Change configuration in docker-compose.yml to update passwords for MySQL/RabbitMQ. Note that both passwords in the `postal` service, `mysql` service and `rabbitmq` service have to be changed to the same values.
Postal can be accessed by checking the section below. Note that `postal intialize-config` is already run for you, as the database parameters need to be configured to match the environment variables before the postal tool can be used.
See Note that building a new container (or pulling a new version from Docker Hub) will update the files in postal, so all you have to run is `postal upgrade` after building or retrieving the new container. Updating postal using its auto-update feature is highly not reccomended and likely does not work properly.
The initial design for the container was to be simple, minimal, and customizable, so Spamassassin and ClamAV are not included by default. Feel free to fork and add to the Dockerfile (though you must set docker-compose.yml to build from Dockerfile and not pull an image), or add them by linking additional containers.