#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash # Designed to replace original, overcomplicated entrypoint script from official wordpress docker repository # Why not use already available tools instead?! # Register exit handler trap scriptExitHandler EXIT function scriptExitHandler() { LAST_EXIT_CODE=$? if [ "${LAST_EXIT_CODE}" = "0" ]; then echo "> Script finished successfully" exit "${LAST_EXIT_CODE}" fi echo "> Script finished with an error" exit "${LAST_EXIT_CODE}" } # Applies patch for making WordPress updates impossible function disableUpdatesPatch() { DISABLE_WP_UPDATES="${ENFORCE_DISABLE_WP_UPDATES:-true}" if [ "${DISABLE_WP_UPDATES}" != "false" ]; then echo "> Disabling WordPress updates..." patch /var/www/html/wp-admin/update-core.php Making the patched file read-only..." chmod 0440 /var/www/html/wp-admin/update-core.php fi } # Deletes known WordPress files function deleteWordPress() { echo "> Deleting WordPress installation (core files)" # Instead of one-line find, we're taking a bit conservative approach and separating file and directory removal # This is to ensure that this script never runs on unintended set of files as it's data loss risk rm -rf "/var/www/${WEB_ROOT}/"{wp-includes,wp-admin} rm -rf "/var/www/${WEB_ROOT}/"{.htaccess,index.php,license.txt,readme.html,wp-activate.php,wp-blog-header.php,wp-comments-post.php,wp-config-sample.php.php,wp-cron.php,wp-links-opml.php,wp-load.php,wp-login.php,wp-mail.php,wp-settings.php,wp-signup.php,wp-trackback.php,xmlrpc.php} } # Main function function main() { # Removes trailing zero if found # This is required due to inconsistencies between WodPress docker image versioning and wp-cli core download # If patch version is 0, it is not considered by wp-cli. WP_VERSION=$(echo "${WP_VERSION:?}" | sed --expression='s/.0$//g') WP_LOCALE="${WP_LOCALE:?}" echo "> Verifying 'WordPress ${WP_VERSION}' installation..." WP_INSTALLED_VERSION="$(wp core version)" set -e if [ -z "${WP_INSTALLED_VERSION}" ]; then echo "> WordPress is not present" echo "> Downloading 'WordPress ${WP_VERSION}'..." deleteWordPress wp core download --locale="${WP_LOCALE}" --version="${WP_VERSION}" disableUpdatesPatch elif [ "${WP_INSTALLED_VERSION}" != "${WP_VERSION}" ]; then echo "> WordPress version mismatch" echo "> Expected version: ${WP_VERSION}" echo "> Detected version: ${WP_INSTALLED_VERSION}" echo "> Scraping current files" deleteWordPress echo "> Downloading WordPress version '${WP_VERSION}'..." wp core download --locale="${WP_LOCALE}" --version="${WP_VERSION}" disableUpdatesPatch else echo "> Identified 'WordPress ${WP_VERSION}'" fi } main "${@}" exit $?