [[ "$action" == "closed" ]] && [[ "$merged" == "true" ]]; then # delete the branch. ref=$(cat "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH" | jq --raw-output .pull_request.head.ref) owner=$(cat "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH" | jq --raw-output .pull_request.head.repo.owner.login) repo=$(cat "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH" | jq --raw-output .pull_request.head.repo.name) if [[ "$ref" == "master" ]]; then # Never delete the master branch. echo "Will not delete master branch for ${owner}/${repo}, exiting." exit 0 fi echo "Deleting branch ref $ref for owner ${owner}/${repo}..." curl -XDELETE -sSL \ -H "${AUTH_HEADER}" \ -H "${API_HEADER}" \ "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/git/refs/heads/${ref}" echo "Branch delete success!" fi } main "$@"