# LMCTVPNFY Let Me Containerize That VPN For You ## How to use this? Drop your OpenVPN configuration file in this directory. Let's pretend that it's called `hacktheplanet.ovpn`. Then all you have to do is to run: ``` docker-compose run vpn hacktheplanet.ovpn ``` If you need a password (because your OpenVPN configuration specifies `auth-user-pass`) you will be prompted for it. If the VPN server pushes routes and so forth, they will be added to your machine, because the Compose file specifies `net: host` so the container runs within the hosts namespace. If you **don't** need to specify a password, you can use `docker-compose run -d vpn hacktheplanet.ovpn` to start the container in the background. If you OpenVPN configuration needs extra files (certificates etc) you can drop them in this directory too. ## How to fix DNS To let OpenVPN change your resolv.conf file you need to add 2 scripts to your configuration to trigger the Alpine provided scripts. ``` up /usr/share/openvpn/up.sh down /usr/share/openvpn/down.sh ``` ## Why? Because we're the containerati and we like when things are [neatly arranged in their boxes](https://twitter.com/zooeypeng/status/613053137050439681).