#!/bin/bash set -e set -o pipefail linux_next(){ local dir="/usr/src/linux-next" # Check if we already have the source for linux-next checked out. if [[ -d "$dir" ]]; then echo "Updating linux-next tree git remotes..." ( cd "$dir" git checkout master git remote update ) else echo "Cloning the git source for linux..." git clone https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git "$dir" echo "Adding the linux-next git remote..." ( cd "$dir" git remote add linux-next https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git ) fi echo "Fetching the linux-next remote and updating tags..." ( cd "$dir" git fetch linux-next git fetch --tags linux-next ) local branch="next-$(date +%Y%m%d)" echo "Checking out the correct branch ${branch}..." ( cd "$dir" git checkout -b "$branch" "$branch" ) } install_kernel(){ local VERSION=$1 local OPT=$2 local DIR="/usr/src/linux-${VERSION}" if [[ -z $VERSION ]]; then echo "Please specify a kernel version." exit 1 elif [[ "$VERSION" == "next" ]]; then DIR="/usr/src/linux-next" linux_next fi if [[ "$VERSION" != "next" ]]; then local MAJOR_VERSION=${VERSION:0:1} local V=( ${VERSION//./ } ) local MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION="${V[0]}.${V[1]}" # Get the kernel source. echo "Getting the kernel source for linux-${VERSION}..." echo "This might take a bit to download. Hang tight!" if [[ "$VERSION" == *-rc* ]]; then [ -d "$DIR" ] || curl -sSL "https://git.kernel.org/torvalds/t/linux-${VERSION}.tar.gz" | tar -C /usr/src -xz MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION="${MAJOR_VERSION}.x-rcN" else [ -d /usr/src/linux-${VERSION} ] || curl -sSL "https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v${MAJOR_VERSION}.x/linux-${VERSION}.tar.xz" | tar -C /usr/src -xJ fi # Git clone and apply the patches for the aufs filesystem. if [[ "$OPT" == "aufs" ]] && [[ ! -d "${DIR}/fs/aufs" ]]; then aufsdir=/aufs4-standalone echo "Cloning the git patches for the aufs filesystem..." git clone --depth 1 --branch aufs${MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION} --single-branch https://github.com/sfjro/aufs4-standalone.git $aufsdir ( cd "$DIR" echo "Applying patch for the aufs filesystem..." git apply $aufsdir/aufs4-kbuild.patch git apply $aufsdir/aufs4-base.patch git apply $aufsdir/aufs4-mmap.patch cp -r $aufsdir/{Documentation,fs} . cp $aufsdir/include/uapi/linux/aufs_type.h include/uapi/linux/ ) fi fi # Install Wireguard VPN into the kernel. if [[ ! -f "${DIR}/net/wireguard/allowedips.c" ]]; then echo "Applying patch for Wireguard VPN..." ( cd "$DIR" /wireguard/contrib/kernel-tree/create-patch.sh | patch -p1 ) echo "Patch for Wireguard VPN successfully applied!" else echo "Patch for Wireguard VPN has already been applied!" fi # Copy the config from /usr/src/config if it does not already exist. if [[ ! -f "${DIR}/.config" ]] && [[ -f "/usr/src/config" ]]; then ( cd "$DIR" cp ../config .config # Add the config options for the aufs filesystem. if [[ "$OPT" == "aufs" ]]; then echo "CONFIG_AUFS_FS=y" >> .config fi # Add the config options for Wireguard VPN. echo "CONFIG_WIREGUARD=y" >> .config ) fi ( cd "$DIR" echo "Building the kernel..." make -j$JOBS echo "Installing the modules..." make modules_install echo "Installing the kernel..." make install ) } install_kernel $@ echo "Kernel successfully installed!" echo "You will now want to run update-initramfs and update-grub" echo "or the equivalent for your system."